The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Deep brain stimulation and electromagnetic interference | Shervin Rahimpour1, Musa Kiyani2, Sarah E Hodges2, Dennis A Turner3 | Clin Neurol Neurosurg | 2021 Feb 25 | VIEW |
Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community. | Sherrington C1, Fairhall NJ, Wallbank GK, Tiedemann A, Michaleff ZA, Howard K, Clemson L, Hopewell S, Lamb SE | Cochrane Database Syst Rev. | 2019 Jan 31 | VIEW |
Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community. | Sherrington C1, Fairhall NJ, Wallbank GK, Tiedemann A, Michaleff ZA, Howard K, Clemson L, Hopewell S, Lamb SE | Cochrane Database Syst Rev. | 2019 Jan 31 | VIEW |
Exercise for preventing falls in older people living in the community: an abridged Cochrane systematic Review. | Sherrington C1, Fairhall N2, Wallbank G2, Tiedemann A2, Michaleff ZA2, Howard K3, Clemson L4, Hopewell S5, Lamb S5 | Br J Sports Med. | 2019 Dec 2 | VIEW |
Evaluation of a group programme of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for women with fertility problems. | Sherratt KA, Lunn S. | J Obstet Gynaecol. | 2013 Jul | VIEW |
Low-intensity electromagnetic fields induce human cryptochrome to modulate intracellular reactive oxygen species. | Sherrard RM1, Morellini N1, Jourdan N2, El-Esawi M2,3, Arthaut LD2, Niessner C4, Rouyer F5, Klarsfeld A6, Doulazmi M1, Witczak J2, d'Harlingue A2, Mariani J1, Mclure I7, Martino CF7, Ahmad M2,8 | PLoS Biol. | 2018 Oct 2 | VIEW |
Human Being and Energo-Information Field | Shermatov EN | First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness | 2001 | VIEW |
Energy Expenditure in Vinyasa Yoga versus Walking. | Sherman SA1, Rogers RJ1, Davis KK1, Minster RL2, Creasy SA1, Mullarkey NC1, O'Dell M1, Donahue P1, Jakicic JM1 | J Phys Act Health. | 2017 Apr 19 | VIEW |
Medical therapies for chronic low back pain: What treatments are patients willing to try? | Sherman KJ//Cherkin DC//Connelly MT//Erro J//// | BMC Complement Altern Med | 2004 | VIEW |
Guidelines for developing yoga interventions for randomized trials. | Sherman KJ. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2012 | VIEW |
A Randomized Trial Comparing Yoga, Stretching, and a Self-care Book for Chronic Low Back Pain. | Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC, Wellman RD, Cook AJ, Hawkes RJ, Delaney K, Deyo RA | Arch Intern Med. | 2011 Oct 24 | VIEW |
Treatment Expectations and Preferences as Predictors of Outcome of Acupuncture for Chronic Back Pain. | Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC, Ichikawa L, Avins AL, Delaney K, Barlow WE, Khalsa PS, Deyo RA. | Spine (Phila Pa 1976). | 2010 Jun 8 | VIEW |
Comparison of yoga versus stretching for chronic low back pain: protocol for the Yoga Exercise Self-care (YES) trial. | Sherman KJ, Cherkin DC, Cook AJ, Hawkes RJ, Deyo RA, Wellman R, Khalsa PS. | Trials | 2010 Mar 31 | VIEW |
Molecular mechanisms of telomere biology disorders | Sherilyn Grill1, Jayakrishnan Nandakumar1 | J Biol Chem | 2020 Nov 12 | VIEW |
A systematic review of acupuncture for sleep quality in people with insomnia. | Shergis JL1, Ni X2, Jackson ML3, Zhang AL1, Guo X4, Li Y4, Lu C5, Xue CC6 | Complement Ther Med. | 2016 Jun | VIEW |
Infectious diseases physicians' attitudes and practices related to complementary and integrative medicine: results of a national survey. | Shere-Wolfe KD, Tilburt JC, D'Adamo C, Berman B, Chesney MA. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2013 | VIEW |
Promoting wellbeing and health through active participation in music and dance: a systematic review. | Sheppard A1, Broughton MC2 | Int J Qual Stud Health Well-being. | 2020 Dec | VIEW |
EEG in Silent Small Vessel Disease: sLORETA Mapping Reveals Cortical Sources of Vascular Cognitive Impairment No Dementia in the Default Mode Network. | Sheorajpanday RV, Marien P, Weeren AJ, Nagels G, Saerens J, van Putten MJ, De Deyn PP. | J Clin Neurophysiol. | 2013 Apr | VIEW |
What is the evidence for the use of mindfulness-based interventions in cancer care? A review. | Shennan C, Payne S, Fenlon D. | Psychooncology. | 2011 Jul | VIEW |
Comparative efficacy of seven exercise interventions for symptoms of depression in college students: A network of meta-analysis | Shengyu Guo1,2, Feiyue Liu1, Jing Shen1, Min Wei1, Yan Yang3 | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2020 Nov 20 | VIEW |