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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The effects of Tai Chi on standing balance control in older adults may be attributed to the improvement of sensory reweighting and complexity rather than reduced sway velocity or amplitude Jianhua Cui#1, Zengming Hao#2, Haibo Tian3, Yi Yang1, Jian Wang1,4, Xiaomei Lin1 Front Aging Neurosci 2024 Apr 8 VIEW
The effects of Tai Chi on the balance control of elderly persons with visual impairment: a randomised clinical trial. Chen EW, Fu AS, Chan KM, Tsang WW. Age Ageing. 2011 Dec 16 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi on the Executive Functions and Physical Fitness in Middle-Aged Adults with Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial Ligong Zhang1, Dongshi Wang2, Chun Xie3, Siwen Liu4, Lin Chi5, Xuezhi Ma1, Fei-Fei Ren6 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2022 Sep 13 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi on the Renal and Cardiac Functions of Patients with Chronic Kidney and Cardiovascular Diseases. Shi ZM1, Wen HP1, Liu FR2, Yao CX1. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Nov VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi Practice on Intermuscular Beta Coherence and the Rubber Hand Illusion. Kerr CE1, Agrawal U2, Nayak S1. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Feb 16 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi Practice With Asynchronous Music on Compliance and Fall-Related Risk Factors in Middle-Aged and Older Women: A Pilot Study. Du Y1, Roberts P2, Xu Q2. J Holist Nurs. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
The effects of Tai Chi Rouli ball exercise on bone mineral content and bone metabolism indicators in perimenopausal women Aili Xin1, Liumei Guo2 J Clin Densitom 2024 May 14 VIEW
The Effects of Tai Chi Training in Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ren X1,2, Li Y1,2, Yang X1,2, Li J1,2, Li H3, Yuan Z4, Sun Y2, Shang H2, Xing Y1, Gao Y2 Front Physiol. 2017 Dec 7 VIEW
The effects of Tai Ji Quan training on limits of stability in older adults. Li F. Clin Interv Aging. 2014 Aug 4 VIEW
The effects of Tai-chi exercise for the prevention of long-term care in community-dwelling frail elderly people -New care-need certification and mortality-. Fujimoto S, Yamazaki S, Wakabayashi A, Matsuzaki Y, Yasumura S. Nihon Ronen Igakkai Zasshi. 2011 VIEW
The effects of Tai-Chi in conjunction with thera-band resistance exercise on functional fitness and muscle strength among community-based older people. Lin SF1, Sung HC, Li TL, Hsieh TC, Lan HC, Perng SJ, Smith GD. J Clin Nurs. 2015 Jan 26 VIEW
The effects of the Bali Yoga Program (BYP-BC) on reducing psychological symptoms in breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy: results of a randomized, partially blinded, controlled trial. Lanctôt D, Dupuis G, Marcaurell R, Anestin AS, Bali M J Complement Integr Med. 2016 Jul 12 VIEW
The effects of the music-with-movement intervention on the cognitive functions of people with moderate dementia: a randomized controlled trial. Cheung DS1, Lai CK1, Wong FK1, Leung MC2 Aging Ment Health. 2016 Nov 7 VIEW
The Effects of the transcendental meditation program on mindfulness. Tanner MA, Travis F, Gaylord-King C, Haaga DA, Grosswald S, Schneider RH. J Clin Psychol 2009 Feb 24 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic back massage on psychophysiologic variables and immune function in spouses of patients with cancer Goodfellow LM Nurs Res 2003 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle function following downhill walking Farr T//Nottle C//Nosaka K//Sacco P J Sci Med Sport 2002 VIEW
The Effects of Therapeutic Touch on Pain. Monroe CM. J Holist Nurs. 2009 Mar 19 VIEW
The effects of therapeutic touch on patients with osteoarthritis of the knee Gordon A//Merenstein JH//D'Amico F//Hudgens D. J Fam Pract 1998 VIEW
The effects of three kinds of qigong exercises on electrical conductivity of meridians and grip strength Yoshida K//Yoshihuku Y//Aoki T//Adachi Y//Horiuchi M// J Intl Soc Life Info Science 1999 VIEW
The effects of three kinds of qigong exercises on electrical impedance of human body Yoshida K//Takashi Y//Aoki T//Adachi Y 7th Int Sym on Qigong 1998 VIEW
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