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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Efficacy of diaphragmatic breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Fernandes M, Cukier A, Feltrim MI. Chron Respir Dis. 2011 VIEW
Mindfulness and the attenuation of post-event processing in social phobia: an experimental investigation. Cassin SE, Rector NA. Cogn Behav Ther. 2011 VIEW
Hearing outcome after gamma knife radiosurgery for vestibular schwannoma: a prospective Belgian clinical study. Delbrouck C, Hassid S, Choufani G, De Witte O, Devriendt D, Massager N. B-ENT 2011 VIEW
Immediate effect of sukha pranayama on cardiovascular variables in patients of hypertension. Bhavanani AB, Sanjay Z, Madanmohan. Int J Yoga Therap. 2011 VIEW
Photoelectric stimulation of defined ear points (Smokex-Pro method) as an aid for smoking cessation: a prospective observational 2-year study with 156 smokers in a primary care setting. Breivogel B, Vuthaj B, Krumm B, Hummel J, Cornell D, Diehl A. Eur Addict Res. 2011 VIEW
Electroacupuncture stimulation using different frequencies (10 and 100 Hz) changes the energy metabolism in induced hyperglycemic rats. Figueiredo LM, Silva AH, Prado Neto AX, Hissa MN, Vasconcelos PR, Guimarães SB. Acta Cir Bras. 2011 VIEW
Brief trauma intervention with Rwandan genocide-survivors using thought field therapy. Connolly S, Sakai C. Int J Emerg Ment Health. 2011 VIEW
Mechanochemical modeling of dynamic microtubule growth involving sheet-to-tube transition. Ji XY, Feng XQ. PLoS One. 2011 VIEW
Photonic Communications and Information Encoding in Biological Systems S.N. Mayburov Quant. Com. Com. 2011 VIEW
Label-Free Biosensors for Cell Biology Ye Fang International Journal of Electrochemistry 2011 VIEW
Summary of the Updated American Geriatrics Society/British Geriatrics Society clinical practice guideline for prevention of falls in older persons. Panel on Prevention of Falls in Older Persons, American Geriatrics Society and British Geriatrics Society1 J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011 Jan VIEW
A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a polyherbal formulation in geriatric age group: A phase IV clinical report. Banerjeee P, Maity S, Das T, Mazumder S. J Ethnopharmacol. 2011 Jan 3 VIEW
Randomized controlled pilot trial of yoga in overweight and obese breast cancer survivors: effects on quality of life and anthropometric measures. Littman AJ, Bertram LC, Ceballos R, Ulrich CM, Ramaprasad J, McGregor B, McTiernan A. Support Care Cancer. 2011 Jan 5 VIEW
Acupuncture for Symptom Management in Patients with Hyper-IgE (Job's) Syndrome. Ge AX, Ryan ME, Holland SM, Freeman AF, Anderson VL, Wang F, Fleshman JW. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jan 5 VIEW
High-Velocity Insertion of Acupuncture Needle Is Related to Lower Level of Pain. Yin CS, Kim JH, Park HJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jan 5 VIEW
Acupuncture to Danzhong but not to Zhongting increases the cardiac vagal component of heart rate variability. Kurono Y, Minagawa M, Ishigami T, Yamada A, Kakamu T, Hayano J. Auton Neurosci. 2011 Jan 6 VIEW
Reducing the fear of falling among community-dwelling elderly adults through cognitive-behavioural strategies and intense Tai Chi exercise: a randomized controlled trial. Huang TT, Yang LH, Liu CY. J Adv Nurs. 2011 Jan 7 VIEW
Physiologic Correlates of T'ai Chi Chuan. Iuliano B, Grahn D, Cao V, Zhao B, Rose J. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Jan 11 VIEW
The Role of Antioxidants in Health, Disease and Aging. Obrenovich ME, Li Y, Parvathaneni K, Yendluri BB, Palacios HH, Leszek J, Aliev G. CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. 2011 Jan 11 VIEW
Chinese acupuncture for chronic shoulder pain: 65% response rate at 6 weeks compared with 24% with sham acupuncture and 37% with standard conservative orthopaedic treatment. Ernst E. Evid Based Med. 2011 Jan 12 VIEW
Effects of Healing Touch in Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials. Anderson JG, Taylor AG. J Holist Nurs 2011 Jan 12 VIEW
Cost-effectiveness of guideline-endorsed treatments for low back pain: a systematic review. Lin CW, Haas M, Maher CG, Machado LA, van Tulder MW. Eur Spine J. 2011 Jan 13 VIEW
Mindfulness Meditation to Improve Care Quality and Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Settings. Zeller JM, Lamb K. Geriatr Nurs. 2011 Jan 14 VIEW
Use of complementary and alternative medicine at Norwegian and Danish hospitals. Salomonsen LJ, Skovgaard L, la Cour S, Nyborg L, Launso L, Fonnebo V. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jan 18 VIEW
