The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Yoga, mindfulness-based stress reduction and stress-related physiological measures: A meta-analysis. | Pascoe MC1, Thompson DR2, Ski CF3 | Psychoneuroendocrinology. | 2017 Aug 30 | VIEW |
Yoga, Physical Therapy, or Education for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Noninferiority Trial. | Saper RB1, Lemaster C1, Delitto A1, Sherman KJ1, Herman PM1, Sadikova E1, Stevans J1, Keosaian JE1, Cerrada CJ1, Femia AL1, Roseen EJ1, Gardiner P1, Barnett KG1, Faulkner C1, Weinberg J1 | Ann Intern Med. | 2017 Jun 20 | VIEW |
Yoga: A spiritual practice with therapeutic value in psychiatry. | Varambally S, Gangadhar BN. | Asian J Psychiatr. | 2012 Jun | VIEW |
Yoga: an evidence-based prescription for menopausal symptoms? | Cohen BE | Menopause | 2008 Jul 9 | VIEW |
Yoga: Can it be integrated with treatment of neuropathic pain? | Telles S1,2, Sayal N1,3, Nacht C4, Chopra A4, Patel K4, Wnuk A4, Dalvi P5, Bhatia K6, Miranpuri G4, Anand A3 | Ann Neurosci. | 2019 Apr | VIEW |
Yoga's Impact on Inflammation, Mood, and Fatigue in Breast Cancer Survivors: A Randomized Controlled Trial. | Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Bennett JM, Andridge R, Peng J, Shapiro CL, Malarkey WB, Emery CF, Layman R, Mrozek EE, Glaser R. | J Clin Oncol. | 2014 Jan 27 | VIEW |
YogaHome: Teaching and Research Challenges in a Yoga Program with Homeless Adults. | Davis-Berman J, Farkas J. | Int J Yoga Therap. | 2012 | VIEW |
Yogic breathing when compared to attention control reduces the levels of pro-inflammatory biomarkers in saliva: a pilot randomized controlled trial. | Twal WO1, Wahlquist AE2, Balasubramanian S3 | BMC Complement Altern Med. | 2016 Aug 18 | VIEW |
Yogic meditation improves objective and subjective sleep quality of healthcare professionals | Priscilla Caetano Guerra1, Danilo F Santaella2, Vania D'Almeida3, Rogerio Santos-Silva3, Sergio Tufik3, Claudio Arnaldo Len4 | Complement Ther Clin Pract | 2020 Aug 1 | VIEW |
Yogic meditation reverses NF-κB and IRF-related transcriptome dynamics in leukocytes of family dementia caregivers in a randomized controlled trial. | Black DS, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Breen E, St Cyr NM, Nazarian N, Khalsa DS, Lavretsky H. | Psychoneuroendocrinology. | 2012 Jul 13 | VIEW |
Yogic practice and diabetes mellitus in geriatric patients. | Beena RK, Sreekumaran E. | Int J Yoga. | 2013 Jan | VIEW |
Zen Yoga: good medicine for surgical patients | Bottalla C | RN | 2008 Jul | VIEW |