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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 18841 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Complimentary effect of yogic sound resonance relaxation technique in patients with common neck pain. Yogitha B, Nagarathna R, John E, Nagendra H. Int J Yoga. 2010 Jan VIEW
Application of integrated yoga therapy to increase imitation skills in children with autism spectrum disorder. Radhakrishna S. Int J Yoga. 2010 Jan VIEW
Bioelectric Effects of Intense Ultrashort Pulses. Joshi RP, Schoenbach K. Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2010 VIEW
[Foray into bioelectromagnetism] Goldura N, Goţia S. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. 2010 Jan-Mar VIEW
The effects of auricular acupressure on weight loss and serum lipid levels in overweight adolescents. Hsieh CH. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Chinese medicine acupoint herbal patching for allergic rhinitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Hsu WH, Ho TJ, Huang CY, Ho HC, Liu YL, Liu HJ, Lai NS, Lin JG. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Short term health impact of a yoga and diet change program on obesity Telles, S., Naveen, V.K., Balkrishna, A., & Kumar, S. Medical Science Monitor 2010 VIEW
A comparison between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture for relieving pain in patients with chronic low back pain. Lin ML, Lin MH, Fen JJ, Lin WT, Lin CW, Chen PQ. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2010 VIEW
Quality of randomized controlled trials in acupuncture treatment of hepatitis B virus infection--a systematic review. Zheng S, Du J, Lu X, Zhang Y, Hu L, Wang W. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2010 VIEW
Effects of transcutaneous electrical stimulation (1 pulse/sec) through custom-made disposable surface electrodes covering Omura's ST36 area of both legs on normal cell telomeres, oncogen C-fosAb2, integrin alpha5beta1, chlamydia trachomatis, etc. in breast cancer & alzheimer patients. Omura Y, Chen Y, Lermand O, Jones M, Duvvi H, Shimotsuura Y. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2010 VIEW
Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy. Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Are sham acupuncture interventions more effective than (other) placebos? A re-analysis of data from the cochrane review on placebo effects. Linde K, Niemann K, Meissner K. Forsch Komplementmed. 2010 VIEW
Photochemical internalization (PCI): a technology for drug delivery. Berg K, Weyergang A, Prasmickaite L, Bonsted A, Høgset A, Strand MT, Wagner E, Selbo PK. Methods Mol Biol. 2010 VIEW
"Senobi" stretch ameliorates asthma symptoms by restoring autonomic nervous system balance Sato, K., et al. J. Investig. Med. 2010 VIEW
The "Senobi" breathing exercise is recommended as first line treatment for obesity. Sato, K. et al. Biomed. Res. 2010 VIEW
Water Dynamics at the Root of Metamorphosis in Living Organisms Emilio Del Giudice 1,2,*, Paola Rosa Spinetti 3 and Alberto Tedeschi 4 Water 2010 VIEW
Efficacy of acupunture in patients with chronic neck pain--a randomised, sham controlled trial. Sahin N, Ozcan E, Sezen K, Karatas O, Issever H. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2010 VIEW
Clinical curative effect of acupuncture therapy on xerophthalmia. Gong L, Sun X, Chapin WJ. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Manage migraine with acupuncture: a review of acupuncture protocols in randomized controlled trials. Zheng H, Chen M, Wu X, Li Y, Liang FR. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
External qigong for chronic pain. Vincent A, Hill J, Kruk KM, Cha SS, Bauer BA. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Spirituality in medical school curricula: findings from a national survey. Koenig HG, Hooten EG, Lindsay-Calkins E, Meador KG. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2010 VIEW
Imaging interactions between the immune and cardiovascular systems in vivo by multiphoton microscopy. Millington OR, Brewer JM, Garside P, Maffia P. Methods Mol Biol. 2010 VIEW
Emission of Biophotons and Neural Activity of the Brain Majid Rahnama, 4 Istvan Bokkon, 5,6 Jack Tuszynski, 7,8 Michal Cifra, 1 Peyman Sardar, 1,9,10 Vahid Salari * 2010 Jan VIEW
[Incursion into bioelectromagnetism] Goldura N, Goţia S. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi. 2010 Jan-Mar VIEW
