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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Enhancing human emotions with interoceptive technologies. Schoeller F1, Haar AJH2, Jain A2, Maes P2 Phys Life Rev. 2019 Oct 25 VIEW
From the basic science of biological effects of ultrashort electrical pulses to medical therapies. Schoenbach KH1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2018 Mar 12 VIEW
Effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on neurophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Schoenberg PL1, Hepark S2, Kan CC2, Barendregt HP3, Buitelaar JK4, Speckens AE2. Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Dec 7 VIEW
Memory performance, wireless communication and exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: A prospective cohort study in adolescents. Schoeni A1, Roser K1, Röösli M2. Environ Int. 2015 Oct 13 VIEW
Enhancing cognitive and social-emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Schonert-Reichl KA1, Oberle E1, Lawlor MS1, Abbott D2, Thomson K3, Oberlander TF3, Diamond A2. Dev Psychol. 2015 Jan VIEW
Effect of 1 Hz Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Over the Auditory Cortex on Audiometry and Otoacustic Emissions. Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Cárdenas-Morales L, Moreno-Aguirre A, Dorn K, Langguth B, Brühl AB, Kammer T, Herwig U. Brain Topogr. 2012 Jan 19 VIEW
Promoting Vibrations and the Function of Enzymes. Emerging Theoretical and Experimental Convergence. Schramm VL1, Schwartz SD2 Biochemistry. 2018 Jun 19 VIEW
Using relaxation techniques and positive self-esteem to improve academic achievement of college students Schreiber EH//Schreiber KN Psychol Rep 1995 VIEW
Habitual self-control and the management of health behavior among heart patients Schroder KE//Schwarzer R Soc Sci Med 2005 VIEW
Immediate Pain Relief in Adhesive Capsulitis by Acupuncture-A Randomized Controlled Double-Blinded Study. Schröder S1, Meyer-Hamme G1, Friedemann T1, Kirch S1, Hauck M2,3, Plaetke R4, Friedrichs S1, Gulati A4, Briem D5 Pain Med. 2017 Mar 20 VIEW
Acupuncture treatment improves nerve conduction in peripheral neuropathy Schröder, S., Liepert, J., Remppis, A., & Greten, J.H. European Journal of Neurology 2007 VIEW
Mathematical reflections on acupoint combinations in the traditional meridian systems. Schroeder S, Epplée S, Zhang J, Meyer-Hamme G, Friedemann T, Hu W. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
[Tai Chi Chuan improves balance and gait in people with Parkinson's disease]. Schroeteler FE. MMW Fortschr Med 2013 May 2 VIEW
The fraction of an action is more than a movement: Neural signatures of event segmentation in fMRI. Schubotz RI, Korb FM, Schiffer AM, Stadler W, von Cramon DY. Neuroimage. 2012 Apr 13 VIEW
RPE Damage Thresholds and Mechanisms for Laser Exposure in the Microsecond-to-Millisecond Time Regimen Schuele G//Rumohr M//Huettmann G//Brinkmann R Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005 VIEW
The music of lipids: How lipid composition orchestrates cellular behaviour. Schug ZT, Frezza C, Galbraith LC, Gottlieb E. Acta Oncol. 2012 Jan 30 VIEW
Theory of mind and the brain in anorexia nervosa: relation to treatment outcome. Schulte-Rüther M, Mainz V, Fink GR, Herpertz-Dahlmann B, Konrad K. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2012 Aug VIEW
The influence of adaptogens on ultraweak biophoton emission: a pilot-experiment. Schutgens FW, Neogi P, van Wijk EP, van Wijk R, Wikman G, Wiegant FA. Phytother Res. 2009 Aug VIEW
The influence of adaptogens on ultraweak biophoton emission: a pilot-experiment. Schutgens FW, Neogi P, van Wijk EP, van Wijk R, Wikman G, Wiegant FA. Phytother Res. 2009 Aug VIEW
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia: A risk assessment by the ARIMMORA consortium. Schüz J, Dasenbrock C, Ravazzani P, Röösli M, Schär P, Bounds PL, Erdmann F, Borkhardt A, Cobaleda C, Fedrowitz M, Hamnerius Y, Sanchez-Garcia I, Seger R, Schmiegelow K, Ziegelberger G, Capstick M, Manser M, Müller M, Schmid CD, Schürmann D, Struchen B, Kuster N Bioelectromagnetics. 2016 Mar 15 VIEW
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