Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14547 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Treating asthma with wai qi and qigong training by affecting adrenocortical hormone, CAMP and CGMP Chu Joe Hing Kwok 3rd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1996 VIEW
Treating asthma with waiqi and qigong Chu Joe Hing Kwok 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Treating Balance Disorders by Ultra-Low-Level Laser Stimulation of Acupoints. Gallamini M. J Acupunct Meridian Stud. 2013 Apr VIEW
Treating Bell's Palsy Through Qigong Zhao Qong 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Treating Cancer by Targeting Telomeres and Telomerase. Ivancich M1, Schrank Z2, Wojdyla L3, Leviskas B4, Kuckovic A5, Sanjali A6, Puri N7 Antioxidants (Basel). 2017 Feb 19 VIEW
Treating children traumatized by war and Tsunami: A comparison between exposure therapy and meditation-relaxation in North-East Sri Lanka. Catani C, Kohiladevy M, Ruf M, Schauer E, Elbert T, Neuner F. BMC Psychiatry. 2009 May 13 VIEW
Treating chronic pain: the need for non-opioid options. Garland EL. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2014 Jun 11 VIEW
Treating Depression With Tai Chi: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Kong J1, Wilson G1, Park J1, Pereira K1, Walpole C1, Yeung A2 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 12 VIEW
Treating Depression with Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Kong J1, Fang J2, Park J1, Li S3, Rong P3 Front Psychiatry. 2018 Feb 5 VIEW
Treating dyspepsia with acupuncture and homeopathy: reflections on a pilot study by researchers, practitioners and participants Paterson C//Ewings P//Brazier JE//Britten N Complement Ther Med 2003 VIEW
Treating fibromyalgia with mindfulness-based stress reduction: Results from a 3-armed randomized controlled trial. Schmidt S, Grossman P, Schwarzer B, Jena S, Naumann J, Walach H. Pain 2010 Dec 10 VIEW
Treating Gall Bladder Stone Through External Qi Wang Tongshen 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
Treating generalized anxiety disorder using complementary and alternative medicine. McPherson F, McGraw L. Altern Ther Health Med. 2013 Sep-Oct VIEW
Treating hypertension in type II diabetic patients with device-guided breathing: a randomized controlled trial. Schein MH, Gavish B, Baevsky T, Kaufman M, Levine S, Nessing A, Alter A. J Hum Hypertens. 2009 May VIEW
Treating major depression with yoga: A prospective, randomized, controlled pilot trial. Prathikanti S1, Rivera R2, Cochran A3, Tungol JG4, Fayazmanesh N5, Weinmann E6 PLoS One. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Treating pain using acupuncture for nonacupuncturists Bernard Toney Jr1 JAAPA 2023 Jan 1 VIEW
Treating survivors of torture and refugee trauma: a preliminary case series using qigong and t\'ai chi Grodin MA, Piwowarczyk L, Fulker D, Bazazi AR, Saper RB J Altern Complement Med. 2008 Sep VIEW
Treating vertigo by qigong acupointing Yan Qilin 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
Treatment and clinical analysis of qigong side effects Liu Lijiang 2nd World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1993 VIEW
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