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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation on gene expression in rat's brain. Kumar N, Sharma VP. Value Health. 2013 May VIEW
Childhood abuse and EEG source localization in crack cocaine dependence. Alper K, Shah J, Howard B, Roy John E, Prichep LS. Psychiatry Res. 2013 May 18 VIEW
[The discussion of the study: "Comparative risk aassessment of ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation" by Professor Yu.G. Grigoriev]. [No authors listed] Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2013 Jan-Feb VIEW
[Influence of 900 MHz frequency electromagnetic radiation on some blood indices]. [No authors listed] Radiats Biol Radioecol. 2013 Jan-Feb VIEW
Advanced Imaging (Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and Image-Guided Biopsy in Initial Staging and Monitoring of Therapy of Lung Cancer. Islam S, Walker RC. Cancer J. 2013 May/Jun VIEW
Effect of low level microwave radiation exposure on cognitive function and oxidative stress in rats. Deshmukh PS, Banerjee BD, Abegaonkar MP, Megha K, Ahmed RS, Tripathi AK, Mediratta PK. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2013 Apr VIEW
Targeted therapies using electrical and magnetic neural stimulation for the treatment of chronic pain in spinal cord injury. Moreno-Duarte I, Morse L, Alam M, Bikson M, Zafonte R, Fregni F. Neuroimage. 2013 May 30 VIEW
Ethics of the Electrified Mind: Defining Issues and Perspectives on the Principled Use of Brain Stimulation in Medical Research and Clinical Care. Cabrera LY, Evans EL, Hamilton RH. Brain Topogr. 2013 Jun 4 VIEW
Developing and assessing curriculum on the physics of medical instruments. Christensen W, Johnson JK, Van Ness GR, Mylott E, Dunlap JC, Anderson EA, Widenhorn R. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2013 Summer VIEW
Relations among EEG-alpha asymmetry, BIS/BAS, and dispositional Optimism. De Pascalis V, Cozzuto G, Caprara GV, Alessandri G. Biol Psychol. 2013 Jun 1 VIEW
Ion resonance electromagnetic field stimulation of fracture healing in rabbits with a fibular ostectomy. Deibert MC, Mcleod BR, Smith SD, Liboff AR. J Orthop Res 1994 Nov VIEW
Electrical stimulation: Nonunions. Kooistra BW, Jain A, Hanson BP. Indian J Orthop. 2009 Apr VIEW
Coherent oscillations in biological systems: Interaction with extremely low frequency fields F. Kaiser Radio Sci. 1982 Sep-Oct VIEW
Accurate human tissue characterization for energy-efficient wireless on-body communications. Vallejo M, Recas J, Del Valle PG, Ayala JL. Sensors (Basel). 2013 Jun 10 VIEW
Bioelectric modulation of wound healing in a 3D in vitro model of tissue-engineered bone. Sundelacruz S, Li C, Choi YJ, Levin M, Kaplan DL. Biomaterials. 2013 Jun 11 VIEW
New Tools for Investigating Electromagnetic Hot Spots in Single-Molecule Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering. Willets KA. Chemphyschem. 2013 Jun 18 VIEW
The effects of pulsed magnetic field exposure on the permeability of leukemia cancer cells. Shankayi Z, Firoozabadi SM, Mansourian M, Mahna A. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jun 19 VIEW
Non thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between EMF and living matter: a selected Summary eds. Guiliani, L. & Soffritti, M European J of Oncology 2010 VIEW
Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Skin Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark. Poulsen AH, Friis S, Johansen C, Jensen A, Frei P, Kjær SK, Dalton SO, Schüz J. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 Jun 20 VIEW
Magnetic Fields in Noninvasive Brain Stimulation. Vidal-Dourado M, Conforto AB, Caboclo LO, Scaff M, Guilhoto LM, Yacubian EM. Neuroscientist. 2013 Jun 20 VIEW
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