Acupuncture for primary dysmenorrhoea. Smith CA, Zhu X, He L, Song J. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jan 19 VIEW
Acupuncture for cancer pain in adults. Paley CA, Johnson MI, Tashani OA, Bagnall AM. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jan 19 VIEW
Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessation. White AR, Rampes H, Liu JP, Stead LF, Campbell J. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Jan 19 VIEW
Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same? Chiesa A, Malinowski P. J Clin Psychol. 2011 Jan 19 VIEW
Spontaneous and visible light-induced ultraweak photon emission from rat eyes. Wang C, Bókkon I, Dai J, Antal I. Brain Res. 2011 Jan 19 VIEW
A 1-μT extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field vs. sham control for mild-to-moderate hypertension: a double-blind, randomized study. Nishimura T, Tada H, Guo X, Murayama T, Teramukai S, Okano H, Yamada J, Mohri K, Fukushima M. Hypertens Res 2011 Jan 20 VIEW
Acupuncture Versus Paroxetine for the Treatment of Premature Ejaculation: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Sunay D, Sunay M, Aydoğmuş Y, Bağbancı S, Arslan H, Karabulut A, Emir L. Eur Urol 2011 Jan 20 VIEW
Potent alpha-amylase inhibitory activity of Indian Ayurvedic medicinal plants. P S, Zinjarde SS, Bhargava SY, Ravikumar A. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Jan 20 VIEW
[Electromagnetic Fields, Electric Current and Bone Healing - What is the Evidence?] Schmidt-Rohlfing B, Silny J, Gavenis K, Heussen N. Z Orthop Unfall. 2011 Jan 21 VIEW
Eight weeks to a better brain McGreevey, Sue harvard gazette 2011 Jan 21 VIEW
[Medical relevance of magnetic fields in pain therapy.] Salomonowitz G, Friedrich M, Güntert BJ. Schmerz 2011 Jan 23 VIEW
The model of western integrative medicine: The role of Chinese medicine. Dobos G, Tao I. Chin J Integr Med. 2011 Jan 23 VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for patients with anxiety disorders: Evaluation in a randomized controlled trial. Vøllestad J, Sivertsen B, Nielsen GH. Behav Res Ther. 2011 Jan 27 VIEW
Low-grade inflammation in chronic diseases: An integrative pathophysiology anticipated by homeopathy? Adler UC. Med Hypotheses. 2011 Jan 28 VIEW
Evidence That Music Listening Reduces Preoperative Patients' Anxiety. Lee KC, Chao YH, Yiin JJ, Hsieh HY, Dai WJ, Chao YF. Biol Res Nurs. 2011 Jan 28 VIEW
The Effect of Brief Electrical and Manual Acupuncture Stimulation on Mechanical Experimental Pain. Schliessbach J, van der Klift E, Arendt-Nielsen L, Curatolo M, Streitberger K. Pain Med. 2011 Jan 28 VIEW
Dielectric properties of human skin at an acupuncture point in the 50-75 GHz frequency range: A pilot study. Egot-Lemaire SJ, Ziskin MC. Bioelectromagnetics. 2011 Jan 31 VIEW
Qigong training and effects on stress, neck-shoulder pain and life quality in a computerised office environment. Skoglund L, Josephson M, Wahlstedt K, Lampa E, Norbäck D. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
Effects of yoga on balance and gait properties in women with musculoskeletal problems: A pilot study. Ulger O, Yağlı NV. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
Increased mindfulness - The active component of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program? Dobkin PL, Zhao Q. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
An investigation into the effectiveness of traditional Chinese acupuncture (TCA) for chronic stress in adults: A randomised controlled pilot study. Huang W, Howie J, Taylor A, Robinson N. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
Yoga clinical research review. Field T. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
The state of research on complementary and alternative medicine in pediatric rheumatology. April KT, Walji R. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2011 Feb VIEW
Mindfulness meditation: a primer for rheumatologists. Young LA. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2011 Feb VIEW
Yoga for arthritis: a scoping review. Haaz S, Bartlett SJ. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2011 Feb VIEW
Tai chi and rheumatic diseases. Wang C. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2011 Feb VIEW
Acupuncture for the induction of labour: a double-blind randomised controlled study. Steer P. Editor-in-Chief, BJOG. 2011 Feb VIEW
The role of breathing training in asthma management. Bruton A, Thomas M. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2011 Feb VIEW
