Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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The database contains 19056 abstracts.
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Title Author Journal Date
Utilization of 3-month Yoga Program for Adults at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes: A Pilot Study. Yang K, Bernardo LM, Sereika SM, Conroy MB, Balk J, Burke LE. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 Aug 18 VIEW
Utility of Craniosacral Therapy in Treatment of Patients with Non-specific Low Back Pain. Preliminary Report. Białoszewski D1, Bebelski M2, Lewandowska M1, Słupik A2. Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2014 Dec 29 VIEW
Utilisation of electrical impedance tomography in breast cancer diagnosis. Raneta O, Ondruš D, Bella V. Klin Onkol. 2012 VIEW
Utilisation of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners within maternity care provision: results from a nationally representative cohort study of 1,835 pregnant women. Steel A, Adams J, Sibbritt D, Broom A, Gallois C, Frawley J. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2012 Dec 12 VIEW
Utilisation of acupuncture at an academic medical centre. Vincent A, Kruk KM, Cha SS, Bauer BA, Martin DP. Acupunct Med. 2010 Sep 22 VIEW
Using traditional acupuncture for breast cancer-related hot flashes and night sweats. de Valois BA, Young TE, Robinson N, McCourt C, Maher EJ. J Altern Complement Med. 2010 Oct VIEW
Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Model to Gain Perspective of the Benefits of Yoga in Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Children to Inform Practice for Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Meta-Analysis. Veneri D1, Gannotti M2, Bertucco M3, Fournier Hillman SE2 J Altern Complement Med. 2018 Feb 6 VIEW
Using the index of abdominal respiration to evaluate the breathing state of regiment qigong Liu C//Machi Y J Mind-Body Science 2002 VIEW
Using telehealth to deliver Qi Gong and Tai Chi programs: A mixed-methods systematic review on feasibility, acceptability and participant engagement factors Junsheng L Teo1, Stephen R Bird2, Xiaoqiu Wang3, Zhen Zheng4 Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2023 Sep 17 VIEW
Using Tai Chi to Reduce Fall Risk Factors Among Older Adults: An Evaluation of a Community-Based Implementation. Gallant MP1, Tartaglia M2, Hardman S3, Burke K4 J Appl Gerontol. 2017 Apr 1 VIEW
Using Slow-Paced Breathing to Foster Endurance, Well-Being, and Sleep Quality in Athletes During the COVID-19 Pandemic Uirassu Borges1,2, Babett Lobinger1, Florian Javelle3, Matthew Watson2, Emma Mosley4, Sylvain Laborde1,5 Front Psychol 2021 May 13 VIEW
Using silver yoga exercises to promote physical and mental health of elders with dementia in long-term care facilities. Fan JT, Chen KM. Int Psychogeriatr. 2011 Mar 9 VIEW
Using self-report assessment methods to explore facets of mindfulness. Baer RA1, Smith GT, Hopkins J, Krietemeyer J, Toney L Assessment. 2006 Mar VIEW
Using remotely delivered Spring Forest Qigong™ to reduce neuropathic pain in adults with spinal cord injury: protocol of a quasi-experimental feasibility clinical trial Ann Van de Winckel1, Sydney Carpentier2, Wei Deng2, Lin Zhang3, Ricardo Battaglino4, Leslie Morse4 Pilot Feasibility Stud 2023 Aug 22 VIEW
Using remotely delivered Spring Forest Qigong™ to reduce neuropathic pain in adults with spinal cord injury: A non-randomized controlled trial Ann Van de Winckel, Sydney T Carpentier, Wei Deng, Lin Zhang, Angela Philippus, Kimberley R Monden, Ricardo Battaglino, Leslie R Morse medRxiv 2023 Feb 15 VIEW
Using relaxation techniques and positive self-esteem to improve academic achievement of college students Schreiber EH//Schreiber KN Psychol Rep 1995 VIEW
Using Reiki to manage pain: a preliminary report Olson K//Hanson J Cancer Prev Control 1997 VIEW
Using Qigong to Prevent and Treat Neck Problems Wu Shihua 3rd Int Qigong Conf [in Chinese] 1992 VIEW
USING POSTUROGRAPHY TO MEASURE BALANCE CONTROL DURING SEATED TAI CHI. Geib RW1, Li H, Waite GN, Pagnacco G, Oggero E, Roberts BL. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2014 Apr 4 VIEW
Using posturography to assess expertise among tai chi practitioners - biomed 2013. Geib RW, Roberts BL, Li H, Waite G, Pagnacco G, Oggero E. Biomed Sci Instrum. 2013 VIEW
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