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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Habitual walking and its correlation to better physical function: implications for prevention of physical disability in older persons Wong CH//Wong SF//Pang WS//Azizah MY//// J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 2003 VIEW
Is Tai Chi Chuan effective in improving lower limb response time to prevent backward falls in the elderly? Wong AM, Pei YC, Lan C, Huang SC, Lin YC, Chou SW. Age (Dordr). 2009 May 5 VIEW
Effectiveness of Tai Chi on Cardiac Autonomic Function and Symptomatology in Women With Fibromyalgia: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Wong A1, Figueroa A2, Sanchez-Gonzalez MA3, Son WM4, Chernykh O5, Park SY4,6 J Aging Phys Act. 2017 Jun 28 VIEW
Effects of whole-body vibration on heart rate variability: acute responses and training adaptations. Wong A1, Figueroa A2 Clin Physiol Funct Imaging. 2018 May 18 VIEW
Cancer Can Be Cured By Practicing Qigong Wong KK 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Effects of interventions on depression in heart failure: A systematic review. Woltz PC, Chapa DW, Friedmann E, Son H, Akintade B, Thomas SA. Heart Lung. 2012 Sep VIEW
Use of mind-body medical therapies. Wolsko PM, Eisenberg DM, Davis RB, Phillips RS. J Gen Intern Med. 2004 Jan VIEW
Whole-body vibration to prevent intensive care unit-acquired weakness: safety, feasibility, and metabolic response. Wollersheim T1,2, Haas K1, Wolf S3, Mai K2,4, Spies C1, Steinhagen-Thiessen E5, Wernecke KD1,6, Spranger J2,4,7, Weber-Carstens S8,9. Crit Care. 2017 Jan 9 VIEW
3-week whole body vibration does not improve gait function in mildly affected multiple sclerosis patients-a randomized controlled trial. Wolfsegger T1, Assar H2, Topakian R3. J Neurol Sci. 2014 Sep 26 VIEW
A new variant of the electromagnetic field theory of consciousness: approaches to empirical confirmation Wolfram Strupp1 Front Neurol 2024 Oct 18 VIEW
The frequency architecture of brain and brain body oscillations: an analysis Wolfgang Klimesch1 Eur J Neurosci 2018 Oct 1 VIEW
The frequency architecture of brain and brain body oscillations: an analysis Wolfgang Klimesch1 Eur J Neurosci 2018 Oct 1 VIEW
The influence of intense Tai Chi training on physical performance and hemodynamic outcomes in transitionally frail older adults Wolf, S., O’Grandy, M., Easley, K., Guo, Y., Kressig, R. & Kutner, M. Journal of Gerontology A Biological Science and Medical Science 2006 VIEW
The Atlanta FICSIT study: two exercise interventions to reduce frailty in elders Wolf SL//Kutner NG//Green RC//McNeely E J Am Geriatr Soc 1993 VIEW
Reducing frailty and falls in older persons: an investigation of Tai Chi and computerized balance training. Atlanta FICSIT Group. Frailty and Injuries: Cooperative Studies of Intervention Techniques Wolf SL//Barnhart HX//Kutner NG//McNeely E//// J Am Geriatr Soc 1996 VIEW
How Bud Craig's Insights Reshape the Research on Pain and Mind-Body Therapies Wolf E Mehling1 Curr Top Behav Neurosci 2024 Oct 23 VIEW
Effective and Viable Mind-Body Stress Reduction in the Workplace: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Wolever RQ, Bobinet KJ, McCabe K, Mackenzie ER, Fekete E, Kusnick CA, Baime M. J Occup Health Psychol. 2012 Feb 20 VIEW
On the Role of Interoception in Body and Object Perception: A Multisensory-Integration Account Wladimir Kirsch1, Wilfried Kunde1 Perspect Psychol Sci 2022 Aug 22 VIEW
Differences in Cortical Response to Acupressure and Electroacupuncture Stimuli. Witzel T1, Napadow V, Kettner NW, Vangel MG, Hamalainen MS, Dhond RP. BMC Neurosci. 2011 Jul 27 VIEW
A reflection on the management and treatment of cervical spine neuropathies with East Asian medicine: Acupuncture. Wilson JF. Chin J Integr Med. 2013 Jun VIEW
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