Combined effects of flow-induced shear stress and electromagnetic field on neural differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

Author: Mascotte-Cruz JU1, Ríos A, Escalante B.
1a Cinvestav Monterrey , Monterrey , Apodaca, N.L. , México.
Conference/Journal: Electromagn Biol Med.
Date published: 2015 Sep 1
Other: Pages: 1-5 , Word Count: 110

Differentiation of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into neural phenotype has been induced by either flow-induced shear stress (FSS) or electromagnetic fields (EMF). However, procedures are still expensive and time consuming. In the present work, induction for 1 h with the combination of both forces showed the presence of the neural precursor nestin as early as 9 h in culture after treatment and this result lasted for the following 6 d. In conclusion, the use of a combination of FSS and EMF for a short-time renders in neurite-like cells, although further investigation is required to analyze cell functionality.
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields; bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells; fluid shear stress
PMID: 26325339