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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
The epigenetic clock and telomere length are independently associated with chronological age and mortality. Marioni RE, Harris SE, Shah S, McRae AF, von Zglinicki T, Martin-Ruiz C, Wray NR, Visscher PM, Deary IJ Int J Epidemiol. 2017 Nov 27 VIEW
Acupuncture analgesia involves modulation of pain-induced gamma oscillations and cortical network connectivity. Hauck M1,2, Schröder S3, Meyer-Hamme G4, Lorenz J5, Friedrichs S1,4, Nolte G1, Gerloff C2, Engel AK1 Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 24 VIEW
The effects of yoga on stress and psychological health among employees: an 8- and 16-week intervention study. Maddux RE1, Daukantaité D1, Tellhed U1 Anxiety Stress Coping. 2017 Nov 23 VIEW
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy at different frequencies and durations on rotator cuff tendon-to-bone healing in a rat model. Huegel J1, Choi DS1, Nuss CA1, Minnig MCC1, Tucker JJ1, Kuntz AF1, Waldorff EI2, Zhang N2, Ryaby JT2, Soslowsky LJ3 J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2017 Nov 22 VIEW
Do Lifestyle Activities Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Aging? A Review. Christie GJ1,2, Hamilton T1, Manor BD3, Farb NAS4, Farzan F1,5, Sixsmith A1,2,6, Temprado JJ7, Moreno S1,2,8 Front Aging Neurosci. 2017 Nov 20 VIEW
The effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on wound healing: a preliminary study. Meesters A1, den Bosch-Meevissen YMCI2, Weijzen CAH3, Buurman WA4, Losen M4, Schepers J5, Thissen MRTM6,7, Alberts HJEM2, Schalkwijk CG8, Peters ML2 J Behav Med. 2017 Nov 20 VIEW
Exercise Alters Gut Microbiota Composition and Function in Lean and Obese Humans. Allen JM1, Mailing LJ1, Niemiro GM1, Moore R1, Cook MD1, White BA1, Holscher HD1,1,1, Woods JA1,1 Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Nov 20 VIEW
Eleven Telomere, Epigenetic Clock, and Biomarker-Composite Quantifications of Biological Aging: Do They Measure the Same Thing? Belsky DW, Moffitt TE, Cohen AA, Corcoran DL, Levine ME, Prinz JA, Schaefer J, Sugden K, Williams B, Poulton R, Caspi A Am J Epidemiol. 2017 Nov 15 VIEW
Oscillators that sync and swarm Kevin P O'Keeffe1, Hyunsuk Hong2, Steven H Strogatz3 Nat Commun 2017 Nov 15 VIEW
Electroacupuncture Attenuates Induction of Inflammatory Pain by Regulating Opioid and Adenosine Pathways in Mice. Liao HY1,2, Hsieh CL1,3,4,5, Huang CP6, Lin YW7,8 Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 15 VIEW
Reflection on the Role of the Spirit in Finding Meaning and Healing as Clincians. Jacobs C1 J Pain Symptom Manage. 2017 Nov 14 VIEW
The effect of long-term confinement and the efficacy of exercise countermeasures on muscle strength during a simulated mission to Mars: data from the Mars500 study. Gaffney CJ1,2, Fomina E3, Babich D3, Kitov V3, Uskov K3, Green DA4,5 Sports Med Open. 2017 Nov 13 VIEW
Exposure to a specific time-varying electromagnetic field inhibits cell proliferation via cAMP and ERK signaling in cancer cells. Buckner CA1,2, Buckner AL1,2, Koren SA3, Persinger MA1,3, Lafrenie RM1,2 Bioelectromagnetics. 2017 Nov 10 VIEW
Acupuncture points can be identified as cutaneous neurogenic inflammatory spots. Kim DH1, Ryu Y2, Hahm DH3, Sohn BY3, Shim I3, Kwon OS2, Chang S1, Gwak YS1, Kim MS4, Kim JH5, Lee BH1, Jang EY1, Zhao R6, Chung JM7, Yang CH8, Kim HY9 Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 9 VIEW
Balance and Functional Outcomes for Older Community-Dwelling Adults Who Practice Tai Chi and Those Who Do Not: A Comparative Study. Bubela D1, Sacharko L, Chan J, Brady M J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2017 Nov 9 VIEW
Electromagnetic source imaging using simultaneous scalp EEG and intracranial EEG: An emerging tool for interacting with pathological brain networks. Hosseini SAH1, Sohrabpour A2, He B3 Clin Neurophysiol. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
Mindfulness-based interventions for psychiatric disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Goldberg SB1, Tucker RP2, Greene PA3, Davidson RJ4, Wampold BE5, Kearney DJ3, Simpson TL6 Clin Psychol Rev. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
Comparison of the in vitro effects of low-level laser therapy and low-intensity pulsed ultrasound therapy on bony cells and stem cells. Bayat M1, Virdi A2, Rezaei F3, Chien S4 Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
Long-term meditation: the relationship between cognitive processes, thinking styles and mindfulness. Fabio RA1, Towey GE2 Cogn Process. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
Applications of Acupuncture Therapy in Modulating Plasticity of Central Nervous System. Xiao LY1,2, Wang XR1, Yang Y1,2, Yang JW1, Cao Y1, Ma SM1, Li TR1,3, Liu CZ1 Neuromodulation. 2017 Nov 7 VIEW
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