Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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14583 matches found.
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Title Author Journal Date
Evaluation of healing by gentle touch in 35 clients with cancer Weze C//Leathard HL//Grange J//Tiplady P//// Eur J Oncol Nurs 2004 VIEW
Guideline for the management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Bateman ED//Feldman C//O'Brien J//Plit M//// S Afr Med J 2004 VIEW
Effect of aerobic exercise and relaxation training on fatigue and physical performance of cancer patients after surgery. A randomised controlled trial Dimeo FC//Thomas F//Raabe-Menssen C//Propper F//// Support Care Cancer 2004 VIEW
Randomized controlled trial of yoga and exercise in multiple sclerosis Oken BS//Kishiyama S//Zajdel D//Bourdette D//// Neurology 2004 VIEW
Acupressure and fatigue in patients with end-stage renal disease-a randomized controlled tria Tsay SL Int J Nurs Stud 2004 VIEW
Effect of exercise versus relaxation on haemoglobin A1C in Black females with type 2 diabetes mellitus van Rooijen AJ//Rheeder P//Eales CJ//Becker PJ QJM 2004 VIEW
A clinical trial of distraction techniques for pain and anxiety control during cataract surgery Simmons D//Chabal C//Griffith J//Rausch M,//// Insight 2004 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial of aromatherapy massage in a hospice setting Soden K//Vincent K//Craske S//Lucas C///// Palliat Med 2004 VIEW
Effects of moxibustion to zusanli (ST36) on alteration of natural killer cell activity in rats Choi GS//Han JB//Park JH//Oh SD//// Am J Chin Med 2004 VIEW
Beneficial effects of yoga lifestyle on reversibility of ischaemic heart disease: caring heart project of International Board of Yoga Yogendra J//Yogendra HJ//Ambardekar S//Lele RD//// J Assoc Physicians India 2004 VIEW
Tai Chi for Back Pain Lam P//Stephenson A Medical Paradigm 2004 VIEW
[Evaluation of oxidative stress and enzymatic antioxidants in medium physical training of moderate arterial hypertension] Chiriac S, Jerca L, Ungureanu D, Dima-Cozma C, Jerca O, Iacobovici A, Popovici I, Gheorghiţă N, Pandele GI. Rev Med Chir Soc Med Nat Iasi 2004 Jan-Mar VIEW
Low-field magnetic stimulation in bipolar depression using an MRI-based stimulator. Rohan M, Parow A, Stoll AL, Demopulos C, Friedman S, Dager S, Hennen J, Cohen BM, Renshaw PF. Am J Psychiatry. 2004 Jan VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan, health-related quality of life and self-esteem: a randomized trial with breast cancer survivors Mustian, K.M., Katula, J.A., Gill, D.L., Roscoe, J.A., Lang, D. & Murphy, K. Support Care Cancer 2004 VIEW
Relative exercise intensity of Tai Chi Chuan is similar in different ages and gender Lan, C., Chen, S. & Lai, J. American Journal of Chinese Medicine 2004 VIEW
An evaluation of the ability to voluntarily reduce the heart rate after a month of yoga practice Telles, S., Joshi, M., Dash, M., Raghuraj, P., Naveen, K.V., & Nagendra, H.R. Integrative Physiological and Behavior Science 2004 VIEW
Treatment of chronic insomnia with yoga: a preliminary study with sleep-wake diaries Khalsa, S.B. pplied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 2004 VIEW
Yoga as a therapeutic intervention: A bibliometric analysis of published research studies Khalsa, S.B. Indian Journal Physiology and Pharmacology 2004 VIEW
The use of acupuncture in maternity care: a pilot study evaluating the acupuncture service in an Australian hospital antenatal clinic Hope-Allan, N., Adams, J., Sibbritt, D. & Tracy, S. Complementary Therapy and Nurses Midwifery 2004 VIEW
The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy, Restricted to Electrotherapy and Exercise, for Osteoarthritis of the Knee [Internet]. The Effectiveness of Physical Therapy, Restricted to Electrotherapy and Exercise, for Osteoarthritis of the Knee [Internet]. NIPH Systematic Reviews: Executive Summaries.2004 2004 VIEW
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