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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Cost-effectiveness of adjunct non-pharmacological interventions for osteoarthritis of the knee. Woods B1, Manca A1, Weatherly H1, Saramago P1, Sideris E1, Giannopoulou C1, Rice S2, Corbett M2, Vickers A3, Bowes M4, MacPherson H5, Sculpher M1 PLoS One. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Microcurrent Point Stimulation Applied to Lower Back Acupuncture Points for the Treatment of Nonspecific Neck Pain. Armstrong K1, Gokal R2, Chevalier A3, Todorsky W4, Lim M5 J Altern Complement Med. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Multidimensional Aspects of de qi Sensations in MASS and ASQ Assessment: A Pilot Study. Jang JC1, Jung J2, Lee H3, Park YB4, Kim H5 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
The effect of acupuncture on chemotherapy-associated gastrointestinal symptoms in gastric cancer. Zhou J1, Fang L2, Wu WY2, He F2, Zhang XL2, Zhou X1, Xiong ZJ1 Curr Oncol. 2017 Feb VIEW
Effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on in-vitro cellular cultures HeLa and CHO. Restrepo AF, Tobar VE, Camargo RJ, Franco E, Pinedo CR, Gutierrez O Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2016 Aug VIEW
Whole-Breast Ultrasound for Breast Screening and Archiving. Huang CS1, Yang YW1, Chen RT2, Lo CM3, Lo C1, Cheng CF1, Lee CS2, Chang RF4 Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Yin yoga and mindfulness: a five week randomized controlled study evaluating the effects of the YOMI program on stress and worry. Hylander F1, Johansson M1, Daukantaitė D1, Ruggeri K2 Anxiety Stress Coping. 2017 Mar 13 VIEW
Sudarshan Kriya Yoga improves cardiac autonomic control in patients with anxiety-depression disorders. Toschi-Dias E1, Tobaldini E2, Solbiati M2, Costantino G2, Sanlorenzo R3, Doria S3, Irtelli F3, Mencacci C3, Montano N4 J Affect Disord. 2017 Mar 7 VIEW
Music Therapy as a Nonpharmacological Intervention for Anxiety in Patients with a Thought Disorder. Pavlov A1, Kameg K2, Cline TW3, Chiapetta L4, Stark S4, Mitchell AM5 Issues Ment Health Nurs. 2017 Mar VIEW
Ultra-weak photon emission in healthy subjects and patients with type 2 diabetes: evidence for a non-invasive diagnostic tool. Yang M1, Ding W2, Liu Y3, Fan H4, Bajpai RP5, Fu J6, Pang J1, Zhao X1, Han J2 Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2017 Mar 15 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Promotes CNS-Dependent Release of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Salazar TE1,2,3, Richardson MR4, Beli E2, Ripsch MS5, George J3, Kim Y5, Duan Y2, Moldovan L2, Yan Y1, Bhatwadekar A2, Jadhav V2, Smith JA5, McGorray S6, Bertone AL7, Traktuev DO8,9, March KL8,9, Colon-Perez LM10, Avin K11, Sims E12, Mund JA4,12, Case J4,12,13,14, Deng S15, Kim MS16, McDavitt B17, Boulton ME2, Thinschmidt J18, Li Calzi S2, Fitz SD11, Fuchs RK11, Warden SJ11, McKinley T19, Shekhar A20, Febo M10, Johnson PL21, Chang LJ22, Gao Z23, Kolonin MG23, Lai S24, Ma J24, Dong X25, White FA5, Xie H26, Yoder MC4,12, Grant MB2 Stem Cells. 2017 Mar 16 VIEW
Interaction of acupuncture treatment and manipulation laterality modulated by the default mode network. Niu X1,2, Zhang M2, Liu Z3, Bai L1,4, Sun C1, Wang S1, Wang X1, Chen Z1, Chen H5, Tian J3 Mol Pain. 2017 Jan VIEW
Epigenetic Mechanisms of Integrative Medicine. Kanherkar RR1, Stair SE2, Bhatia-Dey N3, Mills PJ4, Chopra D5, Csoka AB1 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017 VIEW
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction added to care as usual for lung cancer patients and/or their partners: A multi-centre randomized controlled trial. Schellekens MP1, van den Hurk DG2, Prins JB3, Donders AR4, Molema J2, Dekhuijzen R2, van der Drift MA2, Speckens AE1 Psychooncology. 2017 Mar 23 VIEW
Control of anxiety through music in a head and neckoutpatient clinic: a randomized clinical trial. Firmeza MA1, Rodrigues AB1, Melo GA1, Aguiar MI1, Cunha GH1, Oliveira PP2, Grangeiro AS3 Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2017 VIEW
Live music intervention for cancer inpatients: The Music Givers format. Toccafondi A1, Bonacchi A1, Mambrini A2, Miccinesi G3, Prosseda R4, Cantore M2 Palliat Support Care. 2017 Mar 28 VIEW
Mitochondrial protein Fus1/Tusc2 in premature aging and age-related pathologies: critical roles of calcium and energy homeostasis. Uzhachenko R1, Boyd K2, Olivares-Villagomez D2, Zhu Y3, Goodwin JS1, Rana T1,4, Shanker A1,5, Tan WJ5, Bondar T6, Medzhitov R6, Ivanova AV5 Aging (Albany NY). 2017 Mar 26 VIEW
Music training is associated with cortical synchronization reflected in EEG coherence during verbal memory encoding. Cheung MC1, Chan AS2,3, Liu Y4, Law D5, Wong CW5 PLoS One. 2017 Mar 30 VIEW
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