Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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2012 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Generic Yoga Modules for Clinical and Research Settings-Need of the Hour Vinod Kumar1, Aarti Jagannathan2, Hemant Bhargav3, Shivarama Varambally4, B N Gangadhar5 Int J Yoga Therap 2021 Jul 14 VIEW
Consciousness, Awareness, and Presence: A Neurobiological Perspective Vinod D Deshmukh1 Int J Yoga 2022 May-Aug VIEW
Neuroprotective effects of yoga practice: age-, experience-, and frequency-dependent plasticity. Villemure C1, Čeko M2, Cotton VA2, Bushnell MC3. Front Hum Neurosci. 2015 May 12 VIEW
Insular Cortex Mediates Increased Pain Tolerance in Yoga Practitioners. Villemure C, Ceko M, Cotton VA, Bushnell MC Cereb Cortex. 2013 May 21 VIEW
Effect of Yoga Practice on Levels of Inflammatory Markers After Moderate and Strenuous Exercise. Vijayaraghava A1, Doreswamy V2, Narasipur OS3, Kunnavil R4, Srinivasamurthy N5. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Jun VIEW
Hypnosis and relaxation therapies Vickers A//Zollman C British Medical Journal 1999 VIEW
EEG paroxysmal gamma waves during Bhramari Pranayama: A yoga breathing technique Vialatte FB, Bakardjian H, Prasad R, Cichocki A Conscious Cogn. 2008 Feb 23 VIEW
Trends in Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong Use: Differentiations Between Practices and the Need for Dialogue and Diffusion. Vergeer I1 Am J Public Health. 2019 May VIEW
Participation trends in holistic movement practices: a 10-year comparison of yoga/Pilates and t'ai chi/qigong use among a national sample of 195,926 Australians. Vergeer I1,2, Bennie JA3,4, Charity MJ4,5, Harvey JT4,5, van Uffelen JGZ4,6, Biddle SJH3,4, Eime RM4,5 BMC Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jun 6 VIEW
Subjective Sleep Quality and hormonal modulation in long-term yoga practitioners. Vera FM, Manzaneque JM, Maldonado EF, Carranque GA, Rodriguez FM, Blanca MJ, Morell M. Biol Psychol. 2009 Jul VIEW
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Gain Perspective of the Benefits of Yoga in Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Children to Inform Practice for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-Analysis. Veneri D1, Gannotti M2, Bertucco M3, Fournier Hillman SE2 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Feb 6 VIEW
Yoga-based guided relaxation reduces sympathetic activity judged from baseline levels Vempati RP//Telles S Psychol Rep 2002 VIEW
The efficacy of a comprehensive lifestyle modification programme based on yoga in the management of bronchial asthma: a randomized controlled trial. Vempati R, Bijlani RL, Deepak KK. BMC Pulm Med. 2009 Jul 30 VIEW
Influence of sports climbing and yoga on spasticity, cognitive function, mood and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Velikonja O, Curić K, Ozura A, Jazbec SS. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010 Sep VIEW
Influence of sports climbing and yoga on spasticity, cognitive function, mood and fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Velikonja O, Curić K, Ožura A, Jazbec SS. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2010 Apr 4 VIEW
Effect of yogic bellows on cardiovascular autonomic reactivity. Veerabhadrappa SG, Baljoshi VS, Khanapure S, Herur A, Patil S, Ankad RB, Chinagudi S. J Cardiovasc Dis Res. 2011 Oct VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesavalu LN//Murthy KC//Duvall K//// Allergy Asthma Proc 1998 VIEW
Clinical study of yoga techniques in university students with asthma: a controlled study Vedanthan PK//Kesava LN//Nuthy KC//Duvall K//// Alergy Athma Proc 1998 VIEW
Yoga and menopausal transition. Vaze N, Joshi S. J Midlife Health. 2010 Jul VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions in Late-Life Mental Illnesses and Cognitive Disorders: A Narrative Review. Vasudev A1, Torres-Platas SG2, Kerfoot K1, Potes A3, Therriault J4, Gifuni A4, Segal M3, Looper KJ3, Nair V4, Lavretsky H5, Rej S6 Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Nov 3 VIEW
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