Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effect of short-term and long-term Brahmakumaris Raja Yoga meditation on physiological variables. Sukhsohale ND, Phatak MS. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Oct-Dec VIEW
A pilot study of the effects of meditation on regional brain metabolism in distressed dementia caregivers. Pomykala KL, Silverman DH, Geist CL, Voege P, Siddarth P, Nazarian N, St Cyr NM, Khalsa DS, Lavretsky H. Aging health. 2012 Oct 1 VIEW
The therapeutic value of yoga in neurological disorders. Mishra SK, Singh P, Bunch SJ, Zhang R. Ann Indian Acad Neurol. 2012 Oct VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for breast cancer-a systematic review and meta-analysis. Cramer H, Lauche R, Paul A, Dobos G. Curr Oncol. 2012 Oct VIEW
Physiological effects of yogic practices and transcendental meditation in health and disease. Balaji PA, Varne SR, Ali SS. N Am J Med Sci. 2012 Oct VIEW
Psychological interventions for difficult-to-treat depression. Williams C, Ridgway N. Br J Psychiatry 2012 Oct VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for low back pain. A systematic review. Cramer H, Haller H, Lauche R, Dobos G. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Sep 25 VIEW
Altered anterior insula activation during anticipation and experience of painful stimuli in expert meditators. Lutz A, McFarlin DR, Perlman DM, Salomons TV, Davidson RJ. Neuroimage 2012 Sep 18 VIEW
Meditation-related increases in GABA(B) modulated cortical inhibition. Guglietti CL, Daskalakis ZJ, Radhu N, Fitzgerald PB, Ritvo P. Brain Stimul. 2012 Sep 7 VIEW
The efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction on mental health of breast cancer patients: a meta-analysis. Zainal NZ, Booth S, Huppert FA. Psychooncology. 2012 Sep 7 VIEW
Compassion Meditation Enhances Empathic Accuracy and Related Neural Activity. Mascaro JS, Rilling JK, Negi LT, Raison C. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2012 Sep 5 VIEW
Changes in Autonomic Variables Following Two Meditative States Described in Yoga Texts. Telles S, Raghavendra BR, Naveen KV, Manjunath NK, Kumar S, Subramanya P. J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Sep 4 VIEW
The feasibility and effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for mixed diagnosis patients in primary care: a pilot study. Radford SR, Crane RS, Eames C, Gold E, Owens GW. Ment Health Fam Med. 2012 Sep VIEW
A pilot study evaluating the effect of mindfulness-based stress reduction on psychological status, physical status, salivary cortisol, and interleukin-6 among advanced-stage cancer patients and their caregivers. Lengacher CA, Kip KE, Barta M, Post-White J, Jacobsen PB, Groer M, Lehman B, Moscoso MS, Kadel R, Le N, Loftus L, Stevens CA, Malafa MP, Shelton MM. J Holist Nurs. 2012 Sep VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for treating tinnitus. Philippot P, Nef F, Clauw L, de Romrée M, Segal Z. Clin Psychol Psychother. 2012 Sep VIEW
Mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions for anxiety disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Vøllestad J, Nielsen MB, Nielsen GH. Br J Clin Psychol 2012 Sep VIEW
Salutary proximal processes and distal mood and anxiety vulnerability outcomes of mindfulness training: a pilot preventive intervention. Tanay G, Lotan G, Bernstein A Behav Ther. 2012 Sep VIEW
Effects of interventions on depression in heart failure: A systematic review. Woltz PC, Chapa DW, Friedmann E, Son H, Akintade B, Thomas SA. Heart Lung. 2012 Sep VIEW
Evidence and potential mechanisms for mindfulness practices and energy psychology for obesity and binge-eating disorder. Sojcher R, Gould Fogerite S, Perlman A. Explore (NY). 2012 Sep VIEW
Effect of laughter yoga on mood and heart rate variability in patients awaiting organ transplantation: a pilot study. Dolgoff-Kaspar R, Baldwin A, Johnson MS, Edling N, Sethi GK. Altern Ther Health Med. 2012 Sep-Oct VIEW
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