Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19063 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Impact of Leisure Activities on the Well-being of Elders: Evidence from Sri Lanka W S M Goonatilaka1, W Indralal De Silva2 J Cross Cult Gerontol 2023 Mar 21 VIEW
Dance as mindful movement: a perspective from motor learning and predictive coding W Tecumseh Fitch1, Rebecca Barnstaple2 BMC Neurosci 2024 Nov 6 VIEW
Tuina alleviates neuropathic pain through regulate the activation of microglia and the secretion of inflammatory cytokine in spinal cord W U Zhiwei1,2, Zhu Qingguang1,2, Kong Lingjun3, Song Pengfei3, Zhou Xin1,2, Guo Guangxin4, Zhang Shuaipan3, H E Tianxiang3, Cheng Yanbin1,2, Fang Min1,2,5 J Tradit Chin Med 2024 Aug 1 VIEW
Action on NAD of human body field (measurement of UV spectral changes) Wa Dazhi//Zhang Anqi//Qi Wenqi//Chen Lixing//Liu Baodui 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Reducing test anxiety and improving academic self-esteem in high school and college students with learning disabilities Wachelka D//Katz RC J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 1999 VIEW
Migraines and meditation: does spirituality matter? Wachholtz AB, Pargament KI. J Behav Med. 2008 Aug VIEW
Migraines and meditation: does spirituality matter? Wachholtz AB, Pargament KI. J Behav Med. 2008 Jun 13 VIEW
Effect of Different Meditation Types on Migraine Headache Medication Use. Wachholtz AB1, Malone CD, Pargament KI. Behav Med. 2015 Apr 11 VIEW
[Visual and computerized analysis of EEG during transcendental meditation and sleep (author's transl)] [Article in German] Wachsmuth D//Dolce G EEG EMG Z Elektroenzephalogr Elektromyogr Verwandte Geb 1980 VIEW
Integrating Buddhist psychology into grief counseling. Wada K, Park J. Death Stud. 2009 Aug VIEW
The biopsychosocial model of illness: a model whose time has come. Wade DT1, Halligan PW2 Clin Rehabil. 2017 Aug VIEW
Intrarater reliability of manual msucle testing and hand-held dynametric muscle testing Wadsworth CT//Krishnan R//Sear M//Harold J//// Physical Therapy 1987 VIEW
EFFECTS OF WHOLE BODY VIBRATION TRAINING ON THE PHYSICAL FUNCTION OF THE FRAIL ELDERLY: an open, randomised control trial. Wadsworth D1, Lark S2 Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2020 Mar 4 VIEW
Qi and Bioelectromagnetic Energy Waechter RL 2002 VIEW
Manipulation of the electromagnetic spectrum via fields projected from human hands: A qi energy connection? Waechter RL//Sergio L Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine 2002 VIEW
Randomized Controlled Trial of Inner Resources Meditation for Family Dementia Caregivers. Waelde LC1, Meyer H1, Thompson JM1, Thompson L2, Gallagher-Thompson D2 J Clin Psychol. 2017 Mar 6 VIEW
The neuroscience of placebo effects: connecting context, learning and health. Wager TD1, Atlas LY2 Nat Rev Neurosci. 2015 Jul VIEW
[Chinese meditation pattern. Qi Gong: to learn from tigers and bears. Series: relaxation technic 1. Centers of vital energy] Wagner B Fortschr Med 1999 VIEW
Laughing: A Demanding Exercise for Trunk Muscles. Wagner H, Rehmes U, Kohle D, Puta C. J Mot Behav. 2013 Nov 18 VIEW
The differential spatiotemporal expression pattern of shelterin genes throughout lifespan. Wagner KD1,2, Ying Y1,3, Leong W3, Jiang J3, Hu X3, Chen Y3,4, Michiels JF1,5, Lu Y3,6, Gilson E1,3,7, Wagner N1,2, Ye J3,6,4 Aging (Albany NY). 2017 Apr 17 VIEW
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