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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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2019 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Respiratory, Physical, and Psychological Benefits of Breath-Focused Yoga for Adults with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A Brief Pilot Study Report. Silverthorne C, Khalsa SB, Gueth R, Deavilla N, Pansini J. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Gentle hatha yoga and reduction of fibromyalgia-related symptoms: a preliminary report. Rudrud L. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
The Use of Yoga in Specialized VA PTSD Treatment Programs. Libby DJ, Reddy F, Pilver CE, Desai RA. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Building bridges for yoga therapy research: the aetna, inc., mind-body pilot study on chronic and high stress. Kusnick C, Kraftsow G, Hilliker M. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Yoga and Quality-of-Life Improvement in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Literature Review. Levine AS, Balk JL. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Yoga in the schools: a systematic review of the literature. Serwacki ML, Cook-Cottone C. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
YogaHome: Teaching and Research Challenges in a Yoga Program with Homeless Adults. Davis-Berman J, Farkas J. Int J Yoga Therap. 2012 VIEW
Iyengar Yoga for Distressed Women: A 3-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial. Michalsen A, Jeitler M, Brunnhuber S, Lüdtke R, Büssing A, Musial F, Dobos G, Kessler C. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Effect of yoga practices on pulmonary function tests including transfer factor of lung for carbon monoxide (TLCO) in asthma patients. Singh S, Soni R, Singh KP, Tandon OP. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 2012 Jan-Mar VIEW
Effects of yoga on mental and physical health: a short summary of reviews. Büssing A, Michalsen A, Khalsa SB, Telles S, Sherman KJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Effects of yoga interventions on fatigue: a meta-analysis. Boehm K, Ostermann T, Milazzo S, Büssing A. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
The evolution of mindfulness-based physical interventions in breast cancer survivors. Stan DL, Collins NM, Olsen MM, Croghan I, Pruthi S. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
The physical demands of the tree (vriksasana) and one-leg balance (utthita hasta padangusthasana) poses performed by seniors: a biomechanical examination. Yu SS, Wang MY, Samarawickrame S, Hashish R, Kazadi L, Greendale GA, Salem GJ. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Complementary medicine, exercise, meditation, diet, and lifestyle modification for anxiety disorders: a review of current evidence. Sarris J, Moylan S, Camfield DA, Pase MP, Mischoulon D, Berk M, Jacka FN, Schweitzer I. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Effect of exercise therapy on lipid parameters in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Gordon L, McGrowder DA, Pena YT, Cabrera E, Lawrence-Wright M J Lab Physicians. 2012 Jan VIEW
Systematic review of yoga for pregnant women: current status and future directions. Curtis K, Weinrib A, Katz J. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Frequency of yoga practice predicts health: results of a national survey of yoga practitioners. Ross A, Friedmann E, Bevans M, Thomas S. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Cancer-Related Stress and Complementary and Alternative Medicine: A Review. Chandwani KD, Ryan JL, Peppone LJ, Janelsins MM, Sprod LK, Devine K, Trevino L, Gewandter J, Morrow GR, Mustian KM. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Development of Specific Aspects of Spirituality during a 6-Month Intensive Yoga Practice. Büssing A, Hedtstück A, Khalsa SB, Ostermann T, Heusser P. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Neurocognitive correlates of the effects of yoga meditation practice on emotion and cognition: a pilot study. Froeliger BE, Garland EL, Modlin LA, McClernon FJ. Front Integr Neurosci. 2012 VIEW
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