Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19103 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Work-related exhaustion and telomere length: a population-based study. Ahola K, Sirén I, Kivimäki M, Ripatti S, Aromaa A, Lönnqvist J, Hovatta I. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of Tai chi for balance, sleep quality and cognitive performance in elderly Vietnamese. Nguyen MH, Kruse A. Clin Interv Aging. 2012 VIEW
The Role of Acupuncture in Assisted Reproductive Technology. Zheng CH, Zhang MM, Huang GY, Wang W. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Commonality and specificity of acupuncture action at three acupoints as evidenced by FMRI. Claunch JD, Chan ST, Nixon EE, Qiu WQ, Sporko T, Dunn JP, Kwong KK, Hui KK. Am J Chin Med. 2012 VIEW
Acupuncture intervention in ischemic stroke: a randomized controlled prospective study. Shen PF, Kong L, Ni LW, Guo HL, Yang S, Zhang LL, Zhang ZL, Guo JK, Xiong J, Zhen Z, Shi XM. Am J Chin Med. 2012 VIEW
Neurocognitive correlates of the effects of yoga meditation practice on emotion and cognition: a pilot study. Froeliger BE, Garland EL, Modlin LA, McClernon FJ. Front Integr Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
[Transcranial magnetic electro-stimulation with alternate action on brain hemispheres in the correction of cerebral disturbances in children with diabetes mellitus type 1]. Filina NIu, Bolotova NV, Raĭgorodskiĭ IuM, Nikolaeva NV. Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2012 VIEW
Development of Specific Aspects of Spirituality during a 6-Month Intensive Yoga Practice. Büssing A, Hedtstück A, Khalsa SB, Ostermann T, Heusser P. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
A mindfulness course decreases burnout and improves well-being among healthcare providers. Goodman MJ, Schorling JB. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2012 VIEW
A pilot study on the effect of acute tai chi practice on peripheral blood cytokine expression in healthy volunteers. Li H, Howk C, Geib RW. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2012 VIEW
Acute effects of tai chi exercise on cardiac autonomic function in healthy adults with tai chi experience. Kalsaria P, Li H, Waite GN, Moga MM, Kingsley DJ, Geib RW. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2012 VIEW
Cancer-Related Stress and Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review. Chandwani KD, Ryan JL, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MM, Sprod LK, Devine K, Trevino L, Gewandter J, Morrow GR, Mustian KM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Neuroendocrine Mechanisms of Acupuncture. Liang F, Chen R, Cooper EL. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Tai chi diminishes oxidative stress in mexican older adults. Rosado-Pérez J, Santiago-Osorio E, Ortiz R, Mendoza-Núñez VM. J Nutr Health Aging. 2012 VIEW
How to Design the Control Group in Randomized Controlled Trials of Acupuncture? Lin JG, Chen CH, Huang YC, Chen YH. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Distinct neural activity associated with focused-attention meditation and loving-kindness meditation. Lee TM, Leung MK, Hou WK, Tang JC, Yin J, So KF, Lee CF, Chan CC. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Importance of acupuncture on premenstrual syndrome. Anil A, Peker T, Göktaş T, Kilic S, Erbaş D. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2012 VIEW
Inspiratory muscle training lowers the oxygen cost of voluntary hyperpnea. Turner LA, Tecklenburg-Lund SL, Chapman RF, Stager JM, Wilhite DP, Mickleborough TD. J Appl Physiol. 2012 Jan VIEW
Effect of acupuncture in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease: a functional MRI study. Wang Z, Nie B, Li D, Zhao Z, Han Y, Song H, Xu J, Shan B, Lu J, Li K. PLoS One 2012 VIEW
Meditation as a potential therapy for autism: a review. Sequeira S, Ahmed M. Autism Res Treat. 2012 VIEW
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