Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14583 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Qigong - Evaluation Gallia K Natural Health 1999 VIEW
The experience of therapeutic touch from a nursing perspective Hayes J//Cox C Br J Nurs 1999 VIEW
An integrative review and meta-analysis of therapeutic touch research Winstead-Fry P//Kijek J Altern Ther Health Med 1999 VIEW
Effects of therapeutic touch on biochemical and mood indicators in women Lafreniere KD//Mutus B//Cameron S//Tannous M//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
A study to test the effectiveness of placebo Reiki standardization procedures developed for a planned Reiki efficacy study Mansour AA//Beuche M//Laing G//Leis A//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
Tai chi practice reduces movement force variability for seniors Yan JH J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 1999 VIEW
Osteoporosis: current modes of prevention and treatment Lane JM//Nydick M. J Am Acad Orthop Surg 1999 VIEW
Evaluating complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients Cassileth BR CA Cancer J Clin 1999 VIEW
Stress, relaxation states, and creativity Khasky AD//Smith JC Percept Mot Skills 1999 VIEW
Stress due to exams in medical students--role of yoga Malathi A//Damodaran A Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1999 VIEW
Lipid profile of coronary risk subjects following yogic lifestyle intervention Mahajan AS//Reddy KS//Sachdeva U Indian Heart J 1999 VIEW
Yoga-based intervention for carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized trial Garfinkel MS//Singhal A//Katz WA//Allan DA//// JAMA 1999 VIEW
Blood pressure biofeedback treatment, organ damage and sympathetic activity in mild hypertension Nakao M//Nomura S//Shimosawa T//Fujita T//// Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 1999 VIEW
Homeopathy versus antibiotics in metaphylaxis of infectious diseases: a clinical study in pig fattening and its significance to consumers Albrecht H//Shutte A Altern Ther Health Med 1999 VIEW
A randomized equivalence trial comparing the efficacy and safety of Luffa comp.-Heel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis Weiser M//Gegenheimer LH//Klein P Forsch Komplementarmed 1999 VIEW
Homeopathy in HIV infection: a trial report of double-blind placebo controlled study Rastogi DP//Singh VP//Singh V//Dey SK//// Br Homeopath J 1999 VIEW
Use of homeopathy in the treatment of tinnitus Simpson JJ//Donaldson I//Davies WE Br J Audiol 1999 VIEW
Eastern and Western paradigms: the holistic nature of traditional Chinese medicine Griffiths V. Aust J Holist Nurs 1999 VIEW
Autonomic and EEG patterns during eyes-closed rest and transcendental meditation (TM) practice: the basis for a neural model of TM practice Travis F//Wallace RK Conscious Cogn 1999 VIEW
Exaggerated heart rate oscillations during two meditation techniques Peng CK//Mietus JE//Liu Y//Khalsa G//// Int J Cardiol 1999 VIEW
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