The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.
Title | Author | Journal | Date | |
EMG and Heart Rate Responses Decline within 5 Days of Daily Whole-Body Vibration Training with Squatting. | Rosenberger A1, Liphardt AM1, Bargmann A2, Müller K3, Beck L3, Mester J4, Zange J2. | PLoS One. | 2014 Jun 6 | VIEW |
Acupuncture: An Effective Means of Promoting Self-Healing | Rosenfarb A | First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness | 2001 | VIEW |
Bach music in preterm infants: no 'Mozart effect' on resting energy expenditure. | Rosenfeld Keidar H, Mandel D, Mimouni FB, Lubetzky R. | J Perinatol. | 2013 Nov 14 | VIEW |
The next generation of mindfulness-based intervention research: what have we learned and where are we headed? | Rosenkranz MA1, Dunne JD2, Davidson RJ2 | Curr Opin Psychol. | 2019 Jan 4 | VIEW |
Mindfulness-based stress reduction is associated with improved glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a pilot study | Rosenzweig S, Reibel DK, Greeson JM, Edman JS, Jasser SA, McMearty KD, Goldstein BJ | Altern Ther Health Med | 2007 Sep-Oct | VIEW |
The Health Benefits of Yoga and Exercise: A Review of Comparison Studies. | Ross A, Thomas S. | J Altern Complement Med. | 2010 Jan | VIEW |
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) use among men with a history of prostate cancer. | Ross LE, Fletcher A, Anderson MC, Meade SA, Powe BD, Howard D. | J Cult Divers. | 2012 Winter | VIEW |
Functional fitness and fall risk in older adults practitioners or non-practitioners of Tai Chi | Rossana Gómez-Campos1, Rubén Vidal-Espinoza2, Sebastián Vega-Novoa3, Marcella Silva Ramos de Lázari4, Luis Urzua-Alul5, Margot Rivera Portugal6, Christian De la Torre Choque7, Marco Cossio-Bolaños8 | Eur J Transl Myol | 2023 May 18 | VIEW |
[Reliability of imaging modalities for preoperative assessment of patients with endometrial carcinoma.] | Rossard L, Rua C, Duquesne M, Vildé A, Marret H, Body G, Ouldamer L. | Gynecol Obstet Fertil. | 2013 Oct 29 | VIEW |
Imagery: the body's natural language for healing. Interview by Bonnie Horrigan | Rossman M | Altern Ther Health Med | 2002 | VIEW |
Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Neurotrophins: a biological psychiatric perspective. | Rosso P1, Iannitelli A2, Pacitti F3, Quartini A2, Fico E1, Fiore M1, Greco A4, Ralli M4, Tirassa P5 | Neurosci Biobehav Rev. | 2020 Apr 9 | VIEW |
Effect of Yoga on the Quality of Life of Nurses Working in Intensive Care Units. Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. | Rostami K1, Ghodsbin F2 | Invest Educ Enferm. | 2019 Sep | VIEW |
Electromagnetic fields as structure-function zeitgebers in biological systems: environmental orchestrations of morphogenesis and consciousness. | Rouleau N1, Dotta BT2. | Front Integr Neurosci. | 2014 Nov 7 | VIEW |
A New Role for Science in CAM and Biofield Research | Roy R | First World Symp on Self-Healing & Power of Consciousness | 2001 | VIEW |
Whole Body Vibration Increases Subsequent Sprint Performance in Well-Trained Cyclists. | Rønnestad BR1, Slettaløkken Falch G1, Ellefsen S1 | Int J Sports Physiol Perform. | 2016 Dec 14 | VIEW |
Whole Body Vibration Increases Subsequent Sprint Performance in Well-Trained Cyclists. | Rønnestad BR1, Slettaløkken Falch G1, Ellefsen S1 | Int J Sports Physiol Perform. | 2016 Dec 14 | VIEW |
Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts. | Rubik B1, Muehsam D2, Hammerschlag R3, Jain S4. | Glob Adv Health Med. | 2015 Nov | VIEW |
Exploring the Effect of Yoga on Exercise Endurance As Assessed by Cardiorespiratory Efficiency Tests in Exercise Physiology Laboratory: A Pilot Study | Ruchi Kothari1, Gaurav Mittal1, Prashanth A1, Pradeep Bokariya2 | Cureus | 2023 Apr 29 | VIEW |
Mindfulness Meditation and Network Neuroscience: Review, Synthesis, and Future Directions | Ruchika S Prakash1, Anita Shankar2, Vaibhav Tripathi3, Winson F Z Yang4, Megan Fisher2, Clemens C C Bauer5, Richard Betzel6, Matthew D Sacchet4 | Biol Psychiatry Cogn Neurosci Neuroimaging | 2024 Nov 17 | VIEW |
Alternative Exercise Traditions in Cancer Rehabilitation. | Ruddy KJ1, Stan DL2, Bhagra A2, Jurisson M3, Cheville AL4 | Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. | 2017 Feb | VIEW |