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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19105 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Immediate and long-term effects of meditation on acute stress reactivity, cognitive functions, and intelligence. Singh Y, Sharma R, Talwar A. Altern Ther Health Med. 2012 Nov-Dec VIEW
Immediate autonomic changes during right nostril breathing and left nostril breathing in regular yoga practitioners Varun Malhotra1, Ragini Srivastava1, Poovarasan Parasuraman1, Danish Javed2, Santosh Wakode1, Avinash Thakare1, Ananyan Sampath3, Ankita Kumari3 J Educ Health Promot 2022 Aug 25 VIEW
Immediate cardiovascular effects of pranava pranayama in hypertensive patients. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Sanjay Z, Basavaraddi IV. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Jul-Sep VIEW
Immediate Dose-Response Effect of High-Energy Versus Low-Energy Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy on Cutaneous Microcirculation. Kraemer R1, Sorg H2, Forstmeier V3, Knobloch K4, Liodaki E5, Stang FH5, Mailaender P5, Kisch T5 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2016 Dec VIEW
Immediate effect of acupuncture at Sanyinjiao (SP6) and Xuanzhong (GB39) on uterine arterial blood flow in primary dysmenorrhea. Yu YP, Ma LX, Ma YX, Ma YX, Liu YQ, Liu CZ, Xie JP, Gao SZ, Zhu J. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct VIEW
Immediate effect of acupuncture on the sleep pattern of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. Freire AO, Sugai GC, Togeiro SM, Mello LE, Tufik S. Acupunct Med 2010 Jun 15 VIEW
Immediate effect of chandra nadi pranayama (left unilateral forced nostril breathing) on cardiovascular parameters in hypertensive patients. Bhavanani AB, Madanmohan, Sanjay Z. Int J Yoga 2012 Jul VIEW
Immediate effect of electric point stimulation (TENS) in treating latent upper trapezius trigger points: a double blind randomised placebo-controlled trial. Gemmell H, Hilland A. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Jul VIEW
Immediate effect of mukha bhastrika (a bellows type pranayama) on reaction time in mentally challenged adolescents. Bhavanani AB, Ramanathan M, Kt H. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Apr-Jun VIEW
Immediate effect of slow pace bhastrika pranayama on blood pressure and heart rate. Pramanik T, Sharma HO, Mishra S, Mishra A, Prajapati R, Singh S. J Altern Complement Med. 2009 Mar VIEW
Immediate Effect of Specific Nostril Manipulating Yoga Breathing Practices on Autonomic and Respiratory Variables Raghuraj P, Telles S. Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback. 2008 Mar 18 VIEW
Immediate effect of sukha pranayama on cardiovascular variables in patients of hypertension. Bhavanani AB, Sanjay Z, Madanmohan. Int J Yoga Therap. 2011 VIEW
Immediate effect of three yoga breathing techniques on performance on a letter-cancellation task. Telles S, Raghuraj P, Maharana S, Nagendra HR. Percept Mot Skills 2007 VIEW
Immediate effect of two yoga-based relaxation techniques on attention in children. Pradhan B, Nagendra H. Int J Yoga. 2010 Jul VIEW
Immediate effect of two yoga-based relaxation techniques on performance in a letter-cancellation task Sarang SP, Telles S Percept Mot Skills. 2007 Oct VIEW
Immediate effect of vibratory stimuli on quadriceps function in healthy adults. Pamukoff DN, Pietrosimone B, Lewek MD, Ryan ED, Weinhold PS, Lee DR, Blackburn JT Muscle Nerve. 2016 Feb 13 VIEW
Immediate effect of vibratory stimuli on quadriceps function in healthy adults. Pamukoff DN, Pietrosimone B, Lewek MD, Ryan ED, Weinhold PS, Lee DR, Blackburn JT Muscle Nerve. 2016 Feb 13 VIEW
Immediate Effect of Whole Body Vibration on Sauté Height and Balance in Female Professional Contemporary Dancers A Randomized Controlled Trial. Karim A1, Roddey T2, Mitchell K2, Ortiz A3, Olson S2 J Dance Med Sci. 2019 Mar 15 VIEW
Immediate effects of 'voice massage' treatment on the speaking voice of healthy subjects Laukkanen AM//Leppanen K//Tyrmi J//Vilkman E Folia Phoniatr Logop 2005 VIEW
Immediate effects of a brief mindfulness-based body scan on patients with chronic pain. Ussher M, Spatz A, Copland C, Nicolaou A, Cargill A, Amini-Tabrizi N, McCracken LM. J Behav Med. 2012 Nov 6 VIEW
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