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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Effects of Combined Physical and Cognitive Exercises on Cognition and Mobility in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Clinical Trial Hiroyuki Shimada1, Hyuma Makizako2, Takehiko Doi2, Hyuntae Park3, Kota Tsutsumimoto2, Joe Verghese4, Takao Suzuki5 J Am Med Dir Assoc 2018 Jul 1 VIEW
Effects of Music Intervention on the Physical and Mental Status of Patients with Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Wang X1, Zhang Y1, Fan Y2,3,4, Tan XS5, Lei X2,3,4 Breast Care (Basel). 2018 Jul VIEW
Use of Mind-Body Therapies Among Young Adults Aged 18-24 Years: Findings From the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Upchurch DM1, Gill M2, Jiang L3, Prelip M4, Slusser W5 J Adolesc Health. 2018 Jun 30 VIEW
Measuring Mindfulness: A Psychophysiological Approach. Bostanov V1, Ohlrogge L2, Britz R2, Hautzinger M2, Kotchoubey B1 Front Hum Neurosci. 2018 Jun 28 VIEW
Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Compared With Treatment as Usual in Reducing Psychological Distress in Patients With Cancer: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Compen F1, Bisseling E1, Schellekens M1, Donders R1, Carlson L1, van der Lee M1, Speckens A1 J Clin Oncol. 2018 Jun 28 VIEW
Immediate Effects of Interoceptive Awareness Training through Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Price CJ1, Thompson EA2, Crowell SE3, Pike K4, Cheng SC5, Parent S1, Hooven C4 Subst Abus. 2018 Jun 27 VIEW
The Effect of Exercise on Breast Cancer-Related Lymphedema: What the Lymphatic Surgeon Needs to Know. Panchik D1, Masco S2, Zinnikas P3, Hillriegel B1, Lauder T1, Suttmann E1, Chinchilli V4, McBeth M5, Hermann W6 J Reconstr Microsurg. 2018 Jun 23 VIEW
Evaluation of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for the treatment of chronic postoperative pain following lumbar surgery: a pilot, double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial. Sorrell RG1, Muhlenfeld J2, Moffett J2, Stevens G3, Kesten S4 J Pain Res. 2018 Jun 22 VIEW
Differences in Brain Structure and Function Among Yoga Practitioners and Controls. Gothe NP1, Hayes JM2, Temali C2, Damoiseaux JS2 Front Integr Neurosci. 2018 Jun 22 VIEW
Qigong and a Tale of Two Back Complaints. Baumgarden J1, Klein P2, Picard G3 Medicines (Basel). 2018 Jun 21 VIEW
Can explicit suggestions about the harmfulness of EMF exposure exacerbate a nocebo response in healthy controls? Verrender A1, Loughran SP2, Dalecki A3, Freudenstein F4, Croft RJ5 Environ Res. 2018 Jun 21 VIEW
Effect of meditation on psychological distress and brain functioning: A randomized controlled study. Travis F1, Valosek L2, Konrad A 4th3, Link J4, Salerno J5, Scheller R5, Nidich S5 Brain Cogn. 2018 Jun 21 VIEW
Effects of Mind⁻Body Movements on Balance Function in Stroke Survivors: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zou L1,2, Yeung A3, Li C4, Chiou SY5, Zeng N6, Tzeng HM7, Wang L8, Ren Z9, Dean T10, Thomas GA11 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Jun 20 VIEW
The Role of Senescence, Telomere Dysfunction and Shelterin in Vascular Aging. Liu Y1,2, Bloom SI3, Donato AJ1,3,4,5 Microcirculation. 2018 Jun 20 VIEW
Anti-inflammatory effect on genes expression after four days of Qigong training in peripheral mononuclear blood cells in healthy women. Półrola P1, Wilk-Franczuk M2, Wilczyński J1, Nowak-Starz G1, Góral-Półrola J3, Chruściński G4, Bonisławska I5, Pedrycz A6, Żychowska M7 Ann Agric Environ Med. 2018 Jun 20 VIEW
A review on the use of magnetic fields and ultrasound for non-invasive cancer treatment. Sengupta S1,2, Balla VK1,2 J Adv Res. 2018 Jun 20 VIEW
Effects of Mind⁻Body Movements on Balance Function in Stroke Survivors: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Zou L1,2, Yeung A3, Li C4, Chiou SY5, Zeng N6, Tzeng HM7, Wang L8, Ren Z9, Dean T10, Thomas GA11 Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 Jun 20 VIEW
Promoting Vibrations and the Function of Enzymes. Emerging Theoretical and Experimental Convergence. Schramm VL1, Schwartz SD2 Biochemistry. 2018 Jun 19 VIEW
Pulsed electromagnetic field induces Ca<sup>2+</sup>-dependent osteoblastogenesis in C3H10T1/2 mesenchymal cells through the Wnt-Ca<sup>2+</sup>/Wnt-β-catenin signaling pathway. Wu S1, Yu Q1, Lai A2, Tian J3 Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018 Jun 14 VIEW
Modulation of long-term potentiation-like cortical plasticity in the healthy brain with low frequency-pulsed electromagnetic fields. Premi E1,2, Benussi A3, La Gatta A4, Visconti S5, Costa A6, Gilberti N6, Cantoni V3, Padovani A3, Borroni B3, Magoni M6 BMC Neurosci. 2018 Jun 13 VIEW
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