Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of a taiji and qigong intervention on the antibody response to influenza vaccine in older adults Yang YV//Rosengren KS//Mariani RA//Reed M//// Am J Chin Med. 2007 VIEW
Qigong for cancer treatment: A systematic review of controlled clinical trials Lee MS//Chen KW//Sancier KM//Ernst E Acta Oncol 2007 VIEW
The relaxation response: reducing stress and improving cognition in healthy aging adults. Galvin JA, Benson H, Deckro GR, Fricchione GL, Dusek JA. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2006 Aug VIEW
Measurement of spontaneous photon emission from the human body: technical aspects, parameters, time and temperature dependent fluctuations of photon emission Cifra, M. master degree thesis, University of Žilina, Slovak Republic 2006 May 19 VIEW
From efficacy to safety concerns: A STEP forward or a step back for clinical research and intercessory prayer?: The Study of Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP) Mitchell W. Krucoff, MD, FACC, Suzanne W. Crater, RN, ANP-C, Kerry L. Lee Am Heart J 2006 Apr VIEW
[Placebo-controlled study of the effects of a standardized MORA bioresonance therapy on functional gastrointestinal complaints] Nienhaus J, Galle M. Forsch Komplementmed. 2006 Feb VIEW
Characteristics of foot movement in Tai Chi exercise. Mao DW, Hong Y, Li JX. Phys Ther 2006 Feb VIEW
Endogenous electromagnetic field in biological systems: measurement of spontaneous photon emission in visible range from the human body Michal Cifra 1,2, Eduard P.A. van Wijk 3, Roeland van Wijk 3,4 Odborné semináře - Sborník za rok Praha: Czechoslovak section IEEE, 2007, 2006/2007 VIEW
Tai Chi chuan: mind-body practice or exercise intervention? Studying the benefit for cancer survivors Mansky, P., Sannes, T., Wallerstedt, D., Ge, A., Ryan, M., Johnson, L., Chesney, M. & Gerber, L. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2006 VIEW
Development of the simplified Tai Chi exercise program (STEP) for frail older adults Chen, K., Chen, W. & Huang, M. Complementary Therapy Medicine 2006 VIEW
Group tele-exercise for improving balance in elders. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health Wu, G. & Keyes, L. Telemedicine Journal and e-Health 2006 VIEW
The influence of intense Tai Chi training on physical performance and hemodynamic outcomes in transitionally frail older adults Wolf, S., O’Grandy, M., Easley, K., Guo, Y., Kressig, R. & Kutner, M. Journal of Gerontology A Biological Science and Medical Science 2006 VIEW
Standing balance after vestibular stimulation in Tai Chi-practicing and nonpracticing healthy older adults Tsang, W. & Hui-Chan, W. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006 VIEW
Association between oxygen consumption and nitric oxide production during the relaxation response Dusek JA, Chang BH, Zaki J, Lazar S, Deykin A, Stefano GB, Wohlhueter AL, Hibberd PL, Benson H Med Sci Monit 2006 Jan VIEW
Improvement In Balance, Strength and Flexibility after 12 Weeks Of Tai Chi Taylor-Piliae R E//Haskell WL//Stotts NA//Sivarajan Froelicher E Altern Ther Health Med 2006 VIEW
Chinese Exercise Helps Seniors LOHAS Newletter 2006 VIEW
The effect of long term combined yoga practice on the basal metabolic rate of healthy Adults Chaya MS//Kurpad AV//Nagendra HR//Nagarathna R BMC Complement Altern Med 2006 VIEW
Double-blind randomised controlled trial of two different breathing techniques in the management of asthma Slader CA//Reddel HK//Spencer LM//Belousova EG//// 2006 VIEW
Randomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy seniors: Effects on cognition and quality of life Oken BS//Zajdel D//Kishiyama//Dehen C//// Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 2006 VIEW
Neural mechanisms of autonomic, affective, and cognitive integration. Critchley HD1 J Comp Neurol. 2005 Dec 5 VIEW
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