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The Qigong and Energy Medicine Database™ contains abstracts collected by the Qigong Institute since 1984. Use the form below to search for the abstracts you are interested in and read them or print or export them in text format for offline reading.

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Title Author Journal Date
Mindfulness Meditation, Well-being, and Heart Rate Variability: A Preliminary Investigation into the Impact of Intensive Vipassana Meditation. Krygier JR, Heathers JA, Shahrestani S, Abbott M, Gross JJ, Kemp AH. Int J Psychophysiol. 2013 Jun 21 VIEW
Reiki and its journey into a hospital setting. Kryak E, Vitale A. Holist Nurs Pract. 2011 Sep-Oct VIEW
Self-control is linked to interoceptive inference: Craving regulation and the prediction of aversive interoceptive states induced with inspiratory breathing load. Kruschwitz JD1, Kausch A2, Brovkin A2, Keshmirian A3, Paulus MP4, Goschke T5, Walter H6 Cognition. 2019 Jul 19 VIEW
Meditative and Mindfulness-Focused Interventions in Neurology: Principles, Science, and Patient Selection Kristen M Kraemer1, Felipe A Jain2, Darshan H Mehta3,4, Gregory L Fricchione3 Semin Neurol 2022 Feb 9 VIEW
A Web-Based Mind-Body Intervention (Mindful Steps) for Promoting Walking in Chronic Cardiopulmonary Disease: Insights From a Qualitative Study Kristen M Kraemer1,2, Karen Kilgore3, Daniel Litrownik1,4, Brianna Jean-Laurent3, Peter M Wayne4, Caroline R Richardson5, Marilyn L Moy2,6, Gloria Y Yeh1,4 Glob Adv Integr Med Health 2023 Dec 2 VIEW
Exploring Tai Chi Exercise and Mind-Body Breathing in Patients with COPD in a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial Kristen M Kraemer1,2, Daniel Litrownik1,2, Marilyn L Moy3,4, Peter M Wayne2, Douglas Beach3,5, Elizabeth S Klings6, Harry Reyes Nieva3, Adlin Pinheiro1, Roger B Davis1,3, Gloria Y Yeh1,2 COPD 2021 Jun 9 VIEW
Acupuncture improves exercise tolerance of patients with heart failure: a placebo-controlled pilot study. Kristen AV, Schuhmacher B, Strych K, Lossnitzer D, Friederich HC, Hilbel T, Haass M, Katus HA, Schneider A, Streitberger KM, Backs J. Heart 2010 Jun 15 VIEW
Association of leukocyte telomere length with oxidative stress in yoga practitioners. Krishna BH1, Keerthi GS2, Kumar CK1, Reddy NM3. J Clin Diagn Res. 2015 Mar VIEW
Mindfulness-and body-psychotherapy-based group treatment of chronic tinnitus: a randomized controlled pilot study. Kreuzer PM, Goetz M, Holl M, Schecklmann M, Landgrebe M, Staudinger S, Langguth B. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2012 Nov 28 VIEW
Effects of physical and mind-body exercise on sleep problems during and after breast cancer treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Kreutz C1,2, Schmidt ME1, Steindorf K3,4 Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Apr 6 VIEW
Whole-body vibration impedes the deterioration of postural control in patients with multiple sclerosis. Krause A1, Lee K2, Freyler K2, Bührer T2, Gollhofer A2, Ritzmann R3 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Apr 3 VIEW
Whole-body vibration impedes the deterioration of postural control in patients with multiple sclerosis. Krause A1, Lee K2, Freyler K2, Bührer T2, Gollhofer A2, Ritzmann R3 Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019 Jun VIEW
The effect of mindfulness meditation on time perception. Kramer RS, Weger UW, Sharma D. Conscious Cogn. 2013 Jun 15 VIEW
Placebo Response: A Consideration of its Role in Therapeutics. Kradin RL. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2010 Sep 29 VIEW
Neurocognitive and Somatic Components of Temperature Increases during g-Tummo Meditation: Legend and Reality. Kozhevnikov M, Elliott J, Shephard J, Gramann K. PLoS One. 2013 VIEW
Mind-body interventions for the treatment of insomnia: a review. Kozasa EH, Hachul H, Monson C, Pinto L Jr, Garcia MC, Mello LE, Tufik S. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. 2010 Dec VIEW
The influence of concentration/meditation on autonomic nervous system activity and the innate immune response: a case study. Kox M, Stoffels M, Smeekens SP, van Alfen N, Gomes M, Eijsvogels TM, Hopman MT, van der Hoeven JG, Netea MG, Pickkers P. Psychosom Med. 2012 Jun VIEW
Feasibility and Pilot Testing of a Mindfulness Intervention for Frail Older Adults and Individuals With Dementia. Kovach CR, Evans CR, Sattell L, Rosenau K, Gopalakrishnan S Res Gerontol Nurs. 2018 Mar 1 VIEW
Comparison of the Physiology between Qigong and Relaxation States Kotake J//Chen W//Parkhomtchouk D//Haraguchi S J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
Change of Biophoton Emission by Mental Concentration PartII.-Trial Detection of Healing Effect by Biophoton Change Kotake J 1,2//Haraguchi S 1,2//Parkhomtchouk DV 1,2//Yamamoto M 1 J Intl Soc Life Info Science 2002 VIEW
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