Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
A randomized controlled trial of yoga for pregnant women with symptoms of depression and anxiety. Davis K1, Goodman SH2, Leiferman J3, Taylor M4, Dimidjian S5. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2015 Aug VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial on Effects of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Blood Pressure, Psychological Distress, and Coping in Young Adults. Nidich SI, Rainforth MV, Haaga DA, Hagelin J, Salerno JW, Travis F, Tanner M, Gaylord-King C, Grosswald S, Schneider RH. Am J Hypertens 2009 Oct 1 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial on the comparative effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and health qigong-based cognitive therapy among Chinese people with depression and anxiety disorders Sunny H W Chan1, Wendy W K Chan2, June Y W Chao2, Phyllis K L Chan3 BMC Psychiatry 2020 Dec 14 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial on the effects of yoga on stress reactivity in 6th grade students. Hagins M, Haden SC, Daly LA. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial on the psychophysiological effects of physical exercise and Tai-chi in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Ho RT, Fong TC, Wan AH, Au-Yeung FS, Wong CP, Ng WY, Cheung IK, Lo PH, Ng SM, Chan CL, Chen EY Schizophr Res. 2016 Jan 25 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial to assess effectiveness of a spiritually-based intervention to help chronically ill adults. McCauley J, Haaz S, Tarpley MJ, Koenig HG, Bartlett SJ. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2011 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine the Effects of Music and Relaxation Interventions on Perceived Anxiety in Hospitalized Patients Receiving Orthopaedic or Cancer Treatment. Eckhouse DR1, Hurd M, Cotter-Schaufele S, Sulo S, Sokolowski M, Barbour L. Orthop Nurs. 2014 Nov/Dec VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Investigate the Impact of Tango Argentino versus Tai Chi on Quality of Life in Patients with Parkinson Disease: A Short Report. Poier D1,2, Rodrigues Recchia D3, Ostermann T3, Büssing A4,5 Complement Med Res. 2019 Jul 2 VIEW
A Randomized Controlled Trial to Study the Effect of Yoga Therapy on Cardiac Function and N Terminal Pro BNP in Heart Failure. Krishna BH1, Pal P1, Pal G2, Balachander J3, Jayasettiaseelon E4, Sreekanth Y3, Sridhar M5, Gaur G1. Integr Med Insights. 2014 Apr 1 VIEW
A randomized controlled trial: Preoperative home-based combined Tai Chi and Strength Training (TCST) to improve balance and aerobic capacity in patients with total hip arthroplasty (THA). Zeng R1, Lin J2, Wu S3, Chen L4, Chen S3, Gao H4, Zheng Y3, Ma H3. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 Dec 13 VIEW
A randomized equivalence trial comparing the efficacy and safety of Luffa comp.-Heel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis Weiser M//Gegenheimer LH//Klein P Forsch Komplementarmed 1999 VIEW
A Randomized Pilot Study of Acupuncture as an Adjunct Therapy in Adult Asthmatic Patients. Choi JY, Jung HJ, Kim JI, Lee MS, Kang KW, Roh YL, Choi SM, Jung SK. J Asthma 2010 Aug 11 VIEW
A randomized single-blind controlled trial comparing two monochromatic near-infrared light devices: implications for tissue heating and safety. Mitchell UH, Johnson AW, Myrer JW, Hager RL, Eggett DL. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Sep VIEW
A Randomized Study Examining the Effects of Mild-to-Moderate Group Exercises on Cardiovascular, Physical, and Psychological Well-Being in Patients With Heart Failure. Redwine LS1, Wilson K, Pung MA, Chinh K, Rutledge T, Mills PJ, Smith B J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev. 2019 Aug 7 VIEW
A Randomized Study of the Effects of Mindfulness Training on Psychological Well-being and Symptoms of Stress in Patients Treated for Cancer at 6-month Follow-up. Bränström R, Kvillemo P, Moskowitz JT. Int J Behav Med. 2011 Sep 20 VIEW
A Randomized Study of the Effects of T\'ai Chi on Muscle Strength, Bone Mineral Density, and Fear of Falling in Women with Osteoarthritis. Song R, Roberts BL, Lee EO, Lam P, Bae SC. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Mar VIEW
A Randomized Trial Comparing Acupuncture and Simulated Acupuncture, for Sub-acute and Chronic Whiplash. Cameron ID, Wang E, Sindhusake D. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2011 Apr 7 VIEW
A randomized trial comparing acupuncture, simulated acupuncture, and usual care for chronic low back pain. Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Avins AL, Erro JH, Ichikawa L, Barlow WE, Delaney K, Hawkes R, Hamilton L, Pressman A, Khalsa PS, Deyo RA. Arch Intern Med. 2009 May 11 VIEW
A randomized trial comparing Tai Chi with and without cognitive-behavioral intervention (CBI) to reduce fear of falling in community-dwelling elderly people. Liu YW1, Tsui CM2. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2014 May 29 VIEW
A randomized trial comparing the Tennant Biomodulator to transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and traditional Chinese acupuncture for the treatment of chronic pain in military service members. Peacock KS1, Stoerkel E2, Libretto S3, Zhang W4, Inman A5, Schlicher M6, Cowsar JD Jr7, Eddie D8, Walter J9 Mil Med Res. 2019 Dec 2 VIEW
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