Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19095 abstracts.
Showing results per page.
Title Author Journal Date
Regular tai chi exercise enhances functional mobility and CD4CD25 regulatory T cells Yeh, S., Chuang, H., Lin, L., Hsiao, C. & Eng, H. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 VIEW
A randomised controlled cross-over trial of aerobic training versus Qigong in advanced Parkinson's disease Burini D//Farabollini B//Iacucci S//Rimatori C//et. al Eura Medicophys 2006 VIEW
Effects of long term Tai Chi practice and jogging exercise on muscle strength and endurance in older people Xu, D., Li, J. & Hong, Y. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2006 VIEW
A 10-week Tai-Chi program improved the blood pressure, lipid profile and SF-36 scores in Hong Kong Chinese women Ko, G., Tsang, P. & Chan, H. Medical Science Monitor 2006 VIEW
Taiji for individuals with Parkinson disease and their support partners: a program evaluation Klein, P. & Rivers, L. Journal of Neurology and Physical Therapies 2006 VIEW
Therapeutic benefits of Tai Chi exercise: research review Kuramoto, A. Wisconsin Medical Journal 2006 VIEW
Tai Chi chuan: mind-body practice or exercise intervention? Studying the benefit for cancer survivors Mansky, P., Sannes, T., Wallerstedt, D., Ge, A., Ryan, M., Johnson, L., Chesney, M. & Gerber, L. Integrative Cancer Therapies 2006 VIEW
Change in perceived psychosocial status following a 12-week Tai Chi exercise programme Taylor-Piliae, R., Haskell, W., Waters, C. & Froelicher, E. Journal of Advance Nursing 2006 VIEW
Tai Chi Chih acutely decreases sympathetic nervous system activity in older adults Motivala, S., Sollers, J., Thayer, J. & Irwin, M. Journal of Gerontology a Biological Science Medicine 2006 VIEW
Asbestos as a possible major cause of malignant lung tumors (including small cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma & mesothelioma), brain tumors (i.e. astrocytoma & glioblastoma multiforme), many other malignant tumors, intractable pain including fibromyalgia, & some cardio-vascular pathology: safe & effective methods of reducing asbestos from normal & pathological areas Omura Y Acupunct Electrother Res 2006 VIEW
Effectiveness of Acupuncture in the treatment of Fibromyalgia Singh BB//Wu WS//Hwang SH//Khorsan R//Der-Martirosian C//Vinjamury SP//Wang CN//Lin SY Altern Ther Health Med. 2006 VIEW
Effects of music therapy on physiological and psychological outcomes for patients undergoing cardiac surgery Sendelbach, S.,Halm, M., Doran, K., Miller, E.H. & Gaillard, P. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2006 VIEW
Listening to Turkish classical music decreases patients\' anxiety, pain, dissatisfaction and the dose of sedative and analgesic drugs during colonoscopy: a prospective randomized controlled trial Ovayolu, N., Ucan, O., Pehlivan, S., Pehlivan, Y., Buyukhatipoglu, H., Savas, M. & Gulsen, M. Clinical Research Cardiology 2006 VIEW
A study investigating the effects of Tai Chi Chuan: individuals with traumatic brain injuries compared to controls Gemmell, C. & Leathem, J. Brain Injury 2006 VIEW
Randomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy seniors: Effects on cognition and quality of life Oken BS//Zajdel D//Kishiyama//Dehen C//// Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine 2006 VIEW
A pilot study of yoga for breast cancer survivors: Physical and psychological benefits Culos-Reed, S., Carlson, L., Daroux, L. & Hately-Aldous, S. Psychooncology 2006 VIEW
A Pilot Study of External QigongTherapy for Patients with Fibromyalgia CHEN JW1,2// HASSETT AL3//HOU F 4// JOY STALLER J//// JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 2006 VIEW
Measurement of biophoton emission with a single photon counting system Lin, S., Chevalier, G., Lin, H., Ross, T., and Lin, P. J. Altern. & Complement. Med. 2006 VIEW
Personal interaction with a Reiki practitioner decreases noise-induced microvascular damage in an animal model Baldwin AL, Schwartz GE J Altern Complement Med. 2006 Jan-Feb VIEW
Open-label trial regarding the use of acupuncture and yin tui na in Parkinson's disease outpatients: a pilot study on efficacy, tolerability, and quality of life Eng ML//Lyons KE//Greene MS//Pahwa R. J Altern Complement Med 2006 VIEW
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