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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of Qigong exercise on muscle strengths and oxidative stress/antioxidant responses in young sedentary females: a quasi-experimental study Kultida Klarod1, Sanita Singsanan2, Niramon Thamwiriyasati2, Suphannika Ladawan3, Nongnuch Luangpon1, Patcharee Boonsiri4, Martin Burtscher5 J Exerc Rehabil 2020 Oct 27 VIEW
Effects of Qigong Exercise on Physical and Cognitive Performance in Young Sedentary Females: A Quasi-Experimental Design, Placebo-Controlled Study Kultida Klarod, Sanita Singsanan, Niramon Thamaviriyasati, Suphannika Ladawan, Martin Burtscher Altern Ther Health Med 2021 Feb 20 VIEW
Effects of Qigong Exercise on Physical and Psychological Health among African Americans Pei-Shiun Chang1, Yvonne Lu2, Chi Mai Nguyen1, Youngnok Suh1, Mary Luciani2, Susan Ofner3, Savannah Powell1 West J Nurs Res 2020 Sep 18 VIEW
Effects of qigong exercise on the physical and mental health of college students: a systematic review and Meta-analysis Jianping Lin#1,2, Yi Fang Gao#1, Yue Guo3, Ming Li1,2, Yuxiang Zhu1, Ruoshi You3, Shaoqing Chen4, Shizhong Wang5,6 BMC Complement Med Ther 2022 Nov 8 VIEW
Effects of Qigong Exercise on Upper Limb Lymphedema and Blood Flow in Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Pilot Study. Fong SS, Ng SS, Luk WS, Chung JW, Ho JS, Ying M, Ma AW. Integr Cancer Ther. 2013 Jun 7 VIEW
Effects of Qigong exercises on 3 different parameters of human saliva Bayat-Movahed S, Shayesteh Y, Mehrizi H, Rezayi S, Bamdad K, Golestan B, Mohamadi M Chin J Integr Med 2008 Dec VIEW
Effects of Qigong in patients with burnout: a randomized controlled trial. Stenlund T, Birgander LS, Lindahl B, Nilsson L, Ahlgren C. J Rehabil Med 2009 Sep VIEW
Effects of Qigong in Promoting Health of the Wheelchair-Bound Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities. Kuan SC, Chen KM, Wang C. Biol Res Nurs. 2011 Mar 8 VIEW
Effects Of Qigong Life Style Therapy On Intractable Diseases-Its Effects On Intractable Diseases. Unuma H//Obitsu R 8th Int Sym on Qigong 2001 VIEW
Effects of Qigong on blood pressure, blood pressure determinants and ventilatory function in middle-aged patients with essential hypertension Lee Myung Suk//Lee Myeong Soo//Choi Euy-Soon//Chung Hun-Taeg Am J Chin Med 2003 VIEW
Effects of qigong on blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and other lipid levels in essential hypertension patients Lee MS//Lee MS//Kim HJ//Choi ES Int J Neurosci 2004 VIEW
Effects of Qigong on brain blood stream and brain wave Liang Feng//Wu Guozhi//Wang Jiyan 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Effects of QiGong on brain function Litscher G//Wenzel G//Niederwieser G//Schwarz G Neurol Res 2001 VIEW
Effects of qigong on cardiorespiratory changes: a preliminary study. Lim YA//Boone T//Flarity JR//Thompson WR Am J Chin Med 1993 VIEW
Effects of qigong on cerebral blood flow and extremitic blood flow Zhao Baofeng 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Effects of qigong on cutaneous sympathetic activities Ogawa Tokuo 1st Int Sem on Qigong 1986 VIEW
Effects of qigong on depression: a systemic review. Oh B, Choi SM, Inamori A, Rosenthal D, Yeung A. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Effects of Qigong on glucose control in type 2 diabetes: a randomized controlled pilot study. Sun GC, Lovejoy JC, Gillham S, Putiri A, Sasagawa M, Bradley R. Diabetes Care 2010 Jan VIEW
Effects of Qigong on immune cells Lee MS//Huh HJ//Jeong SM//Lee HS//// Am J Chin Med 2003 VIEW
Effects of qigong on late-stage complex regional pain syndrome Wu WH//Bandilla E//Ciccone DS//Yang J//// Altern Ther Health Med 1999 VIEW
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