Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Cardiorespiratory function, flexibility, and body composition among geriatric Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Lan C//Lai JS//Wong MK//Yu ML Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1996 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan Exercise for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease. Lan C1, Chen SY1, Wong MK2, Lai JS1. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
Advances in noninvasive functional imaging of bone. Lan SM1, Wu YN2, Wu PC2, Sun CK3, Shieh DB4, Lin RM5. Acad Radiol. 2014 Feb VIEW
The Rebirth of Neuroscience in Psychosomatic Medicine, Part I: Historical Context, Methods, and Relevant Basic Science. Lane RD, Waldstein SR, Chesney MA, Jennings JR, Lovallo WR, Kozel PJ, Rose RM, Drossman DA, Schneiderman N, Thayer JF, Cameron OG. Psychosom Med 2009 Feb 5 VIEW
The Rebirth of Neuroscience in Psychosomatic Medicine, Part II: Clinical Applications and Implications for Research. Lane RD, Waldstein SR, Critchley HD, Derbyshire SW, Drossman DA, Wager TD, Schneiderman N, Chesney MA, Jennings JR, Lovallo WR, Rose RM, Thayer JF, Cameron OG. Psychosom Med 2009 Feb 5 VIEW
Relationship of acupuncture points and meridians to connective tissue planes. Langevin HM, Yandow JA. Anat Rec. 2002 Dec 15 VIEW
Connecting (T)issues: How Research in Fascia Biology Can Impact Integrative Oncology. Langevin HM1, Keely P2, Mao J3, Hodge LM4, Schleip R5, Deng G6, Hinz B7, Swartz MA8, de Valois BA9, Zick S10, Findley T11 Cancer Res. 2016 Nov 1 VIEW
The effect of group exercises on balance, mobility, and depressive symptoms in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial. Langoni CDS1, Resende TL2, Barcellos AB2, Cecchele B2, da Rosa JN2, Knob MS2, Silva TDN2, Diogo TS2, da Silva IG1, Schwanke CHA1 Clin Rehabil. 2019 Mar VIEW
Harnessing Anesthesia and Brain Imaging for the Study of Human Consciousness. Långsjö JW, Revonsuo A, Scheinin H. Curr Pharm Des. 2013 Sep 10 VIEW
Qigong as a putative treatment for immune deficiency syndromes Lansky Philip S 1st World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1988 VIEW
Qigong in Perceptual Auditory Attention: Tool to Improve Sound Integration in Autism Spectrum Disorders Lara Teixeira Lopes, Luis Carlos Matos, Mario Gonçalves, Bruno Ramos, Maria Joao Santos, Jorge Machado, Henry Johannes Greten Adv Mind Body Med 2022 Oct 30 VIEW
Meditative movement as a category of exercise: implications for research. Larkey L, Jahnke R, Etnier J, Gonzalez J. J Phys Act Health. 2009 Mar VIEW
Measurement pilot study of the Meditative Movement Inventory (MMI). Larkey L, Szalacha L, Rogers C, Jahnke R, Ainsworth B. J Nurs Meas. 2012 VIEW
Qigong / Tai Chi Easy for fatigue in breast cancer survivors: Rationale and design of a randomized clinical trial. Larkey L1, Huberty J1, Pedersen M2, Weihs K1 Contemp Clin Trials. 2016 Aug 16 VIEW
Body Composition Outcomes of Tai Chi and Qigong Practice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Larkey LK1, James D2, Belyea M2, Jeong M2, Smith LL3 Int J Behav Med. 2018 May 31 VIEW
Exploratory outcome assessment of Qigong/Tai Chi Easy on breast cancer survivors. Larkey LK1, Roe DJ2, Smith L3, Millstine D4 Complement Ther Med. 2016 Dec VIEW
Finally, a regimen to extend human life expectancy. Larrick J1, Mendelsohn AR2,3 Rejuvenation Res. 2018 May 21 VIEW
Effect of two jumping programs on hip bone mineral density in premenopausal women: a randomized controlled trial Larry A Tucker, J Eric Strong, James D LeCheminant, Bruce W Bailey Am J Health Promot Jan-Feb 2015 VIEW
The effect of electroacustimulation on postoperative nausea, vomiting, and pain in outpatient plastic surgery patients: a prospective, randomized, blinded, clinical trial. Larson JD, Gutowski KA, Marcus BC, Rao VK, Avery PG, Stacey DH, Yang RZ. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Mar VIEW
The effect of electroacustimulation on postoperative nausea, vomiting, and pain in outpatient plastic surgery patients: a prospective, randomized, blinded, clinical trial. Larson JD, Gutowski KA, Marcus BC, Rao VK, Avery PG, Stacey DH, Yang RZ. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Mar VIEW
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