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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Antioxidants in food: mere myth or magic medicine? Berger RG, Lunkenbein S, Ströhle A, Hahn A. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2012 Feb VIEW
Impact of Tai Chi exercise on multiple fracture-related risk factors in post-menopausal osteopenic women: a pilot pragmatic, randomized trial. Wayne PM, Kiel DP, Buring JE, Connors EM, Bonato P, Yeh GY, Cohen CJ, Mancinelli C, Davis RB. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Jan 30 VIEW
Sham-controlled, randomised, feasibility trial of acupuncture for prevention of radiation-induced xerostomia among patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Meng Z, Kay Garcia M, Hu C, Chiang J, Chambers M, Rosenthal DI, Peng H, Wu C, Zhao Q, Zhao G, Liu L, Spelman A, Lynn Palmer J, Wei Q, Cohen L. Eur J Cancer. 2012 Jan 27 VIEW
Mind-Body Interventions for Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain in Persons with Amputation. Moura VL, Faurot KR, Gaylord SA, Mann JD, Sill M, Lynch C, Lee MY. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 Jan 26 VIEW
Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy Performed by Thoracic Surgeons: One Center's Early Success. Pearlstein DP, Quinn CC, Burtis CC, Ahn KW, Katch AJ. Ann Thorac Surg. 2012 Jan 23 VIEW
Scientific tools, fake treatments, or triggers for psychological healing: How clinical trial participants conceptualise placebos. Bishop FL, Jacobson EE, Shaw JR, Kaptchuk TJ. Soc Sci Med. 2012 Jan 18 VIEW
Systemic treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields do not affect bone microarchitecture in osteoporotic rats. van der Jagt OP, van der Linden JC, Waarsing JH, Verhaar JA, Weinans H. Int Orthop. 2012 Jan 17 VIEW
Phonon-mediated path-interference in electronic energy transfer. Hossein-Nejad H, Olaya-Castro A, Scholes GD. J Chem Phys. 2012 Jan 14 VIEW
Cancer complementary and alternative medicine research at the US National Cancer Institute. Jia L. Chin J Integr Med. 2012 Jan 12 VIEW
Dealing with problematic eating behaviour. The effects of a mindfulness-based intervention on eating behaviour, food cravings, dichotomous thinking and body image concern. Alberts HJ, Thewissen R, Raes L. Appetite. 2012 Jan 10 VIEW
Taiji practice attenuates psychobiological stress reactivity - A randomized controlled trial in healthy subjects. Nedeljkovic M, Ausfeld-Hafter B, Streitberger K, Seiler R, Wirtz PH. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2012 Jan 3 VIEW
Mind-body medicine therapies for the depression spectrum: a systematic review S D'Silva ,1 C Poscablo ,1 R Habousha ,2 and B Kligler 3 BMC Complement Altern Med 2012 VIEW
Physical health benefits of health Qigong and Energize programs in American elementary school classrooms C Wang 1*, D Seo1, R Geib 2, N Wroblewski 3, M Van Puymbroeck 1 and L Kolbe 1 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012 VIEW
Developing a Health Qigong program for children: a 16-week curriculum C Wang 1*, D Seo 1, R Geib 2, N Wroblewski 3 and M Van Puymbroeck 1 BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012 VIEW
Translation and adaptation of an international questionnaire to measure usage of complementary and alternative medicine (I-CAM-G) Meike Lo Re 1†, Stefan Schmidt 23 and Corina Güthlin 1*† BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012 VIEW
Breathing training characterization by thermal imaging: a case study. Ludwig N, Gargano M, Formenti D, Bruno D, Ongaro L, Alberti G. Acta Bioeng Biomech. 2012 VIEW
Identification of biomarkers of human skin ageing in both genders. Wnt signalling - a label of skin ageing? Makrantonaki E, Brink TC, Zampeli V, Elewa RM, Mlody B, Hossini AM, Hermes B, Krause U, Knolle J, Abdallah M, Adjaye J, Zouboulis CC. PLoS One. 2012 VIEW
Inhibition of Activity of GABA Transporter GAT1 by δ-Opioid Receptor. Pu L, Xu N, Xia P, Gu Q, Ren S, Fucke T, Pei G, Schwarz W. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Interstitial fluid flow: the mechanical environment of cells and foundation of meridians. Yao W, Li Y, Ding G. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012 VIEW
Measurement pilot study of the Meditative Movement Inventory (MMI). Larkey L, Szalacha L, Rogers C, Jahnke R, Ainsworth B. J Nurs Meas. 2012 VIEW
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