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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Introducing Thammavong Kung Fu/Qigong Kuehne A 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Sick mitochondria cause telomere damage: implications for disease. Kumar N1,2, Qian W2,3, Van Houten B1,2,3 Mol Cell Oncol. 2019 Nov 4 VIEW
Randomized Controlled Trial in Advance Stage Breast Cancer Patients for the Effectiveness on Stress Marker and Pain through Sudarshan Kriya and Pranayam. Kumar N1, Bhatnagar S2, Velpandian T3, Patnaik S3, Menon G1, Mehta M4, Kashyap K2, Singh V1, Surajpal2. Indian J Palliat Care. 2013 Sep VIEW
Use of Complementary Traditional Chinese Medicines by Adult Cancer Patients in Taiwan: A Nationwide Population-Based Study. Kuo YT1,2, Chang TT1,3, Muo CH4, Wu MY3, Sun MF1,3, Yeh CC2,5, Yen HR1,3,6 Integr Cancer Ther. 2017 Jun 1 VIEW
Influence of Electroacupuncture Stimulation on Nitric Monoxide Production in Vascular Endothelial Cells in Rats. Kusayanagi H1, Ishikawa S2, Tajika Y1, Moue T1, Sunagawa M1, Hisamitsu T1. In Vivo. 2015 Nov-Dec VIEW
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) Influences the Multi-Lineage Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem and Progenitor Cell Lines through ROCK-Cot/Tpl2-MEK-ERK Signaling Pathway. Kusuyama J1, Bandow K, Shamoto M, Kakimoto K, Ohnishi T, Matsuguchi T. J Biol Chem. 2014 Feb 18 VIEW
Experiences of a Mindfulness-Based Stress-Reduction Intervention Among Patients With Cancer. Kvillemo P, Bränström R. Cancer Nurs. 2010 Jun 15 VIEW
Music versus distraction for procedural pain and anxiety in patients with cancer Kwekkeboom KL Oncol Nurs Forum 2003 VIEW
Virtual Tai Chi program for patients with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation: Proof-of-concept feasibility trial Kyle Staller1,2, Mary Paz3, Ramel Rones4, Eric A Macklin5, Isabelle Garcia-Fischer1,2, Helen Burton Murray1,2, Braden Kuo1,2 Neurogastroenterol Motil 2022 Jul 14 VIEW
[Psychological problems in breast cancer patients should be taken seriously] L J Hou1, L Y Liu1, F Wang1, L X Yu1, Z G Yu1 Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi 2024 Feb 1 VIEW
Evidence on yoga for health: a bibliometric analysis of systematic reviews L S Wieland1, H Cramer2, R Lauche3, A Verstappen4, E A Parker5, K Pilkington6 Complement Ther Med 2021 Jun 3 VIEW
Yoga for chronic non-specific low back pain L Susan Wieland1, Nicole Skoetz2, Karen Pilkington3, Shireen Harbin4, Ramaprabhu Vempati5, Brian M Berman1 Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2022 Nov 18 VIEW
Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences L. Lloyd Morgana, , , Santosh Kesarib, Devra Lee Davisa Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure 2014 Jul 15 VIEW
Telomere Length Modulation in Human Astroglial Brain Tumors. La Torre D, Conti A, Aguennouz MH, De Pasquale MG, Romeo S, Angileri FF, Cardali S, Tomasello C, Alafaci C, Germanò A PLoS One. 2013 May 14 VIEW
Mindfulness Training and Yoga for the Management of Chronic Non-malignant Pain: A Review of Clinical Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness [Internet]. Lachance CC , McCormack S . CADTH Rapid Response Reports 2019 Sep VIEW
Mindfulness Training for Chronic Non-malignant Pain Management: A Review of the Clinical Effectiveness, Cost-effectiveness and Guidelines [Internet]. Lachance CC, McCormack S. CADTH Rapid Response Reports. 2019 Jun VIEW
Effects of therapeutic touch on biochemical and mood indicators in women Lafreniere KD//Mutus B//Cameron S//Tannous M//// J Altern Complement Med 1999 VIEW
[Effects of electroacupuncture on tumor growth and immune function in the Walker-256 model rat] Lai M, Wang SM, Zhang WL, Wang Y, Huang SQ, Dong W, Li A. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2008 Aug VIEW
Systematic review of the physiological and health-related effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure from wireless communication devices on children and adolescents in experimental and epidemiological human studies Lambert Bodewein1, Dagmar Dechent1, David Graefrath1, Thomas Kraus1, Tobias Krause1, Sarah Driessen1 PLoS One 2022 Jun 1 VIEW
hTERT: another brick in the wall against DNA damage and cancer. Lamy E, Goetz V, Erlacher M, Herz C, Mersch-Sundermann V. Mutat Res. 2012 Dec 31 VIEW
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