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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields cause antioxidative defense mechanisms in human osteoblasts via induction of •O2- and H2O2. Ehnert S1, Fentz AK2, Schreiner A3, Birk J3, Wilbrand B3, Ziegler P3, Reumann MK3, Wang H4, Falldorf K2, Nussler AK3 Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 6 VIEW
Extremely low frequency variable electromagnetic fields affect cancer and noncancerous cells in vitro differently: Preliminary study. Koziorowska A1,2, Romerowicz-Misielak M2, Sołek P3, Koziorowski M3 Electromagn Biol Med. 2018 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure enhances inflammatory response and inhibits effect of antioxidant in RAW 264.7 cells. Kim SJ1, Jang YW1, Hyung KE1, Lee DK1, Hyun KH1, Jeong SH1, Min KH1, Kang W1, Jeong JH2, Park SY3, Hwang KW1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Mar 29 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field induces neural differentiation of hBM-MSCs through regulation of (Zn)-metallothionein-3. Aikins AR1,2, Hong SW1, Kim HJ1, Yoon CH3, Chung JH3, Kim M1, Kim CW1 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Mar 29 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field promotes astrocytic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by modulating SIRT1 expression. Jeong WY1, Kim JB1, Kim HJ1, Kim CW1 Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. 2017 Mar 29 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields accelerates wound healing modulating MMP-9 and inflammatory cytokines. Patruno A1, Ferrone A1, Costantini E2, Franceschelli S1, Pesce M3, Speranza L1, Amerio P1, D'Angelo C2, Felaco M1, Grilli A3, Reale M2 Cell Prolif. 2018 Jan 22 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Affect Myogenic Processes in C2C12 Myoblasts: Role of Gap-Junction-Mediated Intercellular Communication. Morabito C1, Steimberg N2, Rovetta F2, Boniotti J2, Guarnieri S1, Mazzoleni G2, Mariggiò MA1 Biomed Res Int. 2017 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Affect the miRNA-Mediated Regulation of Signaling Pathways in the GC-2 Cell Line. Liu Y1, Liu WB2, Liu KJ2, Ao L2, Cao J2, Zhong JL3, Liu JY2. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 6 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA strand breaks in normal cells. Mihai CT, Rotinberg P, Brinza F, Vochita G. J Environ Health Sci Eng. 2014 Jan 8 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields induce neural differentiation in bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells. Kim HJ, Jung J, Park JH, Kim JH, Ko KN, Kim CW. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2013 Aug 1 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation and Neurite Outgrowth of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells via Up-Regulating TRPC1. Ma Q1, Chen C1,2, Deng P1, Zhu G1, Lin M1, Zhang L1,2, Xu S1,2, He M1,2, Lu Y1,2, Duan W1, Pi H1, Cao Z1, Pei L1,2, Li M1, Liu C1, Zhang Y1,2, Zhong M1,2, Zhou Z1,2, Yu Z1,2. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation and Neurite Outgrowth of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells via Up-Regulating TRPC1. Ma Q, Chen C, Deng P, Zhu G, Lin M, Zhang L, Xu S, He M, Lu Y, Duan W, Pi H, Cao Z, Pei L, Li M, Liu C, Zhang Y, Zhong M, Zhou Z, Yu Z PLoS One. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation and Neurite Outgrowth of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells via Up-Regulating TRPC1. Ma Q, Chen C, Deng P, Zhu G, Lin M, Zhang L, Xu S, He M, Lu Y, Duan W, Pi H, Cao Z, Pei L, Li M, Liu C, Zhang Y, Zhong M, Zhou Z, Yu Z PLoS One. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Promote In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation and Neurite Outgrowth of Embryonic Neural Stem Cells via Up-Regulating TRPC1. Ma Q1, Chen C, Deng P1, Zhu G1, Lin M1, Zhang L, Xu S, He M, Lu Y, Duan W1, Pi H1, Cao Z1, Pei L, Li M1, Liu C1, Zhang Y, Zhong M, Zhou Z, Yu Z PLoS One. 2016 Mar 7 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields: A possible non-invasive therapeutic tool for spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Kumar S1,2, Dey S1, Jain S1 Electromagn Biol Med. 2016 Jul 11 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields and risk of childhood leukemia: A risk assessment by the ARIMMORA consortium. Schüz J, Dasenbrock C, Ravazzani P, Röösli M, Schär P, Bounds PL, Erdmann F, Borkhardt A, Cobaleda C, Fedrowitz M, Hamnerius Y, Sanchez-Garcia I, Seger R, Schmiegelow K, Ziegelberger G, Capstick M, Manser M, Müller M, Schmid CD, Schürmann D, Struchen B, Kuster N Bioelectromagnetics. 2016 Mar 15 VIEW
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields of transformers and possible biological and health effects. Sirav B, Sezgin G, Seyhan N. Electromagn Biol Med. 2013 Oct 16 VIEW
Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications. Vatansever F, Hamblin MR. Photonics Lasers Med. 2012 Nov 1 VIEW
Fashioning Cellular Rhythms with Magnetic Energy and Sound Vibration: a New Perspective for Regenerative Medicine Ventura C CellR4 2014 Mar 31 VIEW
Feasibility of Biological Cell as an Infrared Electromagnetic Resonator — Storage of the Infrared Biophotons? Michal Cifra 1,2 and Jiˇr ́ı Pokorn ́y 2 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Abstracts 2009 Aug 18-21 VIEW
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