The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
Tai Chi for Strength and Endurance | Acupuncture Today | 2000 | VIEW | |
Tai Chi for the Elderly | Devitt M | Acupuncture Today | 2001 | VIEW |
Tai Chi for the elderly patients with COVID-19 in recovery period: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis | Xiangyu Zhu1, Ziyu Luo1, Ying Chen2, Lina Wang3, Wenxin Chi1, Lu Lian Jiang1, Ke Liu1, Liping Zhao1, Yu Zhang1, Haibo Zhang1 | Medicine (Baltimore) | 2021 Jan 22 | VIEW |
Tai Chi for treating knee osteoarthritis: designing a long-term follow up randomized controlled trial | Wang C, Schmid CH, Hibberd P, Kalish R, Roubenoff R, Rones R, Okparavero A, McAlindon T. | BMC Musculoskelet Disord. | 2008 Jul 29 | VIEW |
Tai Chi Improves Brain Functional Connectivity and Plasma Lysophosphatidylcholines in Postmenopausal Women With Knee Osteoarthritis: An Exploratory Pilot Study | Chwan-Li Shen1,2,3, Bruce A Watkins4, Chanaka Kahathuduwa2,3,5,6, Ming-Chien Chyu2,7, Masoud Zabet-Moghaddam8, Moamen M Elmassry9, Hui-Ying Luk2,3,10, Jean-Michel Brismée2,11, Ami Knox12, Jaehoon Lee2,13, Mimi Zumwalt2,14, Rui Wang1, Tor D Wager15, Volker Neugebauer2,3,16,17 | Front Med (Lausanne) | 2022 Jan 3 | VIEW |
Tai Chi Improves Brain Metabolism and Muscle Energetics in Older Adults. | Zhou M1,2,3, Liao H1, Sreepada LP1, Ladner JR1, Balschi JA4, Lin AP1 | J Neuroimaging. | 2018 Apr 17 | VIEW |
Tai Chi Improves Cognitive Function of Dementia Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | Dong-Mei Liu, Li Wang, Li-Jun Huang | Altern Ther Health Med | 2022 Jul 15 | VIEW |
Tai Chi Improves Coronary Heart Disease Risk by Inactivating MAPK/ERK Pathway through Serum miR-126. | Zhang G#1, Wang S#1, Gu Y1, Song L1, Yu S1, Feng X1 | Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. | 2020 Apr 25 | VIEW |
Tai chi improves pain and functional status in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: results of a pilot single-blinded randomized controlled trial | Wang, C. | Med Sport Sci. | 2008 | VIEW |
Tai chi improves pain and functional status in adults with rheumatoid arthritis: results of a pilot single-blinded randomized controlled trial | Wang, C. | Med Sport Sci. | 2008 | VIEW |
Tai chi improves pain and functional status in adults withRheumatoid arthritis | Wang C//Lan J//Roubenoff R//Kalish R//// | Soc Acupuncture Research, 10th Symposium | 2003 | VIEW |
Tai Chi improves standing balance control under reduced or conflicting sensory conditions | Tsang WW//Wong VS//Fu S//Hui-Chan CW. | Arch Phys Med Rehabil | 2004 | VIEW |
Tai Chi in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction. | Yeh GY, Wood MJ, Wayne PM, Quilty MT, Stevenson LW, Davis RB, Phillips RS, Forman DE. | Congest Heart Fail. | 2012 Oct 12 | VIEW |
Tai Chi increases functional connectivity and decreases chronic fatigue syndrome: A pilot intervention study with machine learning and fMRI analysis | Kang Wu1,2, Yuanyuan Li1, Yihuai Zou1, Yi Ren1, Yahui Wang1, Xiaojie Hu1, Yue Wang1, Chen Chen1, Mengxin Lu1, Lingling Xu1, Linlu Wu1, Kuangshi Li1 | PLoS One | 2022 Dec 1 | VIEW |
Tai Chi is effective in treating knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. | Wang C, Schmid CH, Hibberd PL, Kalish R, Roubenoff R, Rones R, McAlindon T. | Arthritis Rheum | 2009 Oct 29 | VIEW |
Tai chi mind-body exercise in patients with COPD: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial | Gloria Y Yeh 1*, Peter M Wayne 4 5, Daniel Litrownik 1, David H Roberts 3, Roger B Davis 1 and Marilyn L Moy 2 | Trials | 2014 | VIEW |
Tai Chi practice and change in exercise habits in survivors of acute coronary syndromes: Is mindfulness a possible mechanism? | Elena Salmoirago-Blotcher1, Dyuti Trivedi2, Shira Dunsiger3 | Explore (NY) | 2020 Sep 15 | VIEW |
Tai Chi Practice Buffers Aging Effects in Functional Brain Connectivity | Jonathan Cerna1, Prakhar Gupta2, Maxine He1, Liran Ziegelman1, Yang Hu3, Manuel E Hernandez1,4,5,6,7 | Brain Sci | 2024 Sep 6 | VIEW |
Tai Chi practice enables prefrontal cortex bilateral activation and gait performance prioritization during dual-task negotiating obstacle in older adults | Yan Chen1,2, Aiying Wan1, Min Mao3, Wei Sun1, Qipeng Song1, Dewei Mao1,2 | Front Aging Neurosci | 2022 Nov 18 | VIEW |
Tai Chi practice on prefrontal oxygenation levels in older adults: A pilot study. | Tsang WWN1, Chan KK2, Cheng CN2, Hu FSF2, Mak CTK2, Wong JWC2 | Complement Ther Med. | 2019 Feb | VIEW |