The effect of meditation on psychological distress among Buddhist Monks and Nuns. Verma G, Araya R. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2010 VIEW
Technical aspects of measurement of cellular electromagnetic activity Kučera, O., Cifra, M., Pokorný, J. European Biophysics Journal 2010 VIEW
Electric field generated by axial longitudinal vibration modes of microtubule Cifra, M., Pokorný, J., Havelka, D., Kučera, O., BioSystems 2010 VIEW
Electric field generated by higher vibration modes of microtubule Cifra, M., Havelka, D., Kučera, O., Pokorný, J., Microwave Techniques (COMITE), 2010 15th International Conference 2010 VIEW
Postoperative pain and respiratory function in patients treated with electroacupuncture following coronary surgery. Colak MC, Kavakli A, Kilinç A, Rahman A. Neurosciences (Riyadh). 2010 Jan VIEW
List of modern experimental evidence on cellular photonic interactions Cifra, M. UPE-DataBase Newsletter 2010 VIEW
Quantum-Coherent Electronic Energy Transfer: Did Nature Think of It First? Gregory D. Scholes* J Phys. Chem. Lett. 2010 VIEW
Medicine's Missing Dimension. Wilson KH. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2010 VIEW
The Healing Connection: EEG Harmonics, Entrainment, and Schumann’s Resonances Hendricks, L. 1, Bengston, W.F. 2, Gunkelman, J. 3 Journal of Scientific Exploration 2010 VIEW
Effects of ear acupressure in improving visual health in children. Chen CH, Chen HH, Yeh ML, Tsay SL. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
A segmental effect involved in the changes of skin blood flow induced by acupuncture in normal health human. Jan YM, Li TC, Hsieh CL. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
Cell responses to oxidative stressors. Cataldi A. Curr Pharm Des. 2010 VIEW
Efficacy of acupunture in patients with chronic neck pain--a randomised, sham controlled trial. Sahin N, Ozcan E, Sezen K, Karatas O, Issever H. Acupunct Electrother Res. 2010 VIEW
Perspectives on yoga inputs in the management of chronic pain. Vallath N. Indian J Palliat Care. 2010 Jan VIEW
Kung fu training improves physical fitness measures in overweight/obese adolescents: the "martial fitness" study. Tsang TW, Kohn MR, Chow CM, Fiatarone Singh MA. J Obes 2010 VIEW
[Infrared laser puncture and manual therapy in the treatment of cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis and neurological manifestations of this disease] Koval'chuk VV, Sereda VH. Lik Sprava. 2010 Jan-Mar VIEW
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with chronic diseases. Merkes M. Aust J Prim Health. 2010 VIEW
Non thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between EMF and living matter: a selected Summary eds. Guiliani, L. & Soffritti, M European J of Oncology 2010 VIEW
Clinical observations on laser acupuncture in simple obesity therapy. Hu WL, Chang CH, Hung YC. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
The therapeutic effects of acupuncture on patients with chronic neck myofascial pain syndrome: a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sun MY, Hsieh CL, Cheng YY, Hung HC, Li TC, Yen SM, Huang IS. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
The acute effects of acupuncture upon autonomic balance in healthy subjects. Carpenter RJ, Dillard J, Zion AS, Gates GJ, Bartels MN, Downey JA, De Meersman RE. Am J Chin Med. 2010 VIEW
The molecular basis of longevity, and clinical implications. Marques FZ, Markus MA, Morris BJ. Maturitas 2010 Jan 5 VIEW
Vipassana Meditation: Systematic Review of Current Evidence. Chiesa A. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan 7 VIEW
Laser acupuncture does not improve menopausal symptoms. O\'Brien KA, Varigos E, Black C, Komesaroff PA. Menopause 2010 Jan 8 VIEW
Acupuncture for Chronic Pain: Is Acupuncture More than an Effective Placebo? A Systematic Review of Pooled Data from Meta-analyses. Hopton A, Macpherson H. Pain Pract. 2010 Jan 8 VIEW
Stress, Inflammation, and Yoga Practice. Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Christian L, Preston H, Houts CR, Malarkey WB, Emery CF, Glaser R. Psychosom Me 2010 Jan 11 VIEW
The Impact of Placebo, Psychopathology, and Expectations on the Response to Acupuncture Needling in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain. Wasan AD, Kong J, Pham LD, Kaptchuk TJ, Edwards R, Gollub RL. J Pain 2010 Jan 12 VIEW
The mesmerists inquire about \"Oriental mind powers\": West meets East in the search for the universal trance. Schmit DT. J Hist Behav Sci 2010 Jan 13 VIEW
