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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Possible traces of resonance signaling in the genome Ivan Savelev1, Max Myakishev-Rempel2 Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2020 Mar VIEW
Effects of Tai Chi training on the physical and mental health status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Guo C1, Xiang G2, Xie L2, Liu Z2, Zhang X1, Wu Q2, Li S2, Wu Y1 J Thorac Dis. 2020 Mar VIEW
Effectiveness of music therapy in reducing the level of anxiety among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Latif AI1, Alhidayat NS1, Putra SH1, Erika KA2, Ningrat S3, Syahrul S4 Enferm Clin. 2020 Mar VIEW
Should, and how can, exercise be done during a coronavirus outbreak? An interview with Dr. Jeffrey A. Woods. Zhu W1 J Sport Health Sci. 2020 Mar VIEW
Effect of complementary and alternative medicine interventions on cancer related pain among breast cancer patients: A systematic review. Behzadmehr R1, Dastyar N2, Moghadam MP3, Abavisani M4, Moradi M5 Complement Ther Med. 2020 Mar VIEW
Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Epilepsy. VanHaerents S1, Chang BS2,3, Rotenberg A3,4, Pascual-Leone A2,3, Shafi MM2,3 J Clin Neurophysiol. 2020 Mar VIEW
The Mystery of Chemotherapy Brain: Kynurenines, Tubulin and Biophoton Release. Sordillo PP1, Sordillo LA2 Anticancer Res. 2020 Mar VIEW
Effects of yoga breathing practice on heart rate variability in healthy adolescents: a randomized controlled trial. Kuppusamy M1, Kamaldeen D2, Pitani R3, Amaldas J4, Ramasamy P2, Shanmugam P1, Vijayakumar V1 Integr Med Res. 2020 Mar VIEW
Exercise for Parkinson's disease. Mak MKY1, Wong-Yu ISK2 Int Rev Neurobiol. 2019 VIEW
Transcranial Focused Ultrasound to the Right Prefrontal Cortex Improves Mood and Alters Functional Connectivity in Humans. Sanguinetti JL1,2,3, Hameroff S1,2,4, Smith EE1,5, Sato T6, Daft CMW7, Tyler WJ8, Allen JJB1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2020 Feb 28 VIEW
The Impact of Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation on Pain and Life Quality in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome. Kutlu N1, Özden AV2, Alptekin HK2, Alptekin JÖ3 Biomed Res Int. 2020 Feb 28 VIEW
Balance impairment and effectiveness of exercise intervention in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease-a systematic review. Chuatrakoon B1, Ngai SP2, Sungkarat S1, Uthaikhup S3 Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Feb 27 VIEW
Ultrasound-induced blood-brain barrier disruption for the treatment of gliomas and other primary CNS tumors. Beccaria K1, Canney M2, Bouchoux G2, Desseaux C2, Grill J3, Heimberger AB4, Carpentier A5 Cancer Lett. 2020 Feb 26 VIEW
Non-pharmacological interventions for fatigue in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ho LYW1, Ng SSM2 Age Ageing. 2020 Feb 26 VIEW
Non-pharmacological depression therapies for older Chinese adults: A systematic review & meta-analysis. Gill BK1, Cant R2, Lam L2, Cooper S2, Lou VWQ3 Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Telomerase: key regulator of inflammation and cancer. Wu L1, Fidan K2, Um JY3, Ahn KS4 Pharmacol Res. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Human subtelomeric DNA methylation: regulation and roles in telomere function. Toubiana S1, Selig S2 Curr Opin Genet Dev. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Brain Functional Specialization is Enhanced among Tai Chi Chuan Practitioners. Chen LZ1, Yuan X2, Zhang Y2, Zhang S1, Zou L3, Yang L4, Chang YK5, Xia Q6, Wang Y6, Wei GX7 Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Impact of Ultrasound Therapy on Stem Cell Differentiation, A systemic review. Amini A1, Chien S2, Bayat M1 Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2020 Feb 25 VIEW
Electrical stimulation of cranial nerves in cognition and disease. Adair D1, Truong D1, Esmaeilpour Z2, Gebodh N1, Borges H1, Ho L1, Douglas Bremner J3, Badran BW4, Napadow V5, Clark VP6, Bikson M7 Brain Stimul. 2020 Feb 23 VIEW
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