The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Cancer complementary and alternative medicine research at the US National Cancer Institute. | Jia L. | Chin J Integr Med. | 2012 Jan 12 | VIEW |
Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes | Preetha Anand, Ajaikumar B. Kunnumakara, Chitra Sundaram, Kuzhuvelil B. Harikumar, Sheeja T. Tharakan, Oiki S. Lai, Bokyung Sung, and Bharat B. Aggarwal | Pharm Res. | 2008 Sep | VIEW |
Cancer Pain Relief After Healing Touch and Massage. | Gentile D1, Boselli D2, O'Neill G1, Yaguda S1, Bailey-Dorton C1, Eaton TA3 | J Altern Complement Med. | 2018 Sep/Oct | VIEW |
Cancer patients' experiences with and perceived outcomes of yoga: results from focus groups. | van Uden-Kraan CF, Chinapaw MJ, Drossaert CH, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Buffart LM. | Support Care Cancer. | 2013 Feb 12 | VIEW |
Cancer patients’ interest and preferences for music therapy | Burns, D. S., Sledge, R. B., Fuller, L. A., Daggy, J. K., Monahan, P. O. | Journal of Music Therapy | 2005 | VIEW |
Cancer physics: Diagnostics based on damped cellular elasto-electrical vibrations in microtubules | Pokorný, J., Vedruccio, C., Cifra, M., Kučera, O | European Biophysics Journal | 2011 | VIEW |
Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Integrating Traditional Korean Medicine Into Modern Cancer Care. | Yoon SW, Jeong JS, Kim JH, Aggarwal BB. | Integr Cancer Ther. | 2013 Nov 25 | VIEW |
Cancer qigong | Morita Yasahiro | 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong | 1998 | VIEW |
Cancer-curing walking style of qigong | Zhang Songxiang | 1st Int Cong of Qigong | 1990 | VIEW |
Cancer-Related Stress and Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review. | Chandwani KD, Ryan JL, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MM, Sprod LK, Devine K, Trevino L, Gewandter J, Morrow GR, Mustian KM. | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2012 | VIEW |
Cancer, Blood Cancer, TB and Liver Cirrhosis (with Ascites & Varices) Cure With German Homoeo Compounds | Anwer RUR | First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness | 2001 | VIEW |
Cancer, cognitive impairment, and meditation | Biegler KA, Alejandro Chaoul M, Cohen L | Acta Oncol | 2008 Nov 22 | VIEW |
Cancer, sleep problems, and mind-body medicine use: Results of the 2017 National Health Interview Survey. | Voiss P1, Höxtermann MD1, Dobos G1, Cramer H1 | Cancer. | 2019 Sep 16 | VIEW |
Case study of simultaneous recovery from multiple physical symptoms with medical qigong therapy | Chen KW//Turner FD | J Altern Complement Med | 2004 | VIEW |
Case-control study on occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and glioma risk. | Carlberg M1, Koppel T2, Ahonen M3, Hardell L1 | Am J Ind Med. | 2017 Apr 10 | VIEW |
Catabolic efficiency of aerobic glycolysis: the Warburg effect revisited. | Vazquez A, Liu J, Zhou Y, Oltvai ZN. | BMC Syst Biol. | 2010 May 6 | VIEW |
Cell Membrane Oscillations under Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Modulation | Li Lin1, Marshall R McCraw2, Berkin Uluutku2, Yi Liu3, Dayun Yan1, Vikas Soni1, Alex Horkowitz1, Xiaoliang Yao1, Ruby Limanowski1, Santiago D Solares2, Isak I Beilis4, Michael Keidar1 | Langmuir | 2023 Feb 20 | VIEW |
Cell phones and children: follow the precautionary road. | Rosenberg S. | Pediatr Nurs. | 2013 Mar-Apr | VIEW |
Cell Responsiveness to Physical Energies: Paving the Way to Decipher a Morphogenetic Code | Riccardo Tassinari1, Claudia Cavallini1, Elena Olivi1, Federica Facchin2, Valentina Taglioli1, Chiara Zannini1, Martina Marcuzzi3, Carlo Ventura1 | Int J Mol Sci | 2022 Mar 15 | VIEW |
Cellular Aging and Restorative Processes: Subjective Sleep Quality and Duration Moderate the Association between Age and Telomere Length in a Sample of Middle-Aged and Older Adults. | Cribbet MR1, Carlisle M1, Cawthon RM2, Uchino BN1, Williams PG1, Smith TW1, Gunn HE1, Light KC3. | Sleep | 2014 Jan 1 | VIEW |