Gene Expression Profile of Patients with Phadiatop-Positive and -Negative Allergic Rhinitis Treated with Acupuncture. Shiue HS, Lee YS, Tsai CN, Hsueh YM, Sheu JR, Chang HH. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan 13 VIEW
The effects of slow breathing on affective responses to pain stimuli: An experimental study. Zautra AJ, Fasman R, Davis MC, Craig AD. Pain 2010 Jan 13 VIEW
Whole chromosome loss is promoted by telomere dysfunction in primary cells. Pampalona J, Soler D, Genescà A, Tusell L. Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2010 Jan 19 VIEW
Measurement Reliability for Acupoint Activity Determined with the Prognos Ohmmeter. Turner L, Linden W, Talbot Ellis A, Millman R. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2010 Jan 20 VIEW
Acupuncture for depression. Smith CA, Hay PP, Macpherson H. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20 VIEW
Placebo interventions for all clinical conditions. Hróbjartsson A, Gøtzsche PC. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Jan 20 VIEW
Psychosomatic medicine and the philosophy of life Schwartz MA, Wiggins OP. Philos Ethics Humanit Med. 2010 Jan 21 VIEW
A systematic review of homoeopathy for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Perry R, Terry R, Ernst E. Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Jan 23 VIEW
Effects of exercise programs to prevent decline in health-related quality of life in highly deconditioned institutionalized elderly persons: a randomized controlled trial. Dechamps A, Diolez P, Thiaudière E, Tulon A, Onifade C, Vuong T, Helmer C, Bourdel-Marchasson I. Arch Intern Med. 2010 Jan 25 VIEW
Randomized, Blinded, Sham-Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for the Management of Aromatase Inhibitor-Associated Joint Symptoms in Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer. Crew KD, Capodice JL, Greenlee H, Brafman L, Fuentes D, Awad D, Tsai WY, Hershman DL. J Clin Oncol 2010 Jan 25 VIEW
Efficacy of acupuncture in fibromyalgia syndrome--a systematic review with a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. Langhorst J, Klose P, Musial F, Irnich D, Häuser W. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2010 Jan 25 VIEW
Mucosal Immunity Modulated by Integrative Meditation in a Dose-Dependent Fashion Fan Y, Tang YY, Ma Y, Posner MI. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Jan 27 VIEW
Cancer as a metabolic disease Thomas N Seyfried 1 and Laura M Shelton 1 Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 Jan 27 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for individuals whose lives have been affected by cancer: a randomized controlled trial. Foley E, Baillie A, Huxter M, Price M, Sinclair E. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2010 Feb VIEW
Short term effects by acupuncture to SP3 on the autonomic blood flow control. Lee S, Chae Y, Kim SN, Kim SY, Park JY, Kwark YR, Kang OS, Lee H, Yin CS, Park HJ. Neurol Res 2010 Feb VIEW
Clinical efficacy of acupuncture on the morphine-related side effects in patients undergoing spinal-epidural anesthesia and analgesia. Jiang YH, Jiang W, Jiang LM, Lin GX, Yang H, Tan Y, Xiong WW. Chin J Integr Med 2010 Feb VIEW
Correspondence of the auricular acupoint with the upper trapezius muscle: A electromyographic study. Politti F, Vitti M, Amorim CF, de Oliveira Tosello D, Palomari ET. Complement Ther Clin Pract 2010 Feb VIEW
Cortical thickness and pain sensitivity in zen meditators. Grant JA, Courtemanche J, Duerden EG, Duncan GH, Rainville P. Emotion 2010 Feb VIEW
Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder. Goldin PR, Gross JJ. Emotion 2010 Feb VIEW
Differential effects on pain intensity and unpleasantness of two meditation practices. Perlman DM, Salomons TV, Davidson RJ, Lutz A. Emotion 2010 Feb VIEW
[Scalp penetration acupuncture for insomnia: a randomized controlled trial.] Zhou ZL, Shi X, Li SD, Guan L. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2010 Feb VIEW
Exploring the effectiveness of a comprehensive mind-body intervention for medical symptom relief. Samuelson M, Foret M, Baim M, Lerner J, Fricchione G, Benson H, Dusek J, Yeung A. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Feb VIEW
Complementary and alternative medicine and supportive care at leading cancer centers: a systematic analysis of websites. Brauer JA, El Sehamy A, Metz JM, Mao JJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Feb VIEW
