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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Relaxation Practice for Health in the United States: Findings From the National Health Interview Survey. Lee EK, Yeo Y. J Holist Nurs. 2013 Mar 5 VIEW
Relaxation Response and Resiliency Training and Its Effect on Healthcare Resource Utilization. Stahl JE1, Dossett ML2, LaJoie AS3, Denninger JW4, Mehta DH5, Goldman R6, Fricchione GL4, Benson H6. PLoS One. 2015 Oct 13 VIEW
Relaxation response and spirituality: Pathways to improve psychological outcomes in cardiac rehabilitation. Chang BH, Casey A, Dusek JA, Benson H. J Psychosom Res 2010 Aug VIEW
Relaxation response induces temporal transcriptome changes in energy metabolism, insulin secretion and inflammatory pathways. Bhasin MK, Dusek JA, Chang BH, Joseph MG, Denninger JW, Fricchione GL, Benson H, Libermann TA. PLoS One. 2013 May 1 VIEW
Relaxation Techniques in Low Back Pain Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial Semira Manolaki1, Ioannis Gkiatas2, Spyridon Sioutis3, Jimmy Georgoulis3, Andreas F Mavrogenis4, George S Sapkas4, Evangelos Alexopoulos1, Christine Darviri1 J Long Term Eff Med Implants 2021 Aug 9 VIEW
Relaxation therapies for asthma: a systematic review Huntley A//White AR//Ernst E Thorax 2002 VIEW
Relaxation therapy and continuous ambulatory blood pressure in mild hypertension: a controlled study van Montfrans GA//Karemaker JM//Wieling W//Dunning AJ BMJ 1990 VIEW
Relaxation therapy for preventing and treating preterm labour. Khianman B, Pattanittum P, Thinkhamrop J, Lumbiganon P. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Aug 15 VIEW
RELEVANCE OF WHOLE BODY VIBRATION EXERCISE IN SPORT: A SHORT REVIEW WITH SOCCER, DIVER AND COMBAT SPORT. Morel DS1,2, Dionello CDF1,2, Moreira-Marconi E3,2, Brandão-Sobrinho-Neto S2,4, Paineiras-Domingos LL1,2, Souza PL1,2, Sá-Caputo DDC1,2, Dias G2, Figueiredo C2,4, Carmo RCR2, Paiva PC2,4, Sousa-Gonçalves CR1,2, Kütter CR2,4, Guedes-Aguiar EO2, Cloak R5, Bernardo-Filho M2 Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2017 Jul 7 VIEW
Relevance of Whole-Body Vibration Exercises on Muscle Strength/Power and Bone of Elderly Individuals. Bemben D1, Stark C2, Taiar R3, Bernardo-Filho M4 Dose Response. 2018 Dec 6 VIEW
Reliability of prognos, an acupoint electrodermal measuring device Colbert AP 1//Hammerschlag R 2//Aickin M 3//McNames J 4 Soc. Acupuncture Research, 10th Symposium 2003 VIEW
Religion, spirituality, and health: a review and update. Koenig HG. Adv Mind Body Med. 2015 Summer VIEW
Religiosity/spirituality and health. A critical review of the evidence for biological pathways Seeman TE//Dubin LF//Seeman M Am Psychol 2003 VIEW
Remote Delivery of Mindful Movement Within Healthcare Systems: Lessons Learned From the Veterans Health Administration Alison M Whitehead1, Rashmi Mullur2,3, Marlysa B Sullivan4, Francesca M Nicosia5,6,7 Glob Adv Integr Med Health 2024 Mar 17 VIEW
Remote effects of extracorporeal shock wave therapy on cutaneous microcirculation. Kisch T1, Sorg H2, Forstmeier V3, Knobloch K4, Liodaki E5, Stang F5, Mailänder P5, Krämer R5. J Tissue Viability. 2015 Aug 12 VIEW
Remote qi emission in the case of differing distances Hayashi Yoshitsugu 1//Higuchi Yuzo 2//Xiang Yong Zhang 3 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2004 VIEW
Reorganization of functional brain network architecture in chronic osteoarthritis pain Joana Barroso1,2,3,4, Kenta Wakaizumi5,6, Ana Mafalda Reis7, Marwan Baliki3,5, Thomas J Schnitzer3,8,9, Vasco Galhardo1,2, Apkar Vania Apkarian3,4,9 Hum Brain Mapp 2020 Nov 19 VIEW
Repairing Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Disease. Sorrentino V1, Menzies KJ2, Auwerx J1 Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol. 2017 Sep 27 VIEW
Report of a case of arterial thrombopsis controlled by Hur Hsiang Chuang qigong Goh Gouw Tjhing 2nd Int Conf on Qigong 1989 VIEW
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