Role of naturopathy and yoga treatment in the management of hypertension Murthy SN, Rao NS, Nandkumar B, Kadam A. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2011 Feb VIEW
[Impact of a training program in full consciousness (mindfulness) in the measure of growth and personal self-realization.] Franco Justo C, de la Fuente Arias M, Salvador Granados M. Psicothema. 2011 Feb VIEW
Review of the randomized clinical stroke rehabilitation trials in 2009. Rabadi MH. Med Sci Monit. 2011 Feb 1 VIEW
Tai chi Qigong improves lung functions and activity tolerance in COPD clients: A single blind, randomized controlled trial. Chan AW, Lee A, Suen LK, Tam WW. Complement Ther Med. 2011 Feb VIEW
The transport of extremely low-frequency electrical signals through an acupuncture meridian compared to nonmeridian tissue. Spaulding K, Chamberlin K. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb VIEW
Autonomic activation in insomnia: the case for acupuncture. Huang W, Kutner N, Bliwise DL. J Clin Sleep Med. 2011 Feb VIEW
Exercise and osteoporosis-related fractures: perspectives and recommendations of the sports and exercise scientist. Kemmler W, Stengel S. Phys Sportsmed. 2011 Feb VIEW
Inspiratory muscular training in chronic stroke survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Britto RR, Rezende NR, Marinho KC, Torres JL, Parreira VF, Teixeira-Salmela LF. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2011 Feb VIEW
The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory. Mitchell DJ, Cusack R. Front Hum Neurosci. 2011 Feb VIEW
[Effect of acupuncture-assisted anesthesia on stress response during laparoscopic cholecystectomy in aged patients]. Wu Y, Yuan J, Feng XM. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2011 Feb VIEW
[Study on response of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging induced by abdominal acupuncture with invigorating the kidney and nourishing marrow method]. Zhong ZP, Wu SS, Chen ZG, Bo L. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2011 Feb VIEW
Assessment of motor pathways by magnetic stimulation in human and veterinary medicine. Van Soens I, Van Ham LM. Vet J. 2011 Feb VIEW
Breathing evaluation and retraining as an adjunct to manual therapy. McLaughlin L, Goldsmith CH, Coleman K. Man Ther. 2011 Feb VIEW
Epigenetics and hypertension. Millis RM. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2011 Feb VIEW
[Characteristics of PET cerebral functional imaging during "Deqi" of acupuncture in healthy volunteers]. Zhang GF, Huang Y, Tang CZ, Wang SX, Yang JJ, Shan BC. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2011 Feb VIEW
[Effect of moderate acupuncture-stimulation of "Taichong" (LR 3) on blood pressure and plasma endothelin-1 levels in spontaneous hypertension rats]. Wang JY, Tang CZ, He ZQ, Zhang J, Hao MF, Ma CM, Yang ZH, Lai XS. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2011 Feb VIEW
Impact of inspiratory muscle training in patients with COPD: what is the evidence? Gosselink R, De Vos J, van den Heuvel SP, Segers J, Decramer M, Kwakkel G. Eur Respir J. 2011 Feb VIEW
One method for objective adherence measurement in mind-body medicine. Wahbeh H, Zwickey H, Oken B. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb VIEW
The effects of acupressure on primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized controlled trial. Mirbagher-Ajorpaz N, Adib-Hajbaghery M, Mosaebi F. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Feb VIEW
Ephaptic coupling of cortical neurons Costas A Anastassiou1, Rodrigo Perin, Henry Markram, Christof Koch Nat Neurosci 2011 Feb 1 VIEW
A randomised controlled study of the effects of music on sleep quality in older people. Chan MF. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Feb 7 VIEW
Qigong for healthcare: an overview of systematic reviews. Lee MS, Oh B, Ernst E. JRSM Short Rep. 2011 Feb 7 VIEW
Increased mobility and stem-cell proliferation rate in Dugesia tigrina induced by 880nm light emitting diode. Wu HP1, Persinger MA. J Photochem Photobiol B. 2011 Feb 7 VIEW
Neurofeedback-Enhanced Gamma Brainwaves from the Prefrontal Cortical Region of Meditators and Non-Meditators and Associated Subjective Experiences. Rubik B. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb 8 VIEW
Acupuncture Treatment as Breastfeeding Support: Preliminary Data. Neri I, Allais G, Vaccaro V, Minniti S, Airola G, Schiapparelli P, Benedetto C, Facchinetti F. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb 8 VIEW
