Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19126 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Cell phones and children: follow the precautionary road. Rosenberg S. Pediatr Nurs. 2013 Mar-Apr VIEW
Cell phone radiation exposure on brain and associated biological systems. Kesari KK, Siddiqui MH, Meena R, Verma HN, Kumar S. Indian J Exp Biol. 2013 Mar VIEW
Cell Membrane Oscillations under Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Modulation Li Lin1, Marshall R McCraw2, Berkin Uluutku2, Yi Liu3, Dayun Yan1, Vikas Soni1, Alex Horkowitz1, Xiaoliang Yao1, Ruby Limanowski1, Santiago D Solares2, Isak I Beilis4, Michael Keidar1 Langmuir 2023 Feb 20 VIEW
Cell Electrical Impedance as a Novel Approach for Studies on Senescence Not Based on Biomarkers. Cha JJ1, Park Y2, Yun J1, Kim HW1, Park CJ1, Kang G1, Jung M2, Pak B3, Jin SW4, Lee JH5 Biomed Res Int. 2016 VIEW
Cell division and aging of the organism. Macieira-Coelho A. Biogerontology. 2011 Dec VIEW
Cell death induced by AC magnetic fields and magnetic nanoparticles: Current state and perspectives. Goya GF, Asín L, Ibarra MR. Int J Hyperthermia. 2013 Oct 16 VIEW
Cell cycle-dependent transcription factors control the expression of yeast telomerase RNA. Dionne I, Larose S, Dandjinou AT, Abou Elela S, Wellinger RJ. RNA 2013 May 20 VIEW
Cell aging in relation to stress arousal and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Epel ES, Lin J, Wilhelm FH, Wolkowitz OM, Cawthon R, Adler NE, Dolbier C, Mendes WB, Blackburn EH. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2006 Apr VIEW
CE: An Evidence-Based Yoga Practice for Hospitalized Adults on Medical-Psychiatric Units Angela Dossett1, Anne Smith, Marcia K Gingerich, Laura Cullen Am J Nurs 2022 Jul 1 VIEW
CDC\'s research portfolio in older adult fall prevention: A review of progress, 1985-2005, and future research directions Sleet DA, Moffett DB, Stevens J. J Safety Res. 2008 VIEW
CB1 and CB2 contribute to antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of electroacupuncture on experimental arthritis of the rat temporomandibular joint. Gondim DV, Araújo JC, Cavalcante AL, Havt A, Quetz Jda S, Brito GA, Ribeiro Rde A, Lima Vale M. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Nov VIEW
Catecholamine levels in practitioners of the transcendental meditation technique Infante JR//Torres-Avisbal M//Pinel P//Vallejo JA//// Physiol Behav 2001 VIEW
Catabolic efficiency of aerobic glycolysis: the Warburg effect revisited. Vazquez A, Liu J, Zhou Y, Oltvai ZN. BMC Syst Biol. 2010 May 6 VIEW
CASES OF TUMORS TREATED BY LOTUS QIGONG Kui Ruqin 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Case-control study on occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields and glioma risk. Carlberg M1, Koppel T2, Ahonen M3, Hardell L1 Am J Ind Med. 2017 Apr 10 VIEW
Case Study on Blood Pressure Reduction using Chinese Medicine Craig M. Cormack, B.A., R.M.T. 2008 Jun VIEW
Case study of simultaneous recovery from multiple physical symptoms with medical qigong therapy Chen KW//Turner FD J Altern Complement Med 2004 VIEW
Case Study of Ecstatic Meditation: fMRI and EEG Evidence of Self-Stimulating a Reward System. Hagerty MR, Isaacs J, Brasington L, Shupe L, Fetz EE, Cramer SC. Neural Plast. 2013 VIEW
Case Reports of Acupuncturists and Massage Therapists at Mayo Clinic: New Allies in Expediting Patient Diagnoses. Mallory MJ1, Hauschulz JL1, Do A1, Dreyer NE1, Bauer BA2 Explore (NY). 2017 Dec 21 VIEW
Case Report on Anomalous Electro-Magnetic Signals Kokubo H//Haraguchi S//Furukawa M//Yamamoto M J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
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