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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Adherence to yoga and exercise interventions in a 6-month clinical tria Flegal KE, Kishiyama S, Zajdel D, Haas M, Oken BS BMC Complement Altern Med 2007 Nov 9 VIEW
Adenosine Receptors as a Biological Pathway for the Anti-Inflammatory and Beneficial Effects of Low Frequency Low Energy Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. Varani K1, Vincenzi F1, Ravani A1, Pasquini S1, Merighi S1, Gessi S1, Setti S2, Cadossi M2, Borea PA1, Cadossi R2 Mediators Inflamm. 2017 VIEW
Additional use of acupuncture to NSAID effectively reduces post-tonsillectomy pain Sertel S, Herrmann S, Greten HJ, Haxsen V, El-Bitar S, Simon CH, Baumann I, Plinkert PK Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Nov 4 VIEW
Adding mindfulness to CBT programs for binge eating: a mixed-methods evaluation. Woolhouse H, Knowles A, Crafti N. Eat Disord. 2012 VIEW
Adaptogenic activity of Withania somnifera: an experimental study using a rat model of chronic stress Bhattacharya SK//Muruganandam AV Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2003 VIEW
Adapting to Stress: Understanding the Neurobiology of Resilience Carlos Osório, Thomas Probert, Edgar Jones, Allan H Young, Ian Robbins Behavioral medicine (Washington, D.C.) 2017 Oct-Dec VIEW
Adapting Chinese Qigong Mind-Body Exercise for Healthy Aging in Older Community-Dwelling Low-income Latino Adults: Pilot Feasibility Study Zenong Yin1, Cristina E Martinez1, Shiyu Li2, Martha Martinez2, Kezhi Peng3, William M Land4, Sarah L Ullevig5, Adelita Cantu2, Sharon Falk2, Arthur E Hernández6, Catherine Ortega1, Deborah Parra-Medina7, Maureen J Simmonds1 JMIR Aging 2021 Nov 1 VIEW
Adapted yoga to improve physical function and health-related quality of life in physically-inactive older adults: a randomised controlled pilot trial. Tew GA1, Howsam J2, Hardy M3, Bissell L2 BMC Geriatr. 2017 Jun 23 VIEW
Acute psychosocial stress alters thalamic network centrality. Janis R1, Marie U2, Karsten M3, Lauckner ME4, Deniz K5, Lina SH2, Baczkowski BM6, Anahit B3, Miray E7, Josefin R3, Andrea R8, Ju BY9, Juergen K9, Joachim T9, Talma H10, Arno V5, Michael G5 Neuroimage. 2019 Jun 4 VIEW
Acute Physiological and Psychological Effects of Qigong Exercise in Older Practitioners. Lin CY1,2,3, Wei TT4, Wang CC2, Chen WC3, Wang YM3, Tsai SY5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2018 Apr 2 VIEW
Acute Physiologic Effects of Performing Yoga in The Heat on Energy Expenditure, Range of Motion, and Inflammatory Biomarkers Bradley S Lambert, Katherine E Miller, Domenica A Delgado, Kalyan Chaliki, Joshua Lee, Guillermo Bauza, Francesca Taraballi, David Dong, Ennio Tasciotti, Joshua D Harris, Patrick C McCulloch Int J Exerc Sci 2020 May 1 VIEW
Acute fall and long-term rise in oxygen saturation in response to meditation. Bernardi NF1,2, Bordino M3, Bianchi L4, Bernardi L3 Psychophysiology. 2017 Aug 25 VIEW
Acute Effects on the Counts of Innate and Adaptive Immune Response Cells After 1 Month of Taoist Qigong Practice. Vera FM1, Manzaneque JM2, Rodríguez FM3, Bendayan R2, Fernández N4, Alonso A4. Int J Behav Med. 2015 Sep 14 VIEW
Acute effects of whole-body vibration on trunk and neck muscle activity in consideration of different vibration loads. Perchthaler D1, Hauser S1, Heitkamp HC1, Hein T2, Grau S2. J Sports Sci Med. 2015 Mar 1 VIEW
Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on the Motor Function of Patients with Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Silva AT, Dias MP, Calixto R Jr, Carone AL, Martinez BB, Silva AM, Honorato DC. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Jan 6 VIEW
Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on Peripheral Blood Flow, Vibrotactile Perception and Balance in Older Adults. Mahbub MH1, Hase R1, Yamaguchi N1, Hiroshige K2, Harada N3, Bhuiyan ANH4, Tanabe T1 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 7 VIEW
Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exercises at 2 Different Frequencies Versus an Aerobic Exercise on Some Cardiovascular, Neuromotor and Musculoskeletal Parameters in Adult Patients With Obesity Sofia Tamini1, Roberta De Micheli1, Gabriella Tringali1, Mario Bernardo-Filho2, Alessandro Sartorio1,3 Dose Response 2020 Nov 28 VIEW
Acute effects of whole body vibration on heart rate variability in elderly people. Licurci MDGB1, de Almeida Fagundes A2, Arisawa EALS2 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2018 Jul VIEW
Acute effects of stochastic resonance whole body vibration. Elfering A, Zahno J, Taeymans J, Blasimann A, Radlinger L. World J Orthop. 2013 Oct 18 VIEW
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