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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The impact of group-based Tai chi on health-status outcomes among community-dwelling older adults with hypertension. Ma C1, Zhou W2, Tang Q3, Huang S4 Heart Lung. 2018 May 16 VIEW
Impact of muscle atrophy on bone metabolism and bone strength: implications for muscle-bone crosstalk with aging and disuse. Bettis T1, Kim BJ1,2, Hamrick MW3 Osteoporos Int. 2018 May 18 VIEW
Finally, a regimen to extend human life expectancy. Larrick J1, Mendelsohn AR2,3 Rejuvenation Res. 2018 May 21 VIEW
Acupuncture in migraine prophylaxis in Czech patients: an open-label randomized controlled trial. Musil F1, Pokladnikova J1,2, Pavelek Z3, Wang B4, Guan X4, Valis M3 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2018 May 10 VIEW
Neural Correlates of Personalized Spiritual Experiences. Miller L1, Balodis IM2,3, McClintock CH1, Xu J2, Lacadie CM4, Sinha R2,5,6, Potenza MN1,5,6,7 Cereb Cortex. 2018 May 29 VIEW
Use of a novel combined radiofrequency and ultrasound device for lipolysis, skin tightening and cellulite treatment. Kapoor R1,2, Shome D2,3,4, Ranjan A5 J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2017 Oct VIEW
Supervised Physical Activity and Improved Functional Capacity among Adults Living with HIV: A Systematic Review. Voigt N, Cho H, Schnall R J Assoc Nurses AIDS Care. 2018 May 31 VIEW
A novel database of bio-effects from non-ionizing radiation. Leach V1, Weller S2, Redmayne M3 Rev Environ Health. 2018 Jun 6 VIEW
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and shortened telomere length: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Huang P1, Zhou J2, Chen S2, Zou C2, Zhao X1, Li J3 Sleep Med. 2017 Dec 14 VIEW
The genomic effects of cell phone exposure on the reproductive system. Yahyazadeh A1, Deniz ÖG1, Kaplan AA1, Altun G1, Yurt KK2, Davis D3 Environ Res. 2018 May 25 VIEW
Effects of mobile phone exposure on metabolomics in the male and female reproductive systems. Altun G1, Deniz ÖG1, Yurt KK2, Davis D3, Kaplan S4 Environ Res. 2018 May 16 VIEW
Religiosity and Health: A Holistic Biopsychosocial Perspective. Page RL1, Peltzer JN2, Burdette AM3, Hill TD4 J Holist Nurs. 2018 Jun 1 VIEW
Psychological interventions in palliative care. von Blanckenburg P1, Leppin N Curr Opin Psychiatry. 2018 Jul 4 VIEW
Effects of adding whole-body vibration to routine day activity program on physical functioning in elderly with mild or moderate dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Lam FMH1, Liao LR2, Kwok TCY3, Pang MYC1 Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2018 Jan VIEW
Impact of short- and long-term mindfulness meditation training on amygdala reactivity to emotional stimuli. Kral TRA1, Schuyler BS2, Mumford JA2, Rosenkranz MA2, Lutz A3, Davidson RJ4 Neuroimage. 2018 Jul 7 VIEW
Acupuncture Alleviates Rheumatoid Arthritis by Immune-Network Modulation. Xu Y1, Hong S2, Zhao X1, Wang S1, Xu Z1, Ding S3, Zhang K1, Zhang Y1, Xu L4, Yu N5, Zhao T1, Yan Y1, Yang F1, Liu Y1, Yu K1, Liu B1, Guo Y1,6, Pang G4 Am J Chin Med. 2018 Jul 12 VIEW
A 60 Hz uniform electromagnetic field promotes human cell proliferation by decreasing intracellular reactive oxygen species levels. Song K1, Im SH2, Yoon YJ1, Kim HM2, Lee HJ2, Park GS2 PLoS One. 2018 Jul 16 VIEW
Everyday life in older men living alone - a complex view needing a biopsychosocial perspective. von Heideken Wågert P1, Nygård S2, Cederbom S1,3 Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Jul 16 VIEW
Neural Mechanisms Supporting the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Pain. Zeidan F1, Salomons T2, Farris SR1, Emerson NM, Neal AA1, Jung Y3, Coghill RC1,4 Pain. 2018 Jul 12 VIEW
Decline in sensorimotor systems explains reduced falls self-efficacy. Pauelsen M1, Vikman I2, Johansson Strandkvist V3, Larsson A4, Röijezon U5 J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2018 Jul 9 VIEW
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