Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19126 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Patterns and perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among leukaemia patients visiting haematology clinic of a north Indian tertiary care hospital Gupta M//Shafiq N//Kumari S//Pandhi P Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2002 VIEW
A controlled pilot study of stress management training of elderly patients with congestive heart failure Luskin F//Reitz M//Newell K//Quinn TG//// Prev Cardiol 2002 VIEW
Near death experiences in cardiac arrest: visions of a dying brain or visions of a new science of consciousness Parnia S//Fenwick P Resuscitation 2002 VIEW
The bioelectric field of the catfish Ictalurus nebulosus Peters RC//van Wessel T//van den Wollenberg BJ//Bretschneider F//// J Physiol Paris 2002 VIEW
[Body fat and fat mass-fat free mass ratio estimated by bioelectric impedance in the nutritional evaluation of women 35-55 years of age][Article in Spanish] Martin Moreno V//Gomez Gandoy JB//Gomez de la Camara A//Antoranz Gonzalez MJ Rev Esp Salud Publica 2002 VIEW
Testing the bioelectric shield Blackmore SJ//Rose N Altern Ther Health Med 2002 VIEW
Clinical test for Attention Enhancement System Cho BH//Ku J//Jang D//Lee J//// Stud Health Technol Inform 2002 VIEW
Subjective and objective assessment methods of mental imagery control: construct validation of self-report measures Lequerica A//Rapport L//Axelrod BN//Telmet K//// J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 2002 VIEW
The circle of the soul: the role of spirituality in health care Moss D Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2002 VIEW
Combining motivational and volitional interventions to promote exercise participation: protection motivation theory and implementation intentions Milne S//Orbell S//Sheeran P Br J Health Psychol 2002 VIEW
Qi and Bioelectromagnetic Energy Waechter RL 2002 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle function following downhill walking Farr T//Nottle C//Nosaka K//Sacco P J Sci Med Sport 2002 VIEW
Influence of Cardiac Afferent Input on Heart-Brain Synchronization and Cognitive Performance McCraty R International Journal of Psychophysiology 2002 VIEW
Effects of an Emotional Restructuring Program on Psychological Functioning and Functional Capacity in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure McCraty R Int J Psychophysiol 2002 VIEW
Impact of a Workplace Psychophysiological Intervention on Blood Pressure and Emotional Health in Hypertensive Employees McCraty R International Journal of Psychophysiology 2002 VIEW
EDU-CARE, a randomised, multicentre, parallel group study on education and quality of life in COPD Carone M//Bertolotti G//Cerveri I//De Benedetto//// Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 2002 VIEW
The Cardiorespiratory Response and Energy Expenditure of Tai-Chi-Qui-Gong Chao Yann-Fen//Chen Ssu-Yuan//Lan Ching//Lai Jin-Shin Am J Chin Med 2002 VIEW
Effects of Qi-Training on Heart Rate Variability Lee Myeong Soo//Huh Hwa Jeong//Kim Byung Gi//Ryu Hoon//// Am J Chin Med 2002 VIEW
The impact of foot massage and guided relaxation following cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial Hattan J//King L//Griffiths P J Adv Nurs 2002 VIEW
The effect of nursing interventions utilizing music therapy or sensory information on Chinese patients' anxiety prior to cardiac catheterization: a pilot study Taylor-Piliae RE//Chair SY Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs 2002 VIEW
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