Professional Member Certification is a benefit of membership in the National Qigong Association that provides an opportunity to inform the public of the depth and scope of the significant experiences that have helped mold the specialized careers of our members. Though certification is internal to the NQA as there is presently no national standard, it is supported by the full faith of our membership organization and may act to enhance and highlight one’s professional standing.
The National Qigong Association hosts a yearly conference on Qigong in the USA.
This handout is designed for our members to use with clients and offer as a handout to students in their movement classes. It offers a general description of what is Qigong and the benefits of consistent Qigong practice, as well a brief note on organizations that have endorsed the practice of Qigong. HANDOUT.
A “Respected Medical Organizations Endorse Qigong” handout was developed by the Research and Education Committee as a companion to the “What is Qigong” handout. Respected Medical Organizations endorse Qigong Final.
QiTalks is the NQA's monthy tele-seminar series on Qigong with some of the brightest Energy Arts minds in the word. Anyone can register, tune in, listen and even ask questions of the special guest during the live QiTalks broadcast. Additionally, you'll want to stay tuned to the end of the broadcast as many guests offer gifts / discounts on training materials just for participating in the call.
This is a wonderful introduction to the beauty and power of Qigong.
National Qigong Association Research and Education Committee Updated Review of Qigong Research.
Report from the National Qigong Association Research & Education Committee
As recently as fifteen years ago, a lack of high quality research validating the benefits of qigong exercise and tai chi performed as qigong was a primary barrier to achieving a goal of recognition of the value of these practices within health promotion and traditional Western health care. Awareness of the potential benefits of qigong exercise was stimulated in 2004 review of the literature citing seventeen research studies. The authors concluded that preliminary research on the implementation feasibility of Taiji (tai chi) programs existed for a variety of clinical populations.
Over the next five years (2004 - 2009), through a growing awareness of the need for controlled research methodology and an expanding availability of research funding, the body of evidence strengthened. Practice validation was further advanced in 2010 when a review of 77 clinical research articles investigating qigong exercise and tai chi concluded that consistent, significant results for a number of health benefits were confirmed through independent, quality research. These researchers also established the equivalency of therapeutic tai chi as qigong exercise.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the available research, assessing therapeutic benefits of qigong and tai chi practice by clinical area, since the last update in 2019. This update follows the same format and will discuss systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and key major studies from January 2019 through April 15, 2022. A
A report of the NQA Research and Education Committee. Major contributor: PJ Klein, PT, EdD (contact: k
The legitimacy of any health care intervention is grounded by research evidence. Know the Evidence is a service of the National Qigong Association, Research and Education Committee. It is intended to inform our membership and the public on the most current evidence of effectiveness of qigong ( and tai chi practiced as tai chi) therapy.
National Qigong Association (NQA)
Know the Evidence Meta Study Review Update 2022
Know the Evidence Update – 2019
Know the Evidence May 2017 Updated Review
Research on Benefits of Qigong Increasing
Physical Benefits of Qigong as Exercise
Economic Impact of Integrative Health Practices - Bridging Integrative Medicine and Healthcare Financials