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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Treating Depression With Tai Chi: State of the Art and Future Perspectives. Kong J1, Wilson G1, Park J1, Pereira K1, Walpole C1, Yeung A2 Front Psychiatry. 2019 Apr 12 VIEW
Complexity-Based Measures of Heart Rate Dynamics in Older Adults Following Long- and Short-Term Tai Chi Training: Cross-sectional and Randomized Trial Studies. Ma Y1, Wu CW2, Peng CK3, Ahn A4, Bertisch SM5, Lipsitz LA6,7, Yeh GY4,8, Manor B6,7, Novak V9, Hausdorff JM10,11,12, Gow B3,8, Wayne PM8 Sci Rep. 2019 May 16 VIEW
Benefits of Yoga on IL-6: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial of Yoga for Depression. Nugent NR1,2,3, Brick L1,3, Armey MF3,4, Tyrka AR3,4, Ridout KK3, Uebelacker LA3,4 Behav Med. 2019 May 29 VIEW
Economic and clinical evaluation of vagus nerve stimulation therapy. Kopciuch D1, Barciszewska AM2,3, Fliciński J4, Paczkowska A1, Winczewska-Wiktor A4, Jankowski R2,3, Steinborn B4, Nowakowska E1 Acta Neurol Scand. 2019 Jun 5 VIEW
Loving-kindness meditation slows biological aging in novices: Evidence from a 12-week randomized controlled trial. Le Nguyen KD1, Lin J2, Algoe SB1, Brantley MM3, Kim SL4, Brantley J5, Salzberg S6, Fredrickson BL7 Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2019 May 20 VIEW
Postural instability and the condition of physical frailty in the elderly. Moraes DC1,2, Lenardt MH2, Seima MD2,3, Mello BH2,4, Setoguchi LS2,5, Setlik CM2,6 Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2019 Apr 29 VIEW
Residential exposure to ultra high frequency electromagnetic fields emitted by Global System for Mobile (GSM) antennas and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis incidence: A geo-epidemiological population-based study. Luna J1, Leleu JP2, Preux PM3, Corcia P4, Couratier P5, Marin B3, Boumediene F, Fralim Consortium Environ Res. 2019 Jun 11 VIEW
Interoception and stress. Schulz A1, Vögele C1 Front Psychol. 2015 Jul 20 VIEW
The safety of tai chi: A meta-analysis of adverse events in randomized controlled trials. Cui H1, Wang Q2, Pedersen M3, Wang Q1, Lv S1, James D4, Larkey L5 Contemp Clin Trials. 2019 Jun 20 VIEW
Evaluating mindfulness training for medical and PhD nursing students. Noble H1, Reid J2, Walsh IK3, Ellison SE4, McVeigh C5 Br J Nurs. 2019 Jun 27 VIEW
Efficacy and Safety of a Stimulator Using Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound Combined with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Patients with Painful Knee Osteoarthritis. Kim ED1,2, Won YH1,2, Park SH1,2, Seo JH1,2,3, Kim DS1,2, Ko MH1,2,3, Kim GW1,2,3 Pain Res Manag. 2019 Jun 16 VIEW
Breath-focused mindfulness alters early and late components during emotion regulation. Zhang W1, Ouyang Y2, Tang F3, Chen J4, Li H5 Brain Cogn. 2019 Jul 30 VIEW
The Effect of Traditional Chinese Mind-Body Exercise (Baduanjin) and Brisk Walking on the Dorsal Attention Network in Older Adults With Mild Cognitive Impairment. Xia R1, Qiu P1, Lin H1, Ye B1, Wan M1, Li M2, Tao J1,3, Chen L1,3, Zheng G4 Front Psychol. 2019 Sep 10 VIEW
The neural mechanisms of mindfulness-based pain relief: a functional magnetic resonance imaging-based review and primer. Zeidan F1, Baumgartner JN1, Coghill RC2 Pain Rep. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
Nonpharmacological Treatment of Army Service Members with Chronic Pain Is Associated with Fewer Adverse Outcomes After Transition to the Veterans Health Administration. Meerwijk EL1, Larson MJ2, Schmidt EM3, Adams RS2, Bauer MR2, Ritter GA2, Buckenmaier C 3rd4, Harris AHS5,6 J Gen Intern Med. 2019 Oct 28 VIEW
Early Post-Operative Intervention of Whole-Body Vibration in Patients After Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Pilot Study. Hsiao YH1, Chien SH2, Tu HP3, Fu JC1, Tsai ST1, Chen YS1, Chen YJ1,4,5, Chen CH1,4,6,7 J Clin Med. 2019 Nov 7 VIEW
A randomized controlled pilot study of the effects of 6-week high intensity hatha yoga protocol on health-related outcomes among students. Papp ME1, Nygren-Bonnier M2, Gullstrand L3, Wändell PE4, Lindfors P5 J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2019 Oct VIEW
The Independent Relationships of Metacognition, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Insight to Self-Compassion in Schizophrenia. Hochheiser J1, Lundin NB2, Lysaker PH3,4 J Nerv Ment Dis. 2019 Nov 11 VIEW
Tai Chi Chuan vs General Aerobic Exercise in Brain Plasticity: A Multimodal MRI Study. Cui L1, Yin H2, Lyu S3, Shen Q1, Wang Y1, Li X1, Li J1, Li Y1, Zhu L1 Sci Rep. 2019 Nov 21 VIEW
Tai Chi exercise and functional electrical stimulation of lower limb muscles for rehabilitation in older adults with chronic systolic heart failure: a non-randomized clinical trial. Hao Y1, Zhang L2, Zhang Z1, Chen L1, He N1, Zhu S1 Braz J Med Biol Res. 2019 Nov 25 VIEW
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