Search the Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™

The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Usage of alternative medical systems, acupuncture, homeopathy and anthroposophic medicine, by older German adults. Büssing A, Ostermann T, Heusser P, Matthiessen PF. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Xue Bao. 2011 Aug VIEW
[Effects of different frequencies of electroacupuncture on blood glucose level in impaired glucose tolerance patients]. Meng H, Hao JD, Wang HC, Zhao JY, Zhao CL, Zhai X. Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2011 Jun VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), cognitive style, and the temporal dynamics of frontal EEG alpha asymmetry in recurrently depressed patients. Keune PM, Bostanov V, Hautzinger M, Kotchoubey B. Biol Psychol. 2011 Aug 29 VIEW
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), cognitive style, and the temporal dynamics of frontal EEG alpha asymmetry in recurrently depressed patients. Keune PM, Bostanov V, Hautzinger M, Kotchoubey B. Biol Psychol. 2011 Dec VIEW
Radioelectric asymmetric stimulation of tissues as treatment for post-traumatic injury symptoms. Fontani V, Castagna A, Mannu P, Rinaldi S. Int J Gen Med. 2011 VIEW
[Complementary and alternative medicine--time for research and regulation]. [Article in Hebrew] Harefuah. 2011 Aug VIEW
Acupuncture for pain in endometriosis. Zhu X, Hamilton KD, McNicol ED. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Sep 7 VIEW
Acupuncture for autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Cheuk DK, Wong V, Chen WX. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011 Sep 7 VIEW
[Clinical observation on simple obesity treated by acupuncture]. Tong J, Chen JX, Zhang ZQ, Liu CS, Pan Y, Zheng J, Yao H. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2011 Aug VIEW
Minding matter: how not to argue for the causal efficacy of the mental. Pernu TK. Rev Neurosci. 2011 VIEW
Spiritual and religious identities predict the use of complementary and alternative medicine among US adults. Ellison CG, Bradshaw M, Roberts CA. Prev Med. 2011 Aug 26 VIEW
Research on modern nonlinear dynamic model of five-elements theory. Zhang D, Wang T, Shen XY, Huang M, Jin F, Ding GH. J Tradit Chin Med. 2011 Sep VIEW
Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a Systematic Review. Alraek T, Lee MS, Choi TY, Cao H, Liu J. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2011 Oct 7 VIEW
Pilot study: Retreat intervention predicts improved quality of life and reduced psychological distress among breast cancer patients. Vella EJ, Budd M. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2011 Nov VIEW
Mechanism of acupuncture on neuromodulation in the gut-a review. Takahashi T. Neuromodulation. 2011 Jan VIEW
The use of complementary and alternative medicine in patients with common variable immunodeficiency. Karali Y, Saglam H, Karali Z, Kilic SS. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2011 VIEW
Short-term effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields after physical exercise are dependent on autonomic tone before exposure. Grote V, Lackner H, Kelz C, Trapp M, Aichinger F, Puff H, Moser M. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2007 Nov VIEW
Efficacy of electroacupuncture for myofascial pain in the upper trapezius muscle: a case series. Aranha MF, Alves MC, Bérzin F, Gavião MB. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2011 Oct 14 VIEW
DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication. Meyl K. DNA Cell Biol. 2011 Oct 19 VIEW
A neurocognitive model of meditation based on activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis. Sperduti M, Martinelli P, Piolino P. Conscious Cogn. 2011 Oct 15 VIEW
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