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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Three months of Tai Chi Chuan exercise can reduce serum triglyceride and endothelin-1 in the elderly. Lu WA, Kuo CD. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Nov VIEW
Three key factors affecting treatment results of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for delayed unions and nonunions: instability, gap size, and atrophic nonunion. Watanabe Y, Arai Y, Takenaka N, Kobayashi M, Matsushita T. J Orthop Sci. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
Three dimensional Chinese qigong of Heavenly Circle Wang Yinqui 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Three Cases in which Reduction of Tumor Size through Concomitant Use of CAM including Ki Therapy was Acknowledged Fukuoka A//Koyama Y//Fukuoka H//Ueda E//// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2003 VIEW
Threat and the Body: How the Heart Supports Fear Processing Sarah N Garfinkel1, Hugo D Critchley2 Trends Cogn Sci 2016 Jan 1 VIEW
Thread-like structures in the aorta and coronary artery of swine Cho Sung-Jin 2//Kim Byeong-Soo 1//Park Young-Seok 2 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Thoughts about qigong Hong Shizhong 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Thought Field Therapy (TFT) as a Treatment for Anxiety Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Irgens A, Dammen T, Nysæter TE, Hoffart A. Explore (NY). 2012 Nov VIEW
Thorough Clinical Experiment on Bigu-Fasting Wang Jianjun First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness 2001 VIEW
Thoracolumbar Rotation During Tai Chi Movements-A Biomechanical Analysis of the Entire Peking Style Routine Christian Wehner1, Carina Wehner2, Hermann Schwameder3, Wolfgang Schobersberger1 Front Sports Act Living 2022 Feb 2 VIEW
Thirty-six cases of urinary retention treated by acupuncture. Zhang D. J Tradit Chin Med. 2008 Jun VIEW
Thirty minute transcutaneous electric acupoint stimulation modulates resting state brain activities: A perfusion and BOLD fMRI study. Jiang Y, Hao Y, Zhang Y, Liu J, Wang X, Han J, Fang J, Zhang J, Cui C. Brain Res. 2012 Apr 3 VIEW
Thinking versus feeling: How interoception and cognition influence emotion recognition in behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease Jessica L Hazelton1, Sol Fittipaldi2, Matias Fraile-Vazquez3, Marion Sourty4, Agustina Legaz5, Anna L Hudson6, Indira Garcia Cordero7, Paula C Salamone8, Adrian Yoris9, Agustín Ibañez10, Olivier Piguet1, Fiona Kumfor11 Cortex 2023 Mar 23 VIEW
Thinking through the body: the conceptualization of yoga as therapy for individuals with eating disorders. Douglass L. Eat Disord. 2011 Jan VIEW
Thinking about Not-Thinking”: Neural Correlates of Conceptual Processing during Zen Meditation Giuseppe Pagnoni1*, Milos Cekic2, Ying Guo3 PLoS ONE 2008 Sep 3 VIEW
Theta-gamma-modulated synaptic currents in hippocampal granule cells in vivo define a mechanism for network oscillations. Pernía-Andrade AJ, Jonas P Neuron. 2014 Jan 8 VIEW
Theta-gamma coupling as a cortical biomarker of brain-computer interface-mediated motor recovery in chronic stroke Nabi Rustamov1, Joseph Humphries2, Alexandre Carter3, Eric C Leuthardt1 Brain Commun 2022 May 25 VIEW
Theta power and theta-gamma coupling support long-term spatial memory retrieval Umesh Vivekananda1, Daniel Bush1,2, James A Bisby1,2, Sallie Baxendale1, Roman Rodionov1, Beate Diehl1, Fahmida A Chowdhury1, Andrew W McEvoy1, Anna Miserocchi1, Matthew C Walker1, Neil Burgess1,2,3 Hippocampus 2020 Dec 2 VIEW
Thermographic study for qi Machi Y Japanese Mind-Body Science 1993 VIEW
Thermodynamic characterization of human telomere quadruplex unfolding. Buscaglia R, Gray RD, Chaires JB. Biopolymers. 2013 Mar 28 VIEW
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