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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Age-related differences in tai chi gait kinematics and leg muscle electromyography: a pilot study Wu G. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Feb VIEW
Eye-hand Coordination of Elderly People Who Practice Tai Chi Chuan Pei YC, Chou SW, Lin PS, Lin YC, Hsu TH, Wong AM J Formos Med Assoc 2008 Feb VIEW
[Effects of tai chi exercise in elderly with knee osteoarthritis.] Lee HY, Lee KJ Taehan Kanho Hakhoe Chi. 2008 Feb VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan training improves the pulmonary function of asthmatic children Chang YF, Yang YH, Chen CC, Chiang BL J. Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2008 Feb VIEW
The effect of tai chi exercise on blood pressure: a systematic review Yeh GY, Wang C, Wayne PM, Phillips RS Prev Cardiol. 2008-03-01 VIEW
Self-Management Strategies to Reduce Pain and Improve Function among Older Adults in Community Settings: A Review of the Evidence Reid MC, Papaleontiou M, Ong A, Breckman R, Wethington E, Pillemer K Pain Med. 2008 Mar 11 VIEW
Joint kinetics during Tai Chi gait and normal walking gait in young and elderly Tai Chi Chuan practitioners Wu G, Millon D Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2008 Mar 12 VIEW
Effectiveness of tai chi for Parkinson's disease: A critical review Lee MS, Lam P, Ernst E. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2008 Mar 26 VIEW
Tai Chi improves balance and mobility in people with Parkinson disease Hackney ME, Earhart GM. Gait Posture 2008 Mar 29 VIEW
A preliminary study of the effects of Tai Chi and Qigong medical exercise on indicators of metabolic syndrome and glycaemic control in adults with elevated blood glucose Xin L, Miller YD, Burton NW, Brown WJ Br J Sports Med 2008 Apr 2 VIEW
Regular Tai Chi Chuan exercise improves T cell helper function of type 2 DM patients with an increase in T-bet transcription factor and IL-12 production Yeh SH, Chuang H, Lin LW, Hsiao CY, Wang PW, Liu RT, Yang KD Br J Sports Med 2008 Apr 2 VIEW
A systematic review of the effectiveness of Tai Chi on fall reduction among the elderly Low S, Ang LW, Goh KS, Chew SK Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2008 Apr 15 VIEW
Tai chi: moving for better balance-development of a community-based falls prevention program Li F, Harmer P, Mack KA, Sleet D, Fisher KJ, Kohn MA, Millet LM, Xu J, Yang T, Sutton B, Tompkins Y J Phys Act Health. 2008 May VIEW
The Effects of a Multimodal Intervention on Outcomes of Persons With Early-Stage Dementia Burgener SC, Yang Y, Gilbert R, Marsh-Yant S Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2008 May 4 VIEW
Translation of an Effective Tai Chi Intervention Into a Community-Based Falls-Prevention Program Li F, Harmer P, Glasgow R, Mack KA, Sleet D, Fisher KJ, Kohn MA, Millet LM, Mead J, Xu J, Lin ML, Yang T, Sutton B, Tompkins Y Am J Public Health 2008 May 29 VIEW
Tactile acuity in experienced Tai Chi practitioners: evidence for use dependent plasticity as an effect of sensory-attentional training Kerr CE, Shaw JR, Wasserman RH, Chen VW, Kanojia A, Bayer T, Kelley JM. Exp Brain Res. 2008 May 30 VIEW
A randomized clinical trial of alternative stress management interventions in persons with HIV infection McCain NL, Gray DP, Elswick RK, Robins JW, Tuck I, Walter JM, Rausch SM, Ketchum JM J Consult Clin Psychol 2008 Jun VIEW
Effects of 16-week Tai Chi intervention on postural stability and proprioception of knee and ankle in older people Li JX, Xu DQ, Hong Y Age Ageing 2008 Jun 9 VIEW
Mind-body interventions: applications in neurology Wahbeh H, Elsas SM, Oken BS Neurology 2008 Jun 10 VIEW
Improving sleep quality in older adults with moderate sleep complaints: A randomized controlled trial of Tai Chi Chih Irwin MR, Olmstead R, Motivala SJ Sleep 2008 Jul VIEW
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