Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Bioelectronic medicines: a research roadmap. Birmingham K1, Gradinaru V2, Anikeeva P3, Grill WM4, Pikov V5, McLaughlin B6, Pasricha P7, Weber D8, Ludwig K9, Famm K1. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2014 Jun VIEW
Bioelectromagnetic medicine: The role of resonance signaling. Foletti A, Grimaldi S, Lisi A, Ledda M, Liboff AR. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Jan 16 VIEW
Bioelectromagnetic and subtle energy medicine: the interface between mind and matter. Rosch PJ. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2009 Aug VIEW
Bioelectrical model of head-tail patterning based on cell ion channels and intercellular gap junctions. Cervera J1, Meseguer S2, Levin M3, Mafe S4 Bioelectrochemistry. 2019 Nov 29 VIEW
Bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy for the assessment of body fluid volumes of term neonates Ferreira DM//Souza MN Braz J Med Biol Res 2004 VIEW
Bioelectric phenomena in electroacupuncture analgesia Yingqi Chen1, Huayuan Yang2 Zhongguo Zhen Jiu 2023 Jan 12 VIEW
Bioelectric patterning during oogenesis: stage-specific distribution of membrane potentials, intracellular pH and ion-transport mechanisms in Drosophila ovarian follicles. Krüger J, Bohrmann J. BMC Dev Biol. 2015 Jan 16 VIEW
Bioelectric gene and reaction networks: computational modelling of genetic, biochemical and bioelectrical dynamics in pattern regulation. Pietak A1, Levin M2 J R Soc Interface. 2017 Sep VIEW
Bioelectric Fields at the Beginnings of Life Alistair V W Nunn1, Geoffrey W Guy2, Jimmy D Bell1 Bioelectricity 2022 Dec 1 VIEW
Bioelectric Effects of Intense Ultrashort Pulses. Joshi RP, Schoenbach K. Crit Rev Biomed Eng. 2010 VIEW
Bioelectric and biomagnetic measurements are differentially sensitive to spiral currents. Haueisen J, Dietzel A, Liehr M, Weiser T, Elsarnagawy T, Bellemann ME. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2011 Oct VIEW
Biocompatible near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles for macro and microscopic in vivo functional bioimaging. Chu L1, Wang S1, Li K1, Xi W2, Zhao X3, Qian J1. Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Oct 28 VIEW
Biochemistry. Enzyme kinetics, past and present. Xie XS. Science. 2013 Dec 20 VIEW
Biochemical markers of bone turnover as predictors of osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures in men and women: 10-year follow-up of the Taiji cohort. Yoshimura N, Muraki S, Oka H, Kawaguchi H, Nakamura K, Akune T. Mod Rheumatol. 2011 Apr 22 VIEW
Biochemical markers of bone turnover and bone loss at the lumbar spine and femoral neck: the Taiji study Yoshimura N//Hashimoto T//Sakata K//Morioka S//// Calcified Tissue International 1999 VIEW
Biochemical kinetics of cell proliferation regulated by extremely low frequency electromagnetic field. Geng DY, Li CH, Wan XW, Xu GZ. Biomed Mater Eng. 2014 VIEW
Biochemical and psychometric evaluation of Self-Healing Qigong as a stress reduction tool among first year nursing and midwifery students. Chan ES, Koh D, Teo YC, Hj Tamin R, Lim A, Fredericks S. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2013 Nov VIEW
Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Mindfulness as a Treatment for Chronic Stress: An RDoC Perspective. Garland EL1, Hanley AW1, Baker AK1, Howard MO2 Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks). 2017 Feb VIEW
Biobehavioral intervention for older adults coping with essential tremor Lundervold DA//Poppen R Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback 2004 VIEW
Biobehavioral effects of Tai Chi Qigong in men with prostate cancer: Study design of a three-arm randomized clinical trial. Kinney AY1,2, Blair CK3,4, Guest DD4, Ani JK2, Harding EM4, Amorim F5, Boyce T4, Rodman J4, Ford CG4,6, Schwartz M3,4, Rosenberg L2, Foran O2, Gardner J7, Lin Y1,2, Arap W8,9, Irwin MR10,11 Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2019 Aug 21 VIEW
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