The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Stress Reduction with Osteopathy Assessed with GDV Electrophotonic Imaging: Effects of Osteopathy Treatment. | Korotkov K, Shelkov O, Shevtsov A, Mohov D, Paoletti S, Mirosnichenko D, Labkovskaya E, Robertson L. | J Altern Complement Med. | 2012 Mar | VIEW |
Stress Response Modulation Underlying the Psychobiology of Resilience | Lynnette A Averill, Christopher L Averill, Benjamin Kelmendi, Chadi G Abdallah, Steven M Southwick | Current psychiatry reports | 03/28/2018 | VIEW |
Stress responsive biochemical anabolic/catabolic ratio and telomere length in older adults. | Vasunilashorn S1, Cohen AA. | Biodemography Soc Biol. | 2014 | VIEW |
Stress-associated modulation of proto-oncogene expression in human peripheral blood leukocytes. | Glaser R, Lafuse WP, Bonneau RH, Atkinson C, Kiecolt-Glaser JK | Behav Neurosci | 1993 Jun | VIEW |
Stress-induced eating and the relaxation response as a potential antidote: A review and hypothesis. | Masih T1, Dimmock J2, Epel ES3, Guelfi KJ2 | Appetite. | 2017 Aug 5 | VIEW |
Stress-induced neuroinflammation: mechanisms and new pharmacological targets. | Munhoz CD, García-Bueno B, Madrigal JL, Lepsch LB, Scavone C, Leza JC. | Braz J Med Biol Res | 2008 Dec | VIEW |
Stress-induced senescence predominates in endothelial cells isolated from atherosclerotic chronic smokers | Farhat N, Thorin-Trescases N, Voghel G, Villeneuve L, Mamarbachi M, Perrault LP, Carrier M, Thorin E | Can J Physiol Pharmacol. | 2008 Nov | VIEW |
Stress, hypoglycemia, and the autonomic nervous system | Andrea Haas1, David Borsook2, Gail Adler1, Roy Freeman3 | Auton Neurosci | 2022 Apr 4 | VIEW |
Stress, Inflammation, and Yoga Practice. | Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Christian L, Preston H, Houts CR, Malarkey WB, Emery CF, Glaser R. | Psychosom Me | 2010 Jan 11 | VIEW |
Stress, relaxation states, and creativity | Khasky AD//Smith JC | Percept Mot Skills | 1999 | VIEW |
Stress: Neurobiology, consequences and management. | Kumar A, Rinwa P, Kaur G, Machawal L. | J Pharm Bioallied Sci. | 2013 Apr | VIEW |
Stressful life events and leucocyte telomere length: Do lifestyle factors, somatic and mental health, or low grade inflammation mediate this relationship? Results from a cohort of Danish men born in 1953. | Osler M1, Bendix L2, Rask L3, Rod NH4 | Brain Behav Immun. | 2016 Jul 25 | VIEW |
Stressful life events, social support, and epigenetic aging in the Women's Health Initiative | Harlyn G Skinner1,2, Helena Palma-Gudiel2, James D Stewart3, Shelly-Ann Love3,4,5, Parveen Bhatti6,7,8, Aladdin H Shadyab9, Robert B Wallace10, Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher11, JoAnn E Manson12, Candyce H Kroenke13, Daniel W Belsky14,15, Yun Li16,17, Eric A Whitsel3,4, Anthony S Zannas2,16,18 | J Am Geriatr Soc | 2023 Dec 27 | VIEW |
Stressing the accuracy: Wrist-worn wearable sensor validation over different conditions | Luca Menghini1, Evelyn Gianfranchi1, Nicola Cellini1, Elisabetta Patron1, Mariaelena Tagliabue1, Michela Sarlo1 | Psychophysiology | 2019 Nov 1 | VIEW |
Striking EEG profiles from single episodes of glossolalia and transcendental meditation | Persinger MA | Percept Mot Skills | 1984 | VIEW |
Stroke Survivors' Feelings and Perceptions of Their Recovery After a Tai Chi Exercise Intervention: A Qualitative Descriptive Study. | Taylor-Piliae RE1, Zeimantz MA, Dolan H, Rosenfeld AG | J Cardiovasc Nurs. | 2020 Apr 3 | VIEW |
Structural and functional brain networks: from connections to cognition | Hae-Jeong Park1, Karl Friston | Science | 2013 Nov 1 | VIEW |
Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels. | Louveau A1, Smirnov I1, Keyes TJ1, Eccles JD2, Rouhani SJ3, Peske JD3, Derecki NC1, Castle D4, Mandell JW5, Lee KS6, Harris TH1, Kipnis J7. | Nature | 2015 Jun 1 | VIEW |
Structural basis of inter-protein electron transfer for nitrite reduction in denitrification. | Nojiri M, Koteishi H, Nakagami T, Kobayashi K, Inoue T, Yamaguchi K, Suzuki S. | Nature. | 2009 Nov 5 | VIEW |
Structural Changes Induced by Acupuncture in the Recovering Brain after Ischemic Stroke. | Wu P1, Zhou YM1, Liao CX1, Tang YZ1, Li YX2, Qiu LH3, Qin W4, Zeng F1, Liang FR1 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2018 May 23 | VIEW |