Inspiratory muscle training improves 100 and 200 m swimming performance. Kilding AE, Brown S, McConnell AK. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010 Feb VIEW
Is learning mindfulness associated with improved affect after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy? Schroevers MJ, Brandsma R. Br J Psychol 2010 Feb VIEW
Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience. Jha AP, Stanley EA, Kiyonaga A, Wong L, Gelfand L. Emotion 2010 Feb VIEW
Minding one's emotions: mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness. Farb NA, Anderson AK, Mayberg H, Bean J, McKeon D, Segal ZV. Emotion 2010 Feb VIEW
Managing cardiovascular risks with Tai Chi in people with coronary artery disease. Park IS, Song R, Oh KO, So HY, Kim DS, Kim JI, Kim TS, Kim HL, Ahn SH. J Adv Nurs. 2010 Feb VIEW
Ear-acupressure for allergic rhinitis: a systematic review. Zhang CS, Yang AW, Zhang AL, Fu WB, Thien FU, Lewith G, Xue CC. Clin Otolaryngol. 2010 Feb VIEW
[Effect of penetrative needling of otopoints combined with body acupuncture on limb myodynamia and neurofunction in patients with acute cerebral infarction] Li CF, Jia CS, Li XF, Shi J, Dou ZZ, Sun P. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2010 Feb VIEW
Osteoporosis and gait and balance disturbances in older sarcopenic obese New Zealanders. Waters DL, Hale L, Grant AM, Herbison P, Goulding A. Osteoporos Int. 2010 Feb VIEW
Apipuncture treatment for central post-stroke pain. Yun SP, Sun BC. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Feb VIEW
Sigmund Freud: pioneer in energy healing. Edwards SD, Edwards DJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Feb VIEW
Yoga in female sexual functions. Dhikav V, Karmarkar G, Gupta R, Verma M, Gupta R, Gupta S, Anand KS. J Sex Med. 2010 Feb VIEW
[Quality control of the research on mechanisms of acupuncture therapy by using PET-CT imaging techniques] Liu ML, Lan L, Zeng F, Li XZ, Liu XG, Liang FR. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2010 Feb VIEW
[Effect of electroacupuncture of different acupoints on electroretinogram and cerebral visual evoked potentials in healthy subjects] Xu JS, Pan XH, Hu XL, Sa ZY, Zheng SX. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2010 Feb VIEW
[Observation on the analgesic effect of transcutaneous electrical acupoint stimulation for breast radical carcinoma operation] Yu JM, Qu PS, Fan H, Wang Z, Jin YB, Tao F. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2010 Feb VIEW
Cortisol as a marker for improvement in mindfulness-based stress reduction. Matousek RH, Dobkin PL, Pruessner J. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2010 Feb VIEW
The free-energy principle: a unified brain theory? Karl Friston1 Nat Rev Neurosci 2010 Feb 1 VIEW
Tai chi for breast cancer patients: a systematic review. Lee MS, Choi TY, Ernst E. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2010 Feb 2 VIEW
Effects of acupuncture and heating on blood volume and oxygen saturation of human Achilles tendon in vivo. Kubo K, Yajima H, Takayama M, Ikebukuro T, Mizoguchi H, Takakura N. Dur J Appl Physiol 2010 Feb 6 VIEW
Alleviating Distress During Antepartum Hospitalization: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Music and Recreation Therapy. Bauer CL, Victorson D, Rosenbloom S, Barocas J, Silver RK. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2010 Feb 8 VIEW
Psychological predictors of the antihypertensive effects of music-guided slow breathing. Modesti PA, Ferrari A, Bazzini C, Costanzo G, Simonetti I, Taddei S, Biggeri A, Parati G, Gensini GF, Sirigatti S. J Hypertens. 2010 Feb 12 VIEW
A randomized pilot study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and group cognitive-behavioral therapy for young adults with social phobia. Piet J, Hougaard E, Hecksher MS, Rosenberg NK. Scand J Psychol. 2010 Feb 13 VIEW
On Understanding the Very Different Science Premises Meaningful to CAM Versus Orthodox Medicine: Part I-The Fundamentals. Tiller WA. J Altern Complement Med 2010 Feb 16 VIEW
Mind-body therapies for menopausal symptoms: A systematic review. Innes KE, Selfe TK, Vishnu A. Maturitas 2010 Feb 16 VIEW
[Effects of tai chi on health-related quality of life in the elderly.] Romero Zurita A. Rev Esp Geriatr Gerontol. 2010 Feb 16 VIEW
Maori healers\' views on wellbeing: The importance of mind, body, spirit, family and land. Mark GT, Lyons AC. Soc Sci Med 2010 Feb 16 VIEW
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