The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
The Failure of Mitochondria Leads to Neurodegeneration: Do Mitochondria Need A Jump Start? | Lee J, Boo JH, Ryu H. | Adv Drug Deliv Rev | 2009 Aug 26 | VIEW |
The feasibility and effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for mixed diagnosis patients in primary care: a pilot study. | Radford SR, Crane RS, Eames C, Gold E, Owens GW. | Ment Health Fam Med. | 2012 Sep | VIEW |
The Feasibility and Effects of Acupuncture in an Adolescent Nordic Ski Population. | Garlanger KL1, Fredericks WH2, Do A3, Bauer BA4, Laskowski ER5 | PM R. | 2016 Nov 30 | VIEW |
The feasibility and impact of delivering a mind-body intervention in a virtual world. | Hoch DB, Watson AJ, Linton DA, Bello HE, Senelly M, Milik MT, Baim MA, Jethwani K, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Kvedar JC. | PLoS One. | 2012 | VIEW |
The feasibility and impact of delivering a mind-body intervention in a virtual world. | Hoch DB, Watson AJ, Linton DA, Bello HE, Senelly M, Milik MT, Baim MA, Jethwani K, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Kvedar JC. | PLoS One. | 2012 | VIEW |
The Feasibility of a Holistic Wellness Program for HIV/AIDS Patients Residing in a Voluntary Inpatient Treatment Program. | Morgan V. | J Holist Nurs. | 2013 May 17 | VIEW |
The Feasibility of Tai Chi Exercise as a Beneficial Mind-Body Intervention in a Group of Community-Dwelling Stroke Survivors with Symptoms of Depression | Ruth E Taylor-Piliae1, Helena W Morrison1, Chiu-Hsieh Paul Hsu2, Susan Whitman1, Michael Grandner3 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med | 2021 Nov 2 | VIEW |
The Feasibility of Using Pulsatile Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) to Enhance the Regenerative Ability of Dermal Biomaterial Scaffolds. | Feldman DS1 | J Funct Biomater. | 2018 Nov 19 | VIEW |
The feeling thought process during Qigong | Liu T | J Tradit Chin Med | 1992 | VIEW |
The first survey of the qigong man’s information | Xu Shuju//Cao Chiping//Uang Ziyun | 2nd Int Conf on Qigong | 1989 | VIEW |
The forces of healing: Reflections on energy, consciousness, and the beef stroganoff principle | Dossey L | Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine | 1997 | VIEW |
The Fourth Bioelectronic Medicine Summit "Technology Targeting Molecular Mechanisms": current progress, challenges, and charting the future | Timir Datta-Chaudhuri1, Theodoros Zanos1, Eric H Chang1, Peder S Olofsson2, Stephan Bickel1, Chad Bouton1, Daniel Grande1, Loren Rieth1,3, Cynthia Aranow1, Ona Bloom1, Ashesh D Mehta1, Gene Civillico4, Molly M Stevens5, Eric Głowacki6, Christopher Bettinger7, Martin Schüettler8, Chris Puleo9, Robert Rennaker10, Saroj Mohanta11, Daniela Carnevale12,13, Silvia V Conde14, Bruno Bonaz15, David Chernoff16, Suraj Kapa17, Magnus Berggren6, Kip Ludwig18, Stavros Zanos1, Larry Miller1, Doug Weber7, Daniel Yoshor19, Lawrence Steinman20, Sangeeta S Chavan21, Valentin A Pavlov22, Yousef Al-Abed23, Kevin J Tracey24 | Bioelectron Med | 2021 May 24 | VIEW |
The Freeze-Framer: A Stress Management Training and Heart Rhythm Education System for Increasing Physiological Coherence | McCraty R//Atkinson M//Tiller W | Proceedings of the Tenth International Montreux Congress on Stress | 1999 | VIEW |
The frequency architecture of brain and brain body oscillations: an analysis | Wolfgang Klimesch1 | Eur J Neurosci | 2018 Oct 1 | VIEW |
The frequency architecture of brain and brain body oscillations: an analysis | Wolfgang Klimesch1 | Eur J Neurosci | 2018 Oct 1 | VIEW |
The frequency change in alpha waves and the appearance of theta waves during qigong and meditation | Kawano Kimiko//Shi JM//Duan LY | J Intl Soc Life Info Science | 1996 | VIEW |
The Function of the Brain using EEGs during Induced Meditation | Kawano Kimiko 1//Kushita Kouhei N 2 | J Intl Soc Life Info Science | 1996 | VIEW |
The fundamental role of quantized vibrations in coherent light harvesting by cryptophyte algae. | Kolli A, O'Reilly EJ, Scholes GD, Olaya-Castro A. | J Chem Phys. | 2012 Nov 17 | VIEW |
The Future Is Noninvasive: A Brief Review of the Evolution and Clinical Utility of Vagus Nerve Stimulation | Bashar W Badran1, Christopher W Austelle1 | Focus (Am Psychiatr Publ) | 2022 Jan 1 | VIEW |
The Future of Non-Invasive Angiogenic Therapy Using Acoustic Waves. | Ito K1, Shimokawa H | Circ J. | 2015 | VIEW |