The Analgesic Effect of Magnetic Acupressure in Cancer Patients Undergoing Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy: A Randomized, Blinded, Controlled Trial. Bao T, Ye X, Skinner J, Cao B, Fisher J, Nesbit S, Grossman SA. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011 Feb 8 VIEW
Community vs. institutional elders' evaluations of and preferences for yoga exercises. Chen KM, Wang HH, Li CH, Chen MH. J Clin Nurs. 2011 Feb 9 VIEW
Mental training as a tool in the neuroscientific study of brain and cognitive plasticity. Slagter HA, Davidson RJ, Lutz A. Front Hum Neurosci. 2011 Feb 10 VIEW
Subjective Well-being in Patients With Chronic Tension-type Headache: Effect of Acupuncture, Physical Training, and Relaxation Training. Söderberg EI, Carlsson JY, Stener-Victorin E, Dahlöf C. Clin J Pain. 2011 Feb 11 VIEW
How to Prescribe Tai Chi Therapy. Allen J, Meires J. J Transcult Nurs. 2011 Feb 11 VIEW
Acupuncture and heart rate variability. Alraek T, Tan CO. Acupunct Med. 2011 Feb 11 VIEW
The relationship of subjective sleep quality and cardiac autonomic nervous system in postmenopausal women with insomnia under auricular acupressure. Kung YY, Yang CC, Chiu JH, Kuo TB. Menopause 2011 Feb 12 VIEW
Homeopathy for Depression - DEP-HOM: study protocol for a randomized, partially double-blind, placebo controlled, four armed study. Adler UC, Kruger S, Teut M, Ludtke R, Bartsch I, Schutzler L, Melcher F, Willich SN, Linde K, Witt CM. Trials 2011 Feb 14 VIEW
Music therapy for patients receiving spine surgery. Lin PC, Lin ML, Huang LC, Hsu HC, Lin CC. J Clin Nurs 2011 Feb 15 VIEW
Activation of the anterior prefrontal cortex and serotonergic system is associated with improvements in mood and EEG changes induced by Zen meditation Yu X, Fumoto M, Nakatani Y, Sekiyama T, Kikuchi H, Seki Y, Sato-Suzuki I, Arita H. Int J Psychophysiol. 2011 Feb 16 VIEW
Auricular electroacupuncture reduces frequency and severity of Raynaud attacks. Schlager O, E Gschwandtner M, Mlekusch I, Herberg K, Frohner T, Schillinger M, Koppensteiner R, Mlekusch W. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 Feb 17 VIEW
Impact of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training on Intrinsic Brain Connectivity. Kilpatrick LA, Suyenobu BY, Smith SR, Bueller JA, Goodman T, Creswell JD, Tillisch K, Mayer EA, Naliboff BD. Neuroimage. 2011 Feb 17 VIEW
Issues of design and statistical analysis in controlled clinical acupuncture trials: An analysis of English-language reports from Western journals. Shuai P, Zhou XH, Lao L, Li X. Stat med 2011 Feb 22 VIEW
Evaluating traditional Chinese medicine using modern clinical trial design and statistical methodology: Application to a randomized controlled acupuncture trial. Lao L, Huang Y, Feng C, Berman BM, Tan MT. Stat Med. 2011 Feb 23 VIEW
The effects of sedative music, arousal music, and silence on electrocardiography signals. Dousty M, Daneshvar S, Haghjoo M. J Electrocardiol. 2011 Feb 23 VIEW
Acupuncture for Treating Temporomandibular Joint Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized, Sham-controlled Trials. Jung A, Shin BC, Lee MS, Sim H, Ernst E. J Dent 2011 Feb 24 VIEW
T'ai-Chi Intervention in Men with Fibromyalgia: A Multiple-Patient Case Report. Carbonell-Baeza A, Romero A, Aparicio VA, Tercedor P, Delgado-Fernández M, Ruiz JR. J Altern Complement Med. 2011 Feb 25 VIEW
Intracerebral source generators characterizing concentrative meditation. Lavallee CF, Hunter MD, Persinger MA. Cogn Process. 2011 Feb 25 VIEW
Assessing the Quality of Reports about Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture Treatment on Mild Cognitive Impairment. Lu X, Hongcai S, Jiaying W, Jing H, Jun X. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 25 VIEW
Mindfulness training for coping with hot flashes: results of a randomized trial. Carmody JF, Crawford S, Salmoirago-Blotcher E, Leung K, Churchill L, Olendzki N. Menopause 2011 Feb 26 VIEW
Acupuncture for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Conceptual, Clinical, and Biological Data Support Further Research. Hollifield M. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2011 Feb 26 VIEW
The moderation of Mindfulness-based stress reduction effects by trait mindfulness: Results from a randomized controlled trial. The moderation of Mindfulness-based stress reduction effects by trait mindfulness: Results from a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Psychol. 2011 Mar VIEW
Biologic effects of mindfulness meditation: growing insights into neurobiologic aspects of the prevention of depression. Young SN. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2011 Mar VIEW
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