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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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2012 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
The Effect of Physical Activity on PTSD. Oppizzi LM1, Umberger R2 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2018 Jan 10 VIEW
The physical postures of yoga practices may protect against depressive symptoms, even as life stressors increase: a moderation analysis. Franklin RA1, Butler MP2, Bentley JA1 Psychol Health Med. 2018 Jan 8 VIEW
Biopsychosocial benefits of movement-based complementary and integrative health therapies for patients with chronic conditions. Bolton RE1,2, Fix GM1,3, VanDeusen Lukas C3,4, Elwy AR3,4, Bokhour BG1,3 Chronic Illn. 2018 Jan 1 VIEW
The benefits of yoga in children. Nanthakumar C1 J Integr Med. 2018 Jan VIEW
Review: Beyond conventional therapies: Complementary and alternative medicine in the management of hypertension: An evidence-based review. Wong AP1, Kassab YW2, Mohamed AL2, Abdul Qader AM1 Pak J Pharm Sci. 2018 Jan VIEW
A systematic review of psychoneuroimmunology-based interventions. Moraes LJ1,2, Miranda MB1,2, Loures LF3,2, Mainieri AG4,2, Mármora CHC1,3,2 Psychol Health Med. 2017 Dec 20 VIEW
[Contributions and challenges associated with bodily practices and meditation for health promotion in the public primary care system in the city of São Paulo, Brazil]. Galvanese ATC1, Barros NF2, d'Oliveira AFPL1 Cad Saude Publica. 2017 Dec 18 VIEW
Exercise in the management of knee and hip osteoarthritis. Wellsandt E1, Golightly Y2 Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome. Supriya R1, Yu AP2, Lee PH3, Lai CW1, Cheng KK1, Yau SY4, Chan LW1, Yung BY1, Siu PM2 Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Dec 5 VIEW
Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Iyengar Yoga and Coherent Breathing: A Randomized Controlled Dosing Study. Streeter CC, Gerbarg PL, Whitfield TH, Owen L, Johnston J, Silveri MM, Gensler M, Faulkner CL, Mann C, Wixted M, Hernon AM, Nyer MB, Brown ERP, Jensen JE Altern Complement Ther. 2017 Dec 1 VIEW
Using Integrative Medicine in Pain Management: An Evaluation of Current Evidence. Lin YC, Wan L, Jamison RN Anesth Analg. 2017 Dec VIEW
Using Integrative Medicine in Pain Management: An Evaluation of Current Evidence. Lin YC, Wan L, Jamison RN Anesth Analg. 2017 Dec VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Hood MM1, Jedel S2 Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2017 Dec VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of yoga for managing musculoskeletal conditions in the workplace. Hartfiel N1, Clarke G2, Havenhand J3, Phillips C4, Edwards RT1 Occup Med (Lond). 2017 Nov 30 VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of yoga for managing musculoskeletal conditions in the workplace. Hartfiel N1, Clarke G2, Havenhand J3, Phillips C4, Edwards RT1 Occup Med (Lond). 2017 Nov 30 VIEW
Review of systematic reviews of non-pharmacological interventions to improve quality of life in cancer survivors. Duncan M1, Moschopoulou E2, Herrington E3,4, Deane J1, Roylance R5, Jones L6, Bourke L7,8, Morgan A9, Chalder T10, Thaha MA3,4, Taylor SC11, Korszun A12, White PD12, Bhui K, SURECAN Investigators BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 28 VIEW
The effects of yoga on stress and psychological health among employees: an 8- and 16-week intervention study. Maddux RE1, Daukantaité D1, Tellhed U1 Anxiety Stress Coping. 2017 Nov 23 VIEW
The Efficacy of Tai Chi and Yoga in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyloarthropathies: A narrative biomedical review. Akyuz G1, Kenis-Coskun O2 Rheumatol Int. 2017 Nov 4 VIEW
Psychological Benefits of Yoga for Female Inmates. Danielly Y1, Silverthorne C1 Int J Yoga Therap. 2017 Nov VIEW
Yoga and Healthcare in the United Kingdom. Mason H1, Schnackenberg N2, Monro R2 Int J Yoga Therap. 2017 Nov VIEW
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