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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Benefit of Qigong exercise in patients with fibromyalgia, a pilot study. Liu W, Zahner L, Cornell M, Le T, Ratner J, Wang Y, Pasnoor M, Dimachkie M, Barohn R. Int J Neurosci. 2012 Jul 12 VIEW
Benefits and costs of intensive lifestyle modification programs for symptomatic coronary disease in Medicare beneficiaries. Zeng W, Stason WB, Fournier S, Razavi M, Ritter G, Strickler GK, Bhalotra SM, Shepard DS. Am Heart J. 2013 May VIEW
Benefits of external qigong therapy on morphine-abstinent mice and rats Mo Z//Chen KW//Ou W/Li M J Altern Complement Med 2003 VIEW
Benefits of whole body vibration training in patients hospitalised for COPD exacerbations - a randomized clinical trial. Greulich T, Nell C, Koepke J, Fechtel J, Franke M, Schmeck B, Haid D, Apelt S, Filipovic S, Kenn K, Janciauskiene S, Vogelmeier C, Koczulla AR1. BMC Pulm Med. 2014 Apr 11 VIEW
Benign Effect of Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Brain Plasticity Assessed by Nitric Oxide Metabolism during Poststroke Rehabilitation. Cichoń N1, Czarny P2, Bijak M1, Miller E3,4, Śliwiński T5, Szemraj J2, Saluk-Bijak J1 Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017 VIEW
Benign tumours treated by qigong digital pressure Chen Jinghua 4th World Conf Acad Exch Med Qigong 1998 VIEW
Between-day and within-day variability in the relation between heart rate and oxygen consumption: effect on the estimation of energy expenditure by heart-rate monitoring McCrory MA//Mole PA//Nommsen-Rivers LA//Dewey KG Am J Clin Nutr 1997 VIEW
Beyond the body: insights from an iyengar yoga program for women with disability after breast cancer. Thomas R1, Quinlan E, Kowalski K, Spriggs P, Hamoline R. Holist Nurs Pract. 2014 Nov-Dec VIEW
Beyond traditional care Anonymous AAOHN Journal 1998 VIEW
Bi-digital o-ring test and microwaves. Microwave circulation and resonance: an explanation for organ representation at extremities, acupuncture meridians and points, microwave treatments. De Smul Andre 4th International Symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test 2000 VIEW
Bibliometric Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific Production between 1982 and 2016 Indexed in PubMed Consentino R1, Santos MJ2, Matos LC3, Machado JP4,5 Medicines (Basel). 2018 May 3 VIEW
Bidigital O-ring test for diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of therapeutic effects and localization of meridians and acupuncture points Omura Yoshiaki 1st Int Cong of Qigong 1990 VIEW
Bidirectional electromagnetic control of the hypothalamus regulates feeding and metabolism. Stanley SA1, Kelly L1, Latcha KN1, Schmidt SF1, Yu X1, Nectow AR1, Sauer J2, Dyke JP3, Dordick JS2, Friedman JM1,4. Nature. 2016 Mar 23 VIEW
Bigu and Weight Loss: Qi as A Food Source Gao Q 2nd World Congress Qigong 1998 VIEW
Bikram yoga training and physical fitness in healthy young adults. Tracy BL, Hart CE. J Strength Cond Res. 2012 May 15 VIEW
Bilateral hegu acupoints have the same effect on the heart rate variability of the healthy subjects. Guangjun W, Yuying T, Shuyong J, Wenting Z, Weibo Z. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014 VIEW
Bioactive lipids as modulators of immunity, inflammation and emotions. Chiurchiù V1, Maccarrone M2 Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2016 Jun 30 VIEW
Biobehavioral effects of Tai Chi Qigong in men with prostate cancer: Study design of a three-arm randomized clinical trial. Kinney AY1,2, Blair CK3,4, Guest DD4, Ani JK2, Harding EM4, Amorim F5, Boyce T4, Rodman J4, Ford CG4,6, Schwartz M3,4, Rosenberg L2, Foran O2, Gardner J7, Lin Y1,2, Arap W8,9, Irwin MR10,11 Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2019 Aug 21 VIEW
Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Mindfulness as a Treatment for Chronic Stress: An RDoC Perspective. Garland EL1, Hanley AW1, Baker AK1, Howard MO2 Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks). 2017 Feb VIEW
Biocompatible near-infrared fluorescent nanoparticles for macro and microscopic in vivo functional bioimaging. Chu L1, Wang S1, Li K1, Xi W2, Zhao X3, Qian J1. Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Oct 28 